
  • 网络general ventilation;entirely ventilation
  1. 关于全面通风上下部排风量分配问题

    A Discussion about Distribution of Exhausting Air from Top and Bottom in General Ventilation Systems On the Morals of Bottom Line

  2. 高大工业厂房控制焊烟传统的通风方式是局部通风或局部通风与全面通风的结合。

    The traditional ventilation method of controlling welding fume in large workshop is the combination of partial ventilation and general ventilation .

  3. 某喷漆房全面通风系统有效性测定和评价

    Evaluation and Determination of the Effectiveness of the Overall Ventilation System in a Spray-painting Room

  4. 根据各厂房的具体要求分别设置全面通风系统和事故通风系统。

    Full ventilation system and accident ventilation system shall be set according to specific requirement of each factory building .

  5. 对于有变动尘源的高大厂房而言,采用全面通风不但运行费用高、耗能大,而且难以达到环保节能的要求。

    So far as dust pollution with changeable sources in large workshop is concerned , conventional ventilation has drawbacks such as high expense of energy and cost , failing to meet the requirement of environment protection .

  6. 利用模糊数学理论,采用多个指标全面衡量通风系统的合理性。

    The paper evaluates the reasonness of airy system by making use of the theory of foggy mathematics and by using multiple indexes .

  7. 应在全煤行业全面实施矿井通风机GTO斩波式串调技术改造

    Comments on the Reform of Concatenation Control Technology of GTO Chopper Mine Shaft Ventilator in The Whole Coal Mine Industry

  8. 背负鼓风式机动弥雾器全面抽出式机械通风

    Knapsack air-blast sprayer with engine drive general exhaust mechanical ventilation

  9. 整车风洞或全尺寸风洞全面抽出式机械通风

    Full scale wind tunnel general exhaust mechanical ventilation

  10. 全面抽出式机械通风(带式球团焙烧机的)抽风干燥段

    General exhaust mechanical ventilation down-draft drying zone

  11. 拉出式铠装开关装置全面抽出式机械通风

    Draw-out metal-clad switchgear general exhaust mechanical ventilation

  12. 通过讨论认为,采用模糊模型能客观系统全面地反映矿井通风质量的状况。

    The author thinks that thestateof mine ventilation quality can be objectively , systematically and completely described by the fuzzy model .