
  1. 大型林业企业网络化管理信息系统的设计与实现

    Network Based MIS for Large-Scale Forest Enterprise : Its Design and Realization

  2. 包装企业网络化管理软件系统概要设计

    Brief Design of Network Management Software System of Packaging Enterprise

  3. 建筑企业网络化管理的动态模型研究

    Research on Network Management Dynamic Model of Construction Enterprise

  4. 工业企业网络化管理模式的研究

    Study of Network Management Mode for Industry Enterprises

  5. 课题的应用情况:本论文的研究重点在于企业网络化管理方案研究与实践,课题成果已经在开元商城投入应用,实践表明具有一定的实用性和针对性。

    Achievements of the project have already been applied to Kaiyuan Shopping Mall and practice shows that they are to some degree practical and pertinent .

  6. 基于ASP的中小企业网络化项目管理服务模式与系统研究

    Study on the ASP-based net-worked project management service mode and system development for middle and small sized enterprises

  7. 提出了一种基于J2EE组件的制造企业网络化分销管理系统模式,建立了该系统体系结构,包括目标体系、结构系统、功能体系;

    This paper has presented a kind of modes of networked distribution management system based on J2EE components for manufacture enterprise , the architecture and running mode of the system have been brought forward .

  8. 在研究了基于J2EE组件的制造企业网络化分销管理系统体系结构和运行模式的基础上,论文提出了该系统的一种技术体系,包含了一系列支撑技术和实现技术。

    In succession , based on research of its architecture and running mode , this paper study a kind of technology structure of networked distribution management system based on J2EE components for manufacture enterprise , which involves a series of supporting technologies and application technologies .

  9. 汽车零部件配套企业网络化配送管理系统研究与应用

    Networked Distribution Management System for Automobile Part Manufacturer

  10. 通过该企业网络化销售管理系统的应用,验证了本论文提出的网络化销售管理系统开发平台模式的合理性及其实现系统开发的可行性。

    The application of the networked sales management in this enterprise validates the rationality and feasibility of the development platform of networked sales management .

  11. 最后在以上研究的基础上,成功开发了一种支持快速部署的网络化分销管理系统安全框架,并将该安全框架应用于某日用品制造企业网络化分销管理系统之中。

    Finally , on the basis of above researches , a security framework of networked distribution management system for rapid deployment is developed successfully and applies this security framework to the networked distribution management system of a certain commodity manufacturing enterprise .

  12. 油田企业档案信息网络化管理的探讨

    Discussion on Network Management of Files Resource of Petroleum Enterprise

  13. 浅议企业住宅区网络化管理

    A Preliminary Talk on Network Management of Residential District

  14. 装配型企业网络化协同物流管理决策支持系统研究

    One Kind of Decision-Making Support System of Networked Collaborative Logistics Management for Assembly Manufactory

  15. 施工企业的资金网络化管理

    Networking Management of Funds of Construction Enterprises

  16. 企业操作规程网络化管理方法与实现

    Enterprise Network Management Procedures and Implementation of

  17. 印刷企业实现计算机网络化管理应具备什么条件?

    What mischance the printing enterprises in the process of achieving computer network management and what conditions they possess ?

  18. 在上述体系结构研究的基础之上,建立了装配型企业网络化协同物流管理决策支持系统实现的技术框架,该框架包括总体技术、专题技术、支撑技术等三个部分;

    Based on what is mentioned above , the technology architecture for implementation is proposed . The architecture consists of systemic technology , special technology and supporting technology .

  19. 论文在总结和集成前期研究成果的基础上,对企业现有网络化销售管理系统的特点进行了深入分析,提出了构建网络化销售管理系统开发平台的思想。

    After summarizing and integrating the previous research results , the characteristics of the current networked sales management system in enterprise were thoroughly analyzed in this thesis , and a new thought was proposed to construct the development platform of networked sales management system .

  20. 基于ASP模式的配套型企业网络化供应与库存管理系统

    Networked Supply and Storage Management System for Part Manufacturer Based on ASP

  21. 近年来,由于互联网技术的飞速发展以及经济全球化程度的不断提高,企业对信息进行网络化管理的需求日益强烈,大部分企业管理软件的系统架构已经开始从C/S结构升级到B/S结构。

    In recent year enterprises have been in more demand for the management of information by Internet since the rapid development of Internet and the improvement of economy globalization . Most of Management Information Systems ' structure is upgrading from C / S to B / S.

  22. 在该陶瓷制造企业应用的结果验证了论文提出的陶瓷企业网络化分销管理模式及本课题开发的系统的合理性和可行性。

    Through the application of the system in some chinaware manufacturing enterprises , the paper validated the rationality and feasibility of the system and network distributed sale management pattern in chinaware manufacturing enterprises .