
  • 网络horizontal diversification
  1. 这些保障措施的制定对提升HS公司内部管理水平保障多元化战略的的实施具有重要实践意义。

    These safeguards have practical significance to enhance the management level and protect the diversification strategy of HS company .

  2. 低负债的资本结构与低水平的多元化战略匹配或者高负债的资本结构与高水平的多元化战略匹配,都有助于企业提高绩效。

    Low debt leverage matching low degree of diversification or high debt leverage matching high degree of diversification will help a company improve its performance .

  3. 多年以来,中国移动一直依靠强大的网络优势、完善的服务水平以及多元化满足客户需求的产品,在竞争激烈的移动运营市场中取得领先地位,广泛覆盖的渠道体系更成为企业核心竞争力之一。

    For many years , China mobile has been on leading in the market because they had strong network and improve the service level and the diversity of products to meet customer demand , broad coverage of channel system becomes the core competitiveness of enterprises .

  4. 父母文化水平对幼儿多元化能力发展存在显著影响,父母文化水平越高,幼儿多元化能力发展越好。

    The educational level of parents has the significant impact on the infants ' development of diversified abilities . The higher educational level of parents , the better development of infants ' diversified abilities . 6 .

  5. 最优多元化水平假说是企业多元化研究中一种有代表性的命题。

    The hypothesis of optimal diversification level is a representative subject in the study of diversification of the corporations .

  6. 千手观音的图像随着信仰的发展水平和图像的多元化,根据时代需要被借用或与中国传统故事相结合出现中国式的千手观音等,经历了各种形式的演变和发展。

    With the religion developed and graphics diversified , the Kwan-yin drawing was borrowed or combined with Chinese traditional stories to meet the requirement of the times . After its evolution and development in various forms , it became Chinese Thousand-armed Avalokitesvara drawing .

  7. 泰国应通过加强法律制度体系建设,整合监管体系,完善金融通路,提高银行业竞争水平和资本市场多元化,强化银行业和金融市场的联结和协同,提高金融体系效率和规模。

    Thailand should improve financial efficiency and expand size of financial system by strengthening the rules and regulations system , integrating supervisory institutions , improving financial access , increasing competition degree of banking system , diversifying capital market , strengthening links and co-operations between banking and financial market .

  8. 在中国,随着经济社会的发展,人们生活水平的提高,对高水平、多元化的福利需要不断产生;企业职业福利成为满足员工不同层次福利需要的重要途径。

    In China , as the development of economy and society , the living levels are left up , people need more and higher welfare and the enterprise occupational welfare ( EOW ) becomes an important way to satisfy different levels of welfare needs .