
quán xìn xī
  • Full information;perfect information
全信息[quán xìn xī]
  1. 没有隐藏信息的游戏,比如国际象棋,被冯·诺伊曼称为全信息游戏。

    A game without concealment , such as chess , von Neumann called a game of ' perfect information ' ,

  2. 关于信息的语法、语义、语用以及全信息&兼评《信息科学原理》(第三版)

    On Information Grammar , Semantics , Pragmatics , and Perfect Information & Some Comments on Principles of Information Science ( Third Edition );

  3. 一种克服大范围随机扰动的全信息FUZZY控制器

    An all information fuzzy controller restraining big disturbance

  4. 基于MATLAB的全信息虚拟时频分析仪设计

    Design to Full-Info Virtual Time-Frequency Analyzer Based on MATLAB

  5. CAPP全信息输入模块的研究与开发

    Research and Development of CAPP Whole Information Input Module

  6. 值得一提的是,即使在全信息的大西洋U艇战中,盟军也不是轻松获胜的。

    And most remarkably , even the U-boat war , pre-eminently the war of information , was no walkover for the Allies .

  7. 该方法兼容了传统的探伤方法和标准,同时具有波形、C扫描和B扫描图像的实时监控、全信息存储、多种图像回放方式和缺陷分析等功能。

    Combined with conventional testing technique and criterion , the system has the functions of real time monitoring , signal store , multi redisplay of images and flaw analysis for A , B and C scan .

  8. 介绍一种多通道全信息固态记录Holter系统的设计和功能。

    The design and functions of a new type of multi-channel solid - state Holter system werc introduced in this paper .

  9. 提出一种基于旋转机械同源数据融合的全信息倒频谱(fullinformationcepstrum,FIC)分析方法。

    Full information cepstrum analysis method based on the same source data fusion of rotary machinery was put forward .

  10. 从枚(MEI)系统经济学的角度将网络分成实体网络和虚拟网络两大类,并引入信息科学中全信息的概念。该系统基于。

    In this paper , Network is divided into two categories which are entitative network and virtual network based on MEI system economics , the concept of overall information is introduced from information science .

  11. 系统生成的塑件全信息模型,对于注塑模具成型零件的设计和制造具有重要意义,是实现模具CAD/CAM/CAE/CAPP信息集成的基础。

    The general information-model of plastic product is very important for development of molding part of mould . What 's more , it lay a definite foundation for the integration of CAD / CAM / CAE / CAPP of injection mould .

  12. 着重讨论一种描述专用语言的工具文本语言TL,它是一种形式化的描述语言,用文本语言TL可以严格地刻划所描述的专用语言的全信息,包括语法、语义等。

    This paper discusses a tool of describing special language ─ text language ( TL ), which is a formal describing language . The text language can strictly describe all information of the special language , including syntax , semanteme and so on .

  13. 系统中利用大容量CompactFlash卡实现不小于24小时的多通道心电数据的全信息存储,使用带USB接口的通讯适配器完成系统配置及存储数据的快速回放。

    Meanwhile , CompactFlash card is used as memory to store 24h 's multi-channel full data of ECG , so that it is easy to extend the capacity of system memory . In addition , USB interface is used to attain high speed transfer of recorded data .

  14. 最后,以原型系统为本文研究相关方法和技术的验证提供运行平台,采用某城市反恐案例说明系统服务SV-4b建模描述方法、全信息模型和服务匹配方法的实际应用价值。

    Taking the prototype as the platform for the validation of method , algorithm and technique , adopting the example of anti-terrorism operation in some city , the thesis demonstrates the value of the method of SV-4b modeling for services , HIM and the method of service matching .

  15. 基于全信息技术的自适应报警方法研究

    Study of an Adaptive Alarm Method Based on Full Information Technique

  16. 物元全信息测度算法实现及其应用

    Realization and application of matter - element complete information measurement algorithm

  17. 应用三干涉图法测物体变形全信息

    All Informations Measurement of an Object Deformation with 3 Interferograms Method

  18. 旋转机械的全信息能量谱分析方法研究

    Study of full information energy spectrum analysis method of rotary machinery

  19. 应用此算法,实现全信息分析所需的各种参数。

    The arithmetic is used to calculate parameters of Full Information Analysis .

  20. 基于层次分析的全信息生成算法及其应用

    Completed Information Generated Algorithm Based on AHP and Its Application

  21. 全信息理论在自动文摘系统中的应用

    The Application of Comprehensive Information Theory in Automatic Abstract System

  22. 全信息知识制导的科技期刊初审辅助系统

    Comprehensive Information Knowledge-Guided Initial Review Assistant System for Scientific Journals

  23. 基于全信息的智能决策支持系统研究

    The Study on intelligent Decision Support Systems Based on Complete - information

  24. 基于全信息矩阵的多分类器集成方法

    A Multiple Classifiers Integration Method Based on Full Information Matrix

  25. 提出了全信息输入法的概念及其分析说明;

    A new concept for whole information input and its analyses are presented .

  26. 多传感器系统的正交化全信息融合滤波方法

    Orthogonalized full information fusion filtering method of multi-senor system

  27. 面向并行工程的塑件全信息特征建模技术研究

    Research on Comprehensive Information Feature Modeling of Plastic Part Based on Concurrent Engineering

  28. 基于全信息的中文信息抽取系统及应用

    Comprehensive Information Based Chinese Information Extraction System and Application

  29. 基于全信息认知的信息检索模型整合

    Information Retrieval Model Integration Based on Entire Information Cognition

  30. 系统工程中的全信息原则与信息开发

    Total information principle and information developing of system engineering