
  • 网络comb honey
  1. 蜂巢蜂蜜是未经任何加工中并以其最天然的方式呈现,其天然的蜂蜜味道被完好保存。

    Comb honey is pure and unprocessed in which the flavor and aroma are well preserved compared to that of commercially processed honeys .

  2. 一个新西兰的特产蜂蜜,蜂巢蜂蜜是由蜂蜡六角蜂巢经由蜜蜂采集蜂蜜而形成的。

    One of New Zealand 's specialty honeys , the comb honey is made from beeswax cells , processed by honeybees and originally presented on its original hexagonal shape .

  3. 月是大部分花儿首次开放的月份。玫瑰开放,花香四溢;空气中充满了紫苜蓿暖洋洋的香气。蜜蜂在花朵间飞舞,采集花蜜,给它们的蜂巢装满蜂蜜。

    June is the month when most flowers first begin to bloom . ( 3 ) Roses burst into fragrance , and the sun-warmed sent of purple clover fills the air .

  4. Inn-SaingOoi无处可逃,蜂蜜刺一次会向蜂巢的其他蜂蜜发出化学信号,以保持攻击。

    Inn-Saing Ooi has nowhere to run , each sting sending out a chemical signal to the rest of the hive to keep up the assault .