
  1. 湖南省部分直管企业健康监护情况分析

    A Cross-sectional Health Surveillance in Workers of Province-administered Enterprises in Hunan

  2. 高科技企业健康度评价研究

    Research into Evaluation of State of Health of High-tech Enterprise

  3. 建筑安装施工企业健康环境管理的方法

    The method of healthy and environmental management of architectural erection construction enterprise

  4. 安全生产是企业健康、平稳发展的基石。

    Safety product is the base of enterprise developing healthy and stable .

  5. 加速软环境创新,促进民营企业健康发展

    Accelerate Soft-environment Innovation , Promote Private Enterprise Well Development

  6. 加强乡镇矿业监督管理促进矿山企业健康发展&记河北省迁安县乡镇矿山监督管理工作

    Enhance the Supervision and Administration of Rural Mineral Enterprices to Promote their Sound Development

  7. 油气田施工企业健康安全环境问题分析与思考

    Analysis and Consideration of Health and Safety Problem in Construction Enterprises of Oil-Gas Fields

  8. 这也为地方政府制定利于私营中小企业健康发展的政策提供了相关的参考和借鉴。

    It also provides certain reference for local government making policies which improve private SMEs healthy development .

  9. 健全有效的内部控制是企业健康发展的重要保证。

    A sound and effective internal control system is a critical guarantee for the healthy development of enterprises .

  10. 控制经营风险,是保证有色冶炼企业健康发展的重要条件之一。

    Managing risk control is one of the important factors for nonferrous metals smelting enterprise to develop healthily .

  11. 要推动民营企业健康发展,必须以完善、规范的制度约束作保障。

    Impelling healthy development of the private enterprises must regard the perfect and standard system restraint as safeguard .

  12. 因此,研究转型期民企内部控制问题,对于促进民营企业健康发展具有显著的理论和现实意义。

    So , research on the internal control of private enterprise in transition period has theoretical and practical significance .

  13. 因此,完善的合同管理是企业健康运作的一个重要标志和前提保证。

    A perfect contract management is an important sign and the premise of the health operation of an enterprise .

  14. 融资难、担保难已经成为制约中小企业健康发展的几个主要因素。

    Difficult financing and security has become the main factors which restricts the small and medium-sized enterprise healthy development .

  15. 企业健康俱乐部将为西雅图地区的企业服务,帮助他们降低总成本的同时提高生产效率。

    Corporate Fitness Club will serve Seattle-area businesses , helping them to become more productive , while lowering their overall costs .

  16. 政府必须采取一系列扶持措施,以促进中小企业健康发展。

    The government should take a series of measures to support and promote the healthy development of the middle and small-sized enterprises .

  17. 但要解决好目前已严重影响煤炭企业健康发展的诸多问题,确保煤炭工业的可持续发展。

    A great deal of problems influencing coal enterprise development must be solved to guarantee the sustainable development of the coal industry .

  18. 落实现代营销观念促进企业健康发展&兼论造纸企业营销管理的改进

    Implementing modern marketing concept , promoting the healthy development of enterprises & A review on improvement of paper enterprises ' marketing management

  19. 相信该成果对我国企业健康有效开展税收筹划有一定的启示。

    It is believed that this paper will give some indication as to how to carry out tax planning healthily in our country .

  20. 产品及供应链活动的准确、及时的可追溯已成为影响食品和农业综合企业健康发展的一个新因素。

    The accurate and timely traceability of products and activities in the supply chain has become a new factor in food and agribusiness .

  21. 安全是煤矿生产的重中之重,是煤矿企业健康发展的关键因素。

    Safety is the top priority of the coal mine production and it is also key factor for thedevelopment of coal mine enterprise .

  22. 培育和提升科技研发人员潜在、持久的创新能力,是我国健身器材企业健康持续发展的必要条件。

    The cultivation and promotion of scientific researchers ' lasting innovation ability , is key to our country Fitness Equipment Enterprise health sustained development .

  23. 民营企业健康发展,必定引发思想政治工作实施内容、机制、方法的不断完善与创新。

    The healthy development of private enterprises , will cause the ideological and political work content , mechanism , methods of continuous improvement and innovation .

  24. 但是,融资难问题已成为制约我国中小企业健康发展的瓶颈,这个问题至今没有得到根本解决。

    However , financing constraints in China has become the bottleneck of the healthy development of SMEs , the issue has not been fundamentally resolved .

  25. 如何设计出科学有效内部控制系统,以促进企业健康、快速和持续的发展,是一个刻不容缓的问题。

    It is a problem brooking no delay to how to design an effective science internal control system making enterprise development healthy speedy and sustained .

  26. 如果你的企业健康地生存了下来,目前正是尽可能利用杠杆融资和收购资产的时机,但要对冲下行风险。

    If your company is a healthy survivor , this is a good time to maximise leverage and to acquire assets , but hedge the downside .

  27. 良性的现金流能促使企业健康成长,不良的现金流使企业陷于危险的境地,甚至破产。

    Positive cash flow can promote the healthy growth of enterprises . Negative cash flow causes the enterprise to be in danger , or even bankruptcy .

  28. 即便对于那些有保险的人来说,不断改变的企业健康计划也许意味着某年你见到的一位医生第二年就见不着了。

    Even for the insured , ever changing corporate health plans may mean that a physician you see one year is not available to you the next .

  29. 为保证改制后的企业健康持续的发展,不断做大作强企业,需要强有力的政治思想工作来支撑;

    Development which continues after the guarantee remanufacture 's enterprise health , makes the writings strong enterprise unceasingly , needs the powerful political thinking work to support ;

  30. 认真落实信贷、财税。出口、技改等项政策,扶持乡镇企业健康发展。

    Credit , fiscal , taxation , export and technological renovation policies should be carried out in real earnest to support the sound development of township enterprises .