
  • 网络whole growth period
  1. 水稻全生育期Cd胁迫条件下,水稻的生长发育有显著影响,但品种反应很不一致。

    Rice growth and development were affected significantly under Cd stress during whole growth period , however , the reactions varied with rice varieties .

  2. 说明全生育期轻干湿交替灌溉可以增加产量和减少Cd在水稻可食部分的含量。

    The results indicate that a moderate wetting and drying during the whole growth period could increase the grain yield and reduce the content of Cd in the diet of rice . 6 .

  3. 综合作物产量和N效率,全生育期覆膜并没有多少实际意义。

    It was suggested that mulching over whole growing period was of less significance in practice .

  4. 2009年秸秆覆盖延长全生育期3d,2010年与裸地种植表现一致。

    Straw mulching treatment extended 3 d in the whole growing period in 2009 , and was similar with bare land in 2010 .

  5. T1代和T3代转基因植株全生育期表型鉴定。

    Phenotype identification of T1 and T3 transgenic plants for whole-growing period .

  6. 植株总叶数19张,3月上旬春播全生育期111天,与CK比,鲜穗采收期早8天、成熟期早7天。

    The total leave number was 19 and with 111 days growing season from sowing in the early March to maturity and 7 days earlier than CK .

  7. 全生育期比二倍体长30d,比四倍体短51d;

    The whole growing period of triploid was 30 days longer than diploid , but 51 days shorter than tetraploid .

  8. FACE处理使小麦播种抽穗期、抽穗成熟期及全生育期天数分别缩短1.3、1.3、2.7d,但均未达显著水平;

    The main results were as follows : 1 . Compared with CK , the duration from sowing to heading , and from heading to maturity of shortened 1.3 and 1.3 days , respectively , and the whole growth duration shank 2.7 days in FACE treatment .

  9. 两种穗型小麦品种硫肥不同处理对全生育期内的植株干物质积累、LAI和群体数量动态变化均表现为单峰曲线。

    The dynamic change of dry matter accumulation ( DMA ), leaf area index ( LAI ) and colony number showed as a single-peaked curve on different sulfur treatments .

  10. 全生育期对该6种养分的吸收比例,全株为1:0.126:1.468:0.014:0.05:0.003,对K的吸收量最多,N次之;

    The nutrient uptake proportion for N , P , K , Ca , Mg , Zn in total plant was 1:0.126:1.468:0.014:0.05: 0.003 in the whole growth period , the quality of uptake for potassium maximum , and the second being nitrogen .

  11. 另外,供试6个组合的全生育期均随播期的推迟而缩短,缩短的幅度从大到小的顺序是C、A、E、D、B、F。

    In additions , the total growing periods of provided six combinations were shorten with putting off sowing times , the shortened ranges in order from the large to the small are : C , A , E , D , B and F.

  12. 跟踪供试品种全生育期的SOD、POD、CAT酶活和MDA、IAA、ABA、叶绿素和脯氨酸含量变化,发现不同品种相同项目变化趋势相同,品种间有差别但不明显。

    The activity of SOD , CAT and POD , and the content variation of MDA , IAA , ABA , proline and chlorophyll , were tracked hi the whole growth period of the 6 varieties .

  13. 秸秆还田处理在玉米全生育期均可提高60cm以上土层土壤含水量。

    Straw returning treatments all can raise soil moisture of above 60 cm layer in the whole growth stage .

  14. 泉鑫3号为早熟品种,全生育期85d,果实发育期28d左右。

    Is an early-maturity variety with 85 days growth period and 28 days fruit developing period .

  15. 水稻苗期对Cd的吸收积累和全生育期对Cd的积累有较强的相关关系,表明水稻品种对Cd的吸收和积累特性,在苗期即有较为明显的表现。

    There was a significant correlation between Cd absorption and accumulation in seedling stage and Cd accumulation during whole growth period , indicating that the characteristics of Cd uptake and accumulation of rice showed obvious manifestation in the seedling period . 5 .

