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  • Whole wheat bread;wholemeal bread
  1. 全麦面包纤维含量比白面包高。

    There is more fibre in wholemeal bread than in white bread .

  2. 碳水化合物的粗,如全麦面包和糙米是最好的,因为它们含有重要的膳食纤维和维生素B。

    The unrefined carbohydrates , like wholemeal bread and brown rice are best of all because they contain essential dietary fibre and B vitamins .

  3. Well标准体系分为七大类标准,它们旨在提升一幢大楼内人员的健康,包括营养——这解释了迪洛斯咖啡馆中的杏仁酱、全麦面包及有机苹果。

    The Well system has criteria in seven categories that promote the health of a building 's occupants , including nourishment - which explains the almond butter , the whole-grain bread and the organic apples in the Delos cafe .

  4. 她注意到电影中的一个场景,餐厅女招待拒绝给杰克•尼克尔森(JackNicholson)饰演的角色端上煎蛋卷配咖啡和全麦面包片,因为店里供应的是煎蛋卷配农家煎土豆和面包卷。

    She noted the scene in which a diner waitress refuses to bring Jack Nicholson 's character an omelette with coffee and wheat toast because it serves omelettes with cottage fries and rolls .

  5. 吃一些富含谷物成分的食物(roti面包,全麦面包,饼干和燕麦)而不是精制或加工过的食物。

    Try to eat a larger concentration of foods made from whole grains ( rotis , whole wheat breads , cookies and oatmeal ) rather than refined or processed foods .

  6. 当地的基督复临安息日会(Seventh-dayAdventists)教友普遍要比一般的美国人更长寿,这要多谢他们以素食为主的饮食,其中含有大量的坚果、豆类、燕麦、全麦面包和牛油果。

    and Loma Linda , Calif. , where Seventh-day Adventists have a tendency to outlive their fellow Americans , thanks to a mostly vegetarian diet that is heavy on nuts , beans , oatmeal , 100 percent whole-grain bread and avocados .

  7. 两片全麦面包和一杯咖啡。

    Two slices of whole wheat bread and one cup of coffee .

  8. 你知道不知道做好全麦面包的方法吗?

    Do you know a good recipe for wholemeal bread ?

  9. 口味的面包?白面包或全麦面包?

    Which would you like for bread ? White or whole wheat ?

  10. 马克:这就是一种全麦面包。

    Mark : It 's a kind of whole-grain bread .

  11. 不要吃白面包,而选择全麦面包。

    Avoid the white bread and choose the dark side - whole wheat .

  12. 因而这就是主张食用全麦面包的依据。

    That then is the basis for wheat bread .

  13. 可以尝试酸奶,水果,全麦面包,和脱脂牛奶。

    Try yogurt , fruit , whole wheat breads , and skim milk .

  14. 你自己用细面粉去做全麦面包吧。

    Make your own stone-wound , wholewheat bread .

  15. 像花生、鱼、豆子和全麦面包这类含蛋白质的食物。

    Protein foods such as peanuts , fish , pulses , and wholemeal bread .

  16. 你该试试把它和花生酱混在全麦面包上吃起来会上瘾的

    You should try it with peanut butter on wheat . It 's addictive .

  17. 在我的全麦面包上抹了些许黄油。

    Spackled some butter over my whole-grain bread .

  18. 我一贯主张要吃全麦面包。

    I always insist on wholemeal bread .

  19. 当你感到压力大的时候,食用复杂的碳水化合物,例如全麦面包和意大利面。

    When you 're feeling stressed , eat complex carbohydrates like whole-grain breads and pasta .

  20. 我要全麦面包。

    I would like whole-wheat bread .

  21. 全麦面包:含有丰富的食物纤维,让我们不容易感到饥饿。

    Whole-wheat bread : It contains dietary fiber , so we don 't feel hungry easily .

  22. 请拿两只全麦面包。

    Two granary loaves , please .

  23. 全麦面包和谷类食品可以作为与乳腺癌作战的关键武器。

    Wholemeal bread and wholegrain cereal could be key weapons in the battle against breast cancer .

  24. 要在早餐送到床边六条全麦面包正反两面都涂黄油

    And breakfast in bed . Six loaves of wheat toast with butter on both sides .

  25. 天然食品是未经加工的&例如,全麦面包代替白面包。

    Whole foods are basically unprocessed & whole wheat bread instead of white bread , for instance .

  26. 为了得到更多的木脂素,选择上面撒有亚麻籽粒和芝麻的全麦面包。

    For even more lignans , choose a whole wheat bread sprinkled with flax or sesame seeds .

  27. 波托亚博士称,糙米和全麦面包都是土豆不错的替代品。

    Dr Bertoia said that brown rice and whole meal bread are both good alternatives to potatoes .

  28. 我们用的是优质的瘦牛肉,而且把她夹在全麦面包里。

    We 're using lean beef and it 's good , and it 's on whole wheat buns .

  29. 选择全麦面包,全麦面食,糙米,全麦和谷物。

    Opt for whole grain bread , whole wheat pasta , brown rice , and whole grain cereals .

  30. 这些食物包括奶制品、全麦面包及谷类食物、蔬菜、水果、大豆和硬壳果。

    These include milk products , whole grain breads and cereals , vegetables , fruits , beans and nuts .