
shí pǐn dài
  • Food bag;brown bag
  1. 介绍一种以SBS(苯乙烯-丁二烯-苯乙烯)热塑性弹性体、松香、橙芳香精及多种原料合成的食品袋复合膜用粘合剂的工艺及其特点。

    SBS thermoplastic elastomer , rosin , orange essential oil and many other raw materials are used for the synthesis of the adhesive used for food bag complex film . The technology and characteristics are introduced .

  2. 目的了解塑料食品袋在接触脂溶性溶剂时溶出邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(di&n-butylphthalate,DBP)、邻苯二甲酸二异辛酯[di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalata,DEHP]的状况。

    Objective To study the presence of phthalate esters di-n-butylphthalate ( DBP ), di - ( 2-ethylhexyl ) phthalate ( DEHP ) in plastic tucker-bag after it touched fat-soluble solvent contained in foods .

  3. 一种食品袋复合膜粘合剂的合成

    Synthesis of A Kind Of Complex Film Adhesive for Food Bags

  4. 以及人人手里大包小包拎着鼓鼓囊囊食品袋的景象。

    And the sight of everyone carrying bags bulging with food .

  5. 他通过食品袋的一个小洞吃东西。

    He eats the food through a small hole in the bad .

  6. 你有食品袋么?

    Do you have , um , a baggie ?

  7. 香烟屁股和空食品袋散落满地,

    There were cigarette stubs and empty food wrappers all over the floor .

  8. 塑料食品袋已成香港热点新闻

    Plastic Food Bags : Focus In Hongkong

  9. 本实用新型应用于火锅底料食品袋包装。

    The flat pressing machine is used for the food bag packaging of hot pot flavouring .

  10. 如果您没有乳胶手套,塑料食品袋的工作了。

    If you don 't have latex gloves , a plastic grocery bag will work too .

  11. 那些讨厌的谷类早餐食品袋。

    Those confounded breakfast cereal packets .

  12. 食品袋中的货物通常需要在不同的温度下才能保持新鲜。

    A mixed bag of groceries usually includes food that needs different temperatures to stay fresh .

  13. 你与你的二头肌卷发食品袋,当您携带它们变成你的房子。

    You do bicep curls with your grocery bags while you are carrying them into your house .

  14. 他们大约在空间站呆上6个月,就像一直生活在包装食品袋里一样。

    They stay for about six months , which can feel like an eternity living on pre-packaged food .

  15. 他的礼物包装显得很笨拙,粗质的褐色包装纸也是从食品袋里找到的。

    His present was clumsily wrapped in the heavy , brown paper that he got from a grocery bag .

  16. 不要回收食品袋或粘着外包装膜,基于生物技术的袋子或者可降解的塑料袋。

    Do not recycle food or cling wrap , prepackaged food bags , bio-based bags , or compostable plastic bags .

  17. 当我们拎着采购的东西回家后,我和姐妹们便如狼般匆忙抢夺食品袋。

    When we returned home with the groceries , my sisters and I were like a pack of wolves tearing through the bags .

  18. 上周,在一个难民营的饥饿居民围攻一辆卡车提供粮食,并开始卡丁车了食品袋。

    Last week , hungry residents at one camp laid siege to a truck delivering grain and began carting away sacks of food .

  19. 新的食品袋已于上周送到阿富汗前线,那里的武装士兵将会试吃三个月。

    The new packs were sent to Afghanistan last week to be tried out by personnel in all armed forces across the next three months .

  20. 今天揭开了神秘面纱的这种新式24小时全天候野战食品袋可以经受住极端温度,且可以满足需求的多样性和口味的多样化。

    The new 24-hour multi-climate ration packs , unveiled today , have been created to withstand extreme temperatures and provide variety of meals to suit all tastes .

  21. 新的食品袋重量轻、携带方便,即便满袋的食品也可以轻松折叠放入兜里。

    The new ration packs are easy and light to carry , you can fold them over even when they are full and fit them into your pocket .

  22. 本试验应用塑料袋(普通食品袋)对高梁进行不同天数的套袋处理,达到了杀雄的效果。

    In this experiment , the plastic bags ( the common food plastic bags ) were used to cover the ear of sorghum for several days in order to kill the male .

  23. 新的食品袋可以保质18个月,内有干食品和袋装加热食品,还有小包装调料和小瓶极辣的辣椒酱。

    Each ration pack has an 18-month shelf life and includes a mixture of dry foods and boil-in-the-bag pouches , as well as sachets of seasoning and tiny bottles of Tabasco sauce .

  24. 建议对食品袋、卫生筷、碗、杯及糕点盒细菌总数采用≤100cfu/100cm~2卫生标准,对其它有关的卫生标准需尽快完善。

    We suggested that the hygienic standard on bacterial count should be ^ 100 cfu / 100cm2 , for food bag , sanitary chopsticks , bowl , cup and pastry boxes . And the others should to be perfected quickly .

  25. 根据对海上塑料垃圾问题的首次科学评估,全球每年流入海洋的塑料垃圾达到令人震惊的800万吨,相当于全球每英尺海岸线都流入5只塞满塑料的食品袋。

    A staggering 8m tonnes of plastic waste are entering the world 's oceans every year , or the equivalent to five grocery bags filled with plastic for every foot of coastline in the world , according to the first scientific assessment of the problem .

  26. 许多食品包装袋被空运到另一个半球。

    Many food packages are flown halfway across the earth .

  27. 标准加入ICP-AES法测定食品包装袋中8种微量元素

    Standard addition determination of eight microelements in food wrapper by ICP-AES

  28. 香奈儿(Chanel)和普拉达(Prada)最近推出了与上海世博会相关的特殊产品,包括形似中国食品外卖袋的香奈儿手袋。

    Chanel and Prada recently launched special products in connection with Shanghai 's World Expo , including a Chanel handbag shaped like a Chinese food takeaway carton .

  29. 采用该胶制成的复合薄膜食品包装袋可耐121℃、40min的蒸煮。

    The laminated film for food package can resist to boiling and steaming 40 min in 121 ℃ .

  30. 食品包装袋残留溶剂测定方法的研究

    Research on food pollution of residual solvent in food packing bags