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  • 网络robber flies;Asilidae;Anipalus;Ischiodon scutellaris Fabricius
  1. 材料采自浙江莫干山双翅目食虫虻标本,经鉴定整理计10属14种。

    There are 14 species of robber flies belonging to 10 genera in Mt. Mogan of Zhejiang Province .

  2. 有人见过食虫虻将蜘蛛打翻在地,将其拖走食之。

    Robber flies have been seen snatching a spider off of the ground , carrying it away , and eating it .

  3. 世界上另一种苍蝇——食虫虻,更进一步地发扬了这种偷盗概念。

    Another type of fly found worldwide , called Robber Flies , take this thieving concept one step further .