
  • 网络Hydrological Processes;hydrologic processes
  1. 除Pb外,所有其他元素(Al、Mn、Sr、Mg、Na、K和Ca)在土壤溶液中的浓度都高于5个水文过程的平均值;

    Except Pb , the concentrations of all other elements ( ie , Al , Mn , Sr , Mg , Na , K and Ca ) in soil water and stream water were higher than the average concentrations in the 5 hydrological processes ;

  2. 土壤数据空间分辨率对水文过程模拟的影响

    Effects of Spatial Resolution of Soil Data on Hydrological Processes Modeling

  3. 基于GIS的数字化水文过程模拟研究

    Digital Hydrology Process Simulation Study Based On GIS

  4. 基于GIS的水文过程模拟模型的构建是目前水文水资源领域的热点和难点问题。

    It 's a difficult point and hot problem to construct the simulation model of hydrology course on the basis of GIS at present .

  5. 地形状况决定流域基本特征,因此在进行流域水文过程模拟时,DEM分辨率会影响流域特征参数的提取,进而影响模拟结果。

    Hydrological model simulations are affected by parameters derived from DEMs with different resolutions , which describes the watershed features .

  6. 目前,GIS在信息的动态获取、分析处理、可视化以及二次开发等方面的技术和方法取得了长足的进步,为实现生态水文过程研究提供了有力支持。

    Now , GIS has made great progress in the technology and methodology in dynamic obtainment , procession , visualization of data , etc. , which will greatly help the research on eco-hydrological processes .

  7. 受人类活动和流域生态水文过程(Eco-hydrologicalprocesses)的影响,东辽河流域地表水污染严重,水质具有明显的地域分异特征。

    With influence of human activity and eco-hydrological processes , the surface water pollution in the East Liaohe Basin is serious and has the characteristic of spatial diversity .

  8. 近50a人类活动对西北干旱区水文过程干扰研究&以塔里木河流域为例

    Study on the Disturbance of Human Activities on the Hydrological Process in Tarim River Watershed

  9. 利用OpenGL的三维建模和图像渲染功能表现三维的水文过程,其中双缓冲技术保障了水文过程时间变化的展示。

    OpenGL functions are powerful in 3D modeling and rendering and therefore suitable for presentation of the spatial hydrological process , while the technology of double buffers ensures the continuous display of the temporal changes of spatial hydrological process .

  10. 从区域河网水系演变、土壤含水率与持水能力、土壤稳定入渗速率、降雨径流过程等层面深入探讨了LUCC对上海中心城区水文过程的影响机制。

    ( 2 ) On the research viewes of river system change , soil water content and water holding capacity , soil stable infiltration rates and rainfall-runoff process , hydrology effects due to LUCC were discussed .

  11. 对小尺度城市汇水域的案例分析表明,随着城市化过程的发展,受人类活动影响,小尺度城市汇水域的LUCC过程存在较大分异,对城市水文过程产生深刻影响。

    The typical case study showed that because the human activity , there were great differentiation in the process of LUCC in small urban catchment . The differentiation would cause profound effects on urban surface hydrology .

  12. 依据从DEM中提取的汇流网、水流路径长度和坡度等流域特征,建立了适合于黄河三门峡&小浪底区间水文过程的松散耦合型分布式水文模型。

    Based on some river basin characteristics collected from DEM ( Digital Elevation Model ), such as the confluence network , length and gradient of flow route , and slope , a loose and coupled distributed hydrological model was developed for the Sanmenxia-Xiaolangdi section .

  13. 近50a来,塔里木河流域产生的土地荒漠化等生态问题的原因是人类活动对水文过程的干扰所造成。

    The important factor which has caused the ecological problems such as land desertification in Tarim River Watershed is human activities disturbing the natural hydrological process in recent 50 a.

  14. 考虑地下水水位的变动,利用等值面函数法处理饱和&非饱和土壤水文过程中的界面追踪问题,并运用Galerkin间断有限单元法进行了数值模拟。

    Considered the fluctuant of the groundwater table , the finite element model by the Galerkin flipped method is established , in which the level set method is used to deal with interface tracing problems in unsaturated / saturated soil hydrology process .

  15. 数字高程模型(DEM)蕴含着大量的、各种各样的地形结构和特征信息,是定量描述地貌结构、水文过程、生物分布等空间变化的基础数据,是地形信息获取的数据源。

    As a Digital relief map , Digital elevation model ( DEM ), which contains various information of terrain structure and character , is the foundation data for quantitatively describing many spatial variations such as landform structure , hydrologic process and biological distribution et al .

  16. 结合遥感、辐射传输、地理信息系统、中国陆面水文过程、数据同化技术,建立一个中国陆地水环境数据同化系统(CLDAS);

    Employing remote sensing , radiative transfer simulation , GIS , land hydrological process and data assimilation , Chinese Land Dada Assimilation System ( CLDAS ) is established .

  17. 森林植被变化对水文过程和径流的影响效应

    Influence of forest cover change on hydrological process and watershed runoff

  18. 分形理论在水文过程形态特征分析中的应用

    The application of Fractal Theory in hydrologic process shape characteristic analysis

  19. 水文过程到底是不是低维混沌过程一直是个有争议的问题。

    Whether hydrologic processes are low-dimensional chaotic processes is still controversial .

  20. 水文过程是一个高度复杂、非线性的过程。

    Hydrological process is a highly complex and non-linear process .

  21. 流域在自然界首先是一个水文过程单位。

    Drainage area firstly , is a hydrographic process unit .

  22. 数字流域平台上水文过程与模型参数的空间不均匀性研究

    Spatial Variability of Hydrological Processes and Model Parameters Based on Digital Basin

  23. 大气和植被生态及土壤系统水文过程相互作用的一些研究

    Some Studies of the Hydrological Interactions in the Atmosphere-Ecosystem-Soil System

  24. 城市河流水文过程变化的对比分析

    Comparison on the Procedure Variety of City River ′ s Hydrology Sequences

  25. 区域气候模式中陆面水文过程优化及应用研究

    Research on the Optimization of Land-surface Hydrological Process in Regional Climate Model

  26. 呼伦湖流域生态水文过程对水环境系统的影响

    Influences of Eco-hydrological Process to Water Environmental System in Hulun Lake Basin

  27. 水文过程及模型研究主要进展

    Main Progress of Research on Hydrologic Processes and Prediction Models

  28. 新西兰喀斯特流域水文过程的地貌效应

    Karst geomorphological effects of hydrological processes in some drainage basins , New Zealand

  29. 水文过程的模拟是进行水文预报和水资源管理的重要方法。

    Modeling the hydrological processes is an important method for forecast hydrological processes .

  30. 塔里木河流域水文过程的特点初探

    Characteristic Analysis on Hydrological Processes of Tarim River Basin