
  1. 这可能因为饮食不均衡造成的,而水果、蔬菜、全麦食品中都富含维B。

    This is most likely if you 've not been eating enough fruit , vegetables and wholegrain foods ― all good sources of Vitamin B.

  2. 该研究所在报告中指出,富含维生素E的食物包括杏仁、榛子等干果以及全麦食品等。

    The Institute pointed out in his report , the food rich in vitamin E include almonds , hazelnut and dried fruits , such as whole grain foods .

  3. 食品化学教授LucyYu说,这些发现源自一项范围更广的、有关如何提高全麦食品中所含有益健康成分的研究。

    Lucy Yu , a food chemistry professor , said the findings arose from broader research into ways to improve health-promoting properties of wheat-based food products .

  4. 告别白面包,选择全麦食品。

    Say goodbye to the white bread and choose whole grain products .

  5. 经常食用全麦食品会降低多种慢性病的发生率。

    Regular consumption of whole meal food will reduce the incidence of multiple chronic diseases .

  6. 目的:研究膳食纤维和全麦食品的摄入量与结直肠癌的风险的关系。

    Objective To investigate the association between intake of dietary fibre and whole grains and risk of colorectal cancer .

  7. 多吃复合碳水化合物,比如全麦食品能够平稳血糖A,高纤维食品能够提高饱腹感。

    Focusing on complex carbs like whole grains helps stabilize blood sugar , and lots of fiber increases satiety .

  8. 膳食纤维或全麦食品摄入量与结直肠癌发病率的前瞻性队列研究和巢式病例对照研究。

    Study selection Prospective cohort and nested case-control studies of dietary fibre or whole grain intake and incidence of colorectal cancer .

  9. 相反,心情激动的人可能适宜吃调节血糖的食物,比如全麦食品和豆类食品。

    In contrast , people who are excited may benefit from blood sugar regulating foods such as whole grains and legumes .

  10. 应该吃什么,法国人心里都明白:全麦食品、水果、蔬菜、奶制品和蛋白质。

    Deep down the French know what they are supposed to eat : whole grains fruits and vegetables dairy and protein .

  11. 让孩子多吃水果、蔬菜、全麦食品,减少垃圾食品摄入。

    Perk up your kids'diet by adding more fruits , vegetables , and whole grains while cutting back on the junk foods .

  12. 储备最多的应该是各种有营养的食物,比如蔬菜、水果和全麦食品。

    The lion 's share should be for a range of nutritious foods , such as veggies , fruit and whole grains .

  13. 全麦食品中全麦面包是西方国家首选的主食,是补充膳食纤维及多种营养素的最佳途径。

    Whole meal bread as the staple food in western countries , is the best way to supplement the dietary fiber and a variety of nutrients .

  14. 这意味着要多吃水果和蔬菜,坚果,全麦食品,低脂牛奶和蛋白质,别吃垃圾食品。

    That means loading up on fruits and vegetables , nuts , whole grains , low-fat dairy , and protein , and keeping junk food to a minimum .

  15. 保持一日三餐很重要,记得吃富含抗氧化剂的食物,例如水果、蔬菜、乳制品、浆果、深绿色蔬菜、全麦食品。

    It is important not to skip meals and remember to eat foods that are high in antioxidant levels , such as : fruits and vegetables , dairy products , berries , dark greens , whole grains .

  16. 全麦面包和谷类食品可以作为与乳腺癌作战的关键武器。

    Wholemeal bread and wholegrain cereal could be key weapons in the battle against breast cancer .