
shí yè hài chónɡ
  • leaf-eating insect
  1. 在鲁北豆田,棉铃虫Heliothisarmigera(Hubner)已上升为主要食叶害虫。

    The cotton bollworm , Heliothis armigera ( Hubner ), has become the main leaf-eating pest in north of Shandong province .

  2. 毛竹主要食叶害虫的防治

    The Prevention and Cure of Main Leaves-eaten Pests of Moso Bamboo

  3. 徐州城区香樟2种食叶害虫发生及防治技术不同黄化程度樟树叶片的生理生化特性

    Occurrence And Prevention Technique Of Two Camphor Pests In Xuzhou City District

  4. 大豆主要食叶害虫生态位的研究

    Ecological Niches of the Main Defoliator Pests in Soybean Fields

  5. 摘叶模拟食叶害虫危害对杨树生长的影响

    Influence of Simulated Damage by Leaf-plucking on Growth of Poplar

  6. 不同杨树品种对3种食叶害虫的抗性调查

    Resistance of Different Varietal Poplar to 3 Varieties Pests

  7. 杀虫剂混配防治果树食叶害虫研究

    Studies on the Prevention of Leaf-eating Pests in Fruit Trees by Mixed Insecticides

  8. 昆虫病毒对鳞翅目食叶害虫的亚致死作用

    Sublethal effect of insect virus on the Lepidoptera defoliators

  9. 陕西草坪主要食叶害虫的发生成因及防治对策

    Formation Cause and Control Measure of Main Leaf-eating Insects from Lawn in Shaanxi

  10. 食叶害虫对树木的影响及营林对策

    Effect of defoliator to tree and its strategy

  11. 在速生丰产林中用林业技术措施控制林木食叶害虫

    Using Forestry Measures to Control Leaf-eating Insects in Fast Growing Forest with High Yield

  12. 大豆主要食叶害虫为害当量系统与复合防治指标的研究

    Studies on the injury equivalency system and mixed action threshold of main soybean leaf-feeding insect pests

  13. 食叶害虫多发区杨树扦插育苗最佳日期的选择

    Date 's supermarket selection of optimum time of poplar cutting infrequently occurring area of leaf-eating insects

  14. 2种不同类型烟雾剂喷烟防治杨树食叶害虫药效试验

    Efficacy Test of the Aerosol Spraying of Two Type Aerosol Poplar against the Defoliator in Poplar

  15. 伊春林区食叶害虫种类较多,但危害较轻;

    , the species of leaf eating insect pests are increasing in Yichun region , but harm slightly .

  16. 中国寄生于林木食叶害虫的短角平腹小蜂属(膜翅目,旋小蜂科)四新种记述

    Descriptions of four new species in the genus mesocomys ( hymenoptera , eupelmidae ) parasitizing eggs of defoliators from China

  17. 干旱和生物多样性贫乏使食叶害虫的暴发周期缩短。

    The occurrence interval of defoliators is shortened by drought and there is a lack of biodiversity in these regions .

  18. 寄生于林木食叶害虫的小蜂分类研究不同生境中马尾松毛虫赤眼蜂中间寄主研究(英文)


  19. 结果表明,转基因741杨能明显降低群落中食叶害虫的数量,同时,使群落中食叶害虫优势种的优势度降低。

    The results show that the transgenic hybrid poplar can decrease the number of defoliating insects and lower the dominance of the dominant species , and increase the insect diversity and the evenness of insect pest subcommunity .

  20. 综合防治食叶性害虫与生态园林

    Integrated management of the leaf-eating pest and ecosystem of the garden

  21. 南京地区大豆食叶性害虫种类调查与分析

    A study on leaf-feeding insect species on soybeans in Nanjing area

  22. 松叶蜂是云南省的重要食叶性害虫。

    The conifer sawflies are important defoliators in Yunnan Province .

  23. 苜蓿夜蛾是影响我国大豆生产的重要食叶性害虫之一。

    Heliothis viriplaca is an important leaf-feeding insect for soybean .

  24. 大豆抗食叶性害虫育种的鉴定方法与标准

    A Study on Methods and Criteria of Identification of Resistance to Leaf-feeding Insects in Soybean Breeding

  25. 二是分析了不同危害部位的害虫的区系:食叶类害虫的分布广泛,且危害严重。

    Secondly pest distribution of different harm area was analyzed : leaf-fed pests distributed widely and damaged harmfully .

  26. 大豆对田间食叶性害虫综合虫种的抗性具有相对稳定性。

    The study on inheritance of resistance of soybeans to the above mentioned leaf-eating insects was carried out in field .

  27. 从取食方式和取食部位来看,以为害茶树嫩梢和叶片的食叶性害虫和吸汁性害虫为主,共达240种,占全部种类的79.47%。

    If it is classified with the damaged position on tea plant , the species of pests damaging the shoots and leaves of tea plant are the most , amounting to 240 species , as 79.47 % of the total .