
  • 网络food nutrition;Food and Nutrition
  1. 我国食品营养强化工作起步较晚。

    The beginning of enhancing food nutrition in China was very late .

  2. 无花果食品营养与药用保健价值的研究进展

    Advance of studies on food nutrition and medical health protection of fig

  3. Caco-2细胞模型及其在食品营养物质吸收研究中的新进展

    Caco-2 Cell Model and Development of its Application to Absorption of Food Nutrients

  4. 麦当劳在食品营养价值方面依旧面临压力,因此,这种微妙的品牌推广有助于实现它海外扩张的期望。而且,与Visa公司一样,这则广告会让人们回想起麦当劳“2005年健康生活”的广告。

    The subtle branding plays into the company 's desire to expand overseas and , as with Visa , is reminiscent of McDonalds ' 2005 Healthy Living campaign , as it continues to face pressure about the nutritional benefits of its food .

  5. 如果你想要评估食品营养的贡献对你个人的饮食的营养价值,笔记,并且与服务的膳食津贴(RDA)。

    If you want to assess the nutritional contribution of a food product to your personal diet , note the nutrient values per serving and compare that to the Recommended Dietary Allowances ( RDA ) .

  6. 发展食品营养强化促进社会经济发展

    Developing Food Fortification , Promoting the Development of Society and Economy

  7. 食品营养强化剂蛋氨酸亚铁螯合物合成工艺研究

    Synthesis of Methionine Chelated Iron ( ⅱ ) for Fortified Food

  8. 学生课间餐食品营养价值动物实验研究

    Study on Nutritive Value of Middle School Students Food during Break

  9. 杭州市超市内国产预包装食品营养标签标示现状调查

    Survey on the Nutrition Labeling of Domestic Prepacked Food in Hangzhou

  10. 抗坏血酸、谷胱甘肽参与的信号转导途径在提高植物食品营养品质中的作用

    Prospects for Enhancement of Ascorbate and Glutathione in Plant Foods

  11. 婴儿食品营养标签标示内容市场调查及分析

    Surveying the nutrition labeling of infant food in Yangzhou supermarkets

  12. 食品营养标签分析的标准物质研究

    Study on Food Nutrition Labeling Analysis of Certified Reference Materials

  13. 运用食品营养标签指导菜品的营养标示

    Applying Food Nutrition Labels to Guide Nutrition Labeling for Dishes

  14. 天然β-胡萝卜素具有重要生理活性功能,是一种优良的食品营养强化剂。

    Natural carotene possessing important physiological effects in humans as a food additive .

  15. 食品营养评价系统研究与设计

    A study and design of food nutrition evaluation system

  16. 北京市场常见包装食品营养成分标识的调查

    The survey on food composition labeling of packaged food in market in Beijing

  17. 合肥市庐阳区居民食品营养与卫生知识的调查分析

    Investigation of Resident Nutrition and Related Knowledge in Luyang District , Hefei City

  18. 简要介绍了评价挤压膨化食品营养价值的方法。

    The article introduces methods of nutritional appraisal to extruded and expanding foods .

  19. 加强高校学生食品营养与卫生教育的思考

    Thinking on Strengthening the Education of Food Nutrition and Hygiene for College Students

  20. 云南7种名特风味食品营养成分分析

    Analysis of Nutritive Components in 7 Traditional Yunnan Foods

  21. 国内外食品营养标签标准与法规比较研究

    Comparative study on regulations and standars on nutrition labeling at home and broad

  22. 国家研究理事会国家科学学术委员会的食品营养委员会

    The Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council-National Academy of Sciences

  23. 军用食品营养强化标准的制订及其前景展望

    Establishment and Prospect of military food nutrient enrichment standard

  24. 食品营养价值的改进与提高

    How to Improve the Nutritional Value of Food

  25. 结论:纳米珍珠粉可被机体很好地吸收利用,可应用于食品营养强化和补钙药物。

    Conclusions : The nanometer pearl powder was better absorbed and utilized by rats .

  26. 国内外食品营养标签管理状况及我国应对措施

    The status of food nutrition labeling in different countries and countermeasure of our country

  27. 食品营养强化是提高膳食营养水平的重要措施

    Enrichment of Food Nutrients , an Important Measure to Improve Nutritional Level of Diets

  28. 辐照对食品营养成分的影响

    Effect of irradiation on the nutrient composition of food On the Right to Food

  29. 食品营养强化能否改善食物的质量?

    Can fortification improve the quality of food ?

  30. 利用啤酒厂残渣提取饲料蛋白强化剂和食品营养调味剂的研究

    Study on recovering feed protein and nutritive flavouring from waste residue of beer farm