
zhào huí
  • recall;callback
召回 [zhào huí]
  • [recall] 把人叫回来;调回来

  • 召回大使

召回[zhào huí]
  1. 公务员、教师和自由派人士正在散发请愿书,要求将他召回。

    Public employees , teachers and liberals are circulating a petition for his recall

  2. 这么长时间以来,他一直在坐冷板凳,等着被召回参加板球对抗赛。

    For so long he had waited in the wilderness for a recall to Test cricket .

  3. 他们俩都被重新召回了威尔士队。

    They have both been recalled to the Welsh squad .

  4. 有严重缺陷的汽车已被制造商召回。

    Cars with serious faults have been called in by the manufacturers .

  5. 两个国家都召回了各自的大使。

    Both countries recalled their ambassadors .

  6. 这个公司说正在召回他们生产的一种药。

    The company said it was recalling one of its drugs

  7. 迪安·理查兹被召回英格兰队参加对阵威尔士的比赛。

    Dean Richards was recalled to the England squad for the match with Wales

  8. 3,000多辆汽车因为刹车问题昨天被召回。

    More than 3,000 cars were recalled yesterday because of a brake problem .

  9. 在对难民到使馆寻求庇护一事产生严重分歧后,西班牙召回了其大使。

    Spain has recalled its Ambassador after a row over refugees seeking asylum at the embassy

  10. 他们必须做恰当的安全性测试或面对召回,经济处罚和法律诉讼。

    They must do the appropriate safety testing or face recalls , financial penalties , and litigation .

  11. 魔术师表示能把任何一个我们愿意指定的死去的伟人的鬼魂召回。

    The magician offered to call up the spirit of any great person of the past that we liked