
fēnɡ nónɡ
  • beekeeper;apiarist
  1. 这张未标日期的照片,是位云林县蜂农满脸笑容地拿著他蜂箱里的一个框框。

    A beekeeper holds a frame from one of his beehives in Yunlin County in this undated photo .

  2. 纽约市蜂农协会(NewYorkCityBeekeepers)联合创始人安德鲁•科特数年前向笔者表示:“探究蜂群崩溃错乱症的原因就如同试图探究贫困的根源一样困难。”

    As Andrew cot é , co-founder of New York City beekeepers , told me years ago , " asking to explain what causes CCD is like asking what causes poverty . "

  3. 部分蜂蜜如山乌桕蜜,由于颜色较深、品质较差,不被消费者喜欢食用,影响了此种蜂蜜的销售和蜂农的效益。

    Part of honey with deep color , bad quality , such as sapium discolor honey , does not favored by customers , resulting in the failure to sell this honey and get benefits by peasants .