  16. 不同密度和施肥处理下,马铃薯群体LAI、LAD在全生育期内均呈单峰曲线变化,NAR呈阔U形曲线变化。

    Under different plant density and fertilizer regime , LAI and LAD changed as a curve with a single peak , whereas NAR changed as a wide V during the whole growing season .

  17. 结果表明,全生育期为97d;

    The results showed that the growing period was 97 days ;

  18. 小麦生长后期各种栽培模式难以控制上层土壤水分的大量损失,而各种模式在全生育期均对120cm以下土层水分影响不明显。

    Different models at wheat growth anaphase could not control loss of upper layer soil water content .

  19. 块根NiRA与氮素施用量处理间在全生育期内显著正相关。

    There was significant or very significant positive correlation between root NiRA and nitrogen application level at all growth stage .

  20. 全生育期土壤盐分含量高于5mg·g-1时,严重抑制作物生长,最高减产率可达45.52%。

    If salt content is exceeding 5mg · g-1 in the whole growth period , it will restrain growth of sunflower and may decrease yield of 45 . 52 % .

  21. 砂田西瓜全生育期耗水较少,不同补灌量处理的耗水量在175.9~218.9mm之间,比小麦等大田作物低100mm以上。

    The total water consumption was smaller than that of the other field crops . The water consumptions of various treatments varied from 175.9 mm to 218.9 mm ;

  22. 双季晚稻全生育期作物系数Kc平均值为1.27,生育中期的作物系数值稍大于FAO推荐参考值。

    The mean value of crop coefficient for late rice in the whole growing season is 1.27 , while in the middle period , it is a little higher than the reference values recommended by FAO .

  23. 中晚熟,全生育期105d,果实发育期35d。

    It has 105 days of whole growth period and 35 days of fruit growth period from blossom to ripen .

  24. 半冬性品种(包括弱春性品种).其分蘖期约66~75d,占全生育期的37%~42%,其中有效分蘖期占13%~19%。

    The tillering time of semi-winter varieties ( included weak spring varieties ) Iastad about 66 ~ 75d .

  25. 出苗至采收鲜穗期90 ̄100d,全生育期为115d。

    The period from shooting to fresh spike picking is 90 ~ 100d in its full growing period of 115d .

  26. 全生育期有效降水量超过350mm的丰水年份不应该再灌水。

    In wet years with exceeding 350 mm effective rainfall during the growing season , sunflower should not be irrigated .

  27. R1期与R5期的叶面积指数与产量达显著正相关,R6期叶面积指数和全生育期的平均叶面积指数与产量达极显著正相关;

    The relativity between leaf area index and yield reached remarkable level at R1 period and R 5 period , and the relativity between leaf area index and yield , at R6 period and the average of all growing period , reached more remarkable level ;

  28. 北京地区气候条件下,旱稻全生育期的需水量在650~690mm之间,需水量最大时期出现在出苗~拔节阶段和抽穗~成熟阶段。

    Following results were obtained : In Beijing area , the crop water requirement of aerobic rice was 650 ~ 690mm mainly in two periods , Emergence ~ Jointing stage and Heading ~ Maturity stage .

  29. 茎蘖成穗率>80%,抽穗期叶面积指数7.5~8.0,全生育期光合势>5×106m2·d·ha-1,成熟期总干重>22t·ha-1,收获指数>0.51;

    Ratio of productive tillers > 80 % , leaf area index at heading 7.5-8.0 , photosynthetic potential during whole growth period > 5 × 106 m2 · d · ha-1 , total dry matter weight at maturity > 22 t · ha-1 , harvest index > 0.51 ;

  30. 玉米杂交种豫玉八号杂交组合为32×安152.豫玉八号属竖叶型品种,果型筒型,株高260cm,全生育期95d左右。

    The hybrid combination of " Yuyu 8 " is 32 × 152 . The " Yuyu 8 " belongs to upright-leaf variety and the corn ear is shaped like a tube . The plant height is 260m and the growth duration lasts about 95 days .