
  1. 分析师指出,rusal与sual的合并具有战略意义。

    The combination of Rusal and sual makes strategic sense , analysts said yesterday .

  2. 英美资源集团表示,此次合并在战略上“不具有吸引力”。

    Anglo said the strategic case for the combination was " unattractive " .

  3. 粗暴的英国航空航天公司老板JohnWeston要求担任Marconi财务主管多年的金先生来把握这个合并公司的战略。

    John Weston , the abrasive boss of British Aerospace asked Mr King , who had been finance director at Marconi for several years , to handle strategy for the merged firm .

  4. 合并高校发展战略研究

    Research on the Developmental Strategies of Merged Universities

  5. 两者的合并具有多重战略意义。

    A tie-up would tick several strategic boxes .

  6. 对合并高校发展战略规划问题的几点思考

    Development planning problems of merged universities

  7. 正如古代部落通婚或君主国之间的王室婚姻一样,公司合并不是基于战略原因而是为了得以延续。

    Like marriages between ancient tribes , or dynastic marriages between monarchies , companies are combining not for reasons of strategy but to guarantee succession .

  8. 戴维斯表示:引人瞩目的两家公司合并的根本战略理由仍未减弱。他辩称,合并最终将产生每年逾10亿美元的协同效应。

    The compelling strategic rationale for a merger of the two companies remains undiminished , he said , arguing that a merger would eventually deliver more than $ 1bn of synergies per year .

  9. 当前的形势下,美国航空不论是与达美航空(DeltaAirLines)还是与全美航空(USAirways)合并,不仅缺乏战略意义,还可能给所有卷入的公司都带来巨大的麻烦。

    A tie up involving American with either Delta Air Lines or US Airways makes little strategic sense at this point and would end up creating major headaches for all the parties involved .

  10. 这可能让美国银行更容易收获该行与美林(merrilllynch)合并所带来的战略好处。

    That may make it easier for BofA to reap the strategic benefits of its messy tie-up with Merrill Lynch .

  11. 网络分配业(电话公司、有线电缆和卫星经营者)与装配业(电信装配、计算机硬件软件公司)的操纵者迅速合并,合资或战略联盟。

    Players in the network distribution industry ( telephone companies , cable and satellite operators ) and in the equipment industry ( telecommunications equipment , computer hardware and software companies ) are becoming increasingly involved in mergers , joint ventures and strategic alliances .

  12. 由于美国监管机构坚决反对,软银取消了与美国第四大运营商T-Mobile合并的计划,而这次合并对其战略至为关键。

    In the face of intractable opposition from US regulators , SoftBank withdrew its plan to combine with T-Mobile , the fourth-biggest carrier , a merger that was central to its strategy .