
  • 网络Gas Equipment;gas appliance
  1. 多功能新型燃气设备在单户取暖上的应用

    Many-function new type gas equipment used in single door heating

  2. 供应链管理在燃气设备制造行业的应用研究

    Application of Supply Chain Management in Gas Equipment Manufacturing Industry

  3. 目前,公司所生产的燃气设备滤芯,已得到广大用户的认可。

    At present , company Produces the fuel gas equipment filter element , obtained the user communities the approval .

  4. 本实用新型的系列化产品可广泛适用于各种气源的不同功率的燃气设备中。

    Thee series product of the utility model can be widely used in the gas-fittings of different horse powers of various air sources .

  5. 成功来自于合作&从美国的经验来谈燃气设备制造商、煤气公司和政府等如何多方合作、拓展市场

    Success through Cooperation-How Appliance Manufacturers , Gas Distributors , and Regulators Can Work together to Expand the Gas Market , based on the U.S. experience

  6. 我们是一家快速成长起来的充满活力的公司,为客户提供专业的医疗和工业气体、燃气设备、焊接用品以及节省成本的技术服务等。

    S.we are a fast growing and dynamic organization that provide customers with specialty , medical and industrial gases , gas equipment , welding supplies and cost saving technical services .

  7. 其中,作为主要的民用燃气设备之一&家用燃气快速式热水器,它的利用效率与世界先进国家要相差10%~15%,故对于提高其利用效率有很大的研究意义。

    The thermal efficiency of Chinese domestic gas instantaneous water heater could increase by ten percent to fifteen percent as compared with advanced countries , so it has very large space to increase .

  8. 第一百一十九条破坏交通工具、交通设施、电力设备、燃气设备、易燃易爆设备,造成严重后果的,处十年以上有期徒刑、无期徒刑或者死刑。

    Article 119 Whoever sabotages any means of transport , transportation facility , electric power facility , gas facility , or inflammable or explosive equipment , thereby causing serious consequences , shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years , life imprisonment or death .

  9. 因此,中国政府已经要求影响力较为有限的中小型城市,暂时继续使用燃煤发电,并劝诫企业不要大举投资燃气设备。天然气一度看起来是中国减少对煤炭依赖的为数不多的办法之一。

    So the national government has already told smaller , less influential cities to stick with coal for now , and has discouraged businesses from investing heavily in gas-fired equipment . Gas had looked like one of the few remaining ways for China to reduce its addiction to coal .

  10. 橇装式燃气调压站设备的选用

    Selection of Skid-mounted Gas Regulator Station Equipment Plant Construction

  11. 燃气采暖设备简介

    An Introduction to Gas Heating Equipment

  12. 消费电子如自动调温器、记时器、咖啡机、电子温度计、电动剃刀、燃气厨房设备;

    Consumer Electronics such like self-operated thermostatic control , chronoscope , coffeemaker , thermotron , electric razor , fuel gas equipment for kitchen ;

  13. 燃气轮机设备自20世纪40年代以来不断蓬勃发展,现已在航空器推进、陆用发电及其它相关领域中被广泛采用。

    Having been in blooming development since 1940s , Gas Turbine is widely used now in various fields such as aircraft propulsion and power generation .

  14. 由于燃气轮机设备结构复杂,影响其运行的因素较多,且其长期工作在高温、高压状态下,很多部件有可能发生故障。

    Due to the complex structure , influenced by many factors , and its long-term working in high temperature and high pressure condition , many components of the gas turbine may fail .

  15. 有符合标准的储存、充装、输配燃气的设备和燃气质量检测、燃气计量、消防、安全保护等设施;

    Having up-to-standard equipment to store , fill , and convey and distribute fuel gas , and facilities for fuel gas quality testing , fuel gas measuring , fire prevention and safety protection ;

  16. 目前,煤气燃气利用设备为防止酸性冷凝液的腐蚀,排烟温度一般在150℃以上,造成能源的大量浪费和环境的污染。

    At present , to avoid the corrosion of the equipment for utilization coal gas due to the acid condensate , the temperature of flue gas is commonly over 150 ℃ . As a result , lots of energy is wasted and environmental pollution is serious .

  17. GB/T16637-1996轻型燃气轮机电气设备通用技术要求

    General specification for lightweight gas turbine electrical equipment

  18. GB/T15736-1995燃气轮机辅助设备通用技术要求

    General requirements for gas turbine auxiliary equipment

  19. 燃气压送设备的火灾危险性分析与预防

    Analysis on Fire and Explosion Hazard for the Flammable Gas Compressor and Transmission Equipment and Fire Prevention

  20. 燃气调压设备良性发展的探讨

    Benign Development of Gas Regulator

  21. 文章就燃气调压设备在现今燃气行业高速发展时期如何良性发展进行了探讨。

    How a positive development of regulating equipment to be got in rapid growth of gas industry is brought forward .

  22. 监理工程项目范围:一个主厂房(一层,局部二层),一个门卫一个天燃气站及设备安装。

    Scope of Supervision : One main workshop ( one storey , partially two storey ) a gate house and a LNG station , installation of utilities .

  23. 为了有效地设计燃气发生器降温设备中的有机玻璃管结构,在圆柱坐标系下建立试验用有机玻璃管内壁径向热降解的一维瞬态热传导数学模型;

    To design effectively PMMA tube structures in temperature decreasing equipment for gas generators , one dimensional transient heat transfer mathematical model of PMMA thermal degradation is established in the radial direction of a cylinder coordinate system .

  24. CAES电站包括压气机、电动机/发电机、地下贮气室、换热器、燃烧室、燃气轮机等常用设备,可分为两个子系统,分别是蓄能子系统和发电子系统。

    CAES power plant includes some equipments such as motor / generator , compressor , heat exchanger , gas turbine and caverns . It can be divided into two subsystem , electricity generation subsystem and electricity storage subsystem .

  25. 州政府机构也在鼓励使用燃气发电机为钻井设备供电。

    State agencies are also encouraging the use of gas-fired generators to power drilling equipment at oil wells .

  26. 燃气轮机动力装置燃气涡轮动力设备

    Gas turbine power unit

  27. 燃气暖风机是燃气采暖的主要设备。

    Gas-fired warm air heater is the main equipment of warm air heating .

  28. 在燃气的使用中,提高燃气用具及设备的热效率等来提高能源的利用率。

    In the course of using the nature gas , the energy utilization efficiency should be raised by increasing the combustion 's heating efficiency .

  29. 本实用新型公开了一种燃气自动阻断器,属于燃气具的辅助设备。

    The utility model discloses an automatic gas interrupter , which belongs to the accessory device for gas ranges .

  30. 数字化燃气管网是GIS软件实现的核心,本文通过燃气设施设备的空间数据和属性数据相结合的方法得以实现。

    Digitizing the gas pipe network is the core to realize GIS software , it can be realized through the method of combine space data with attribution data of the gas facility and equipment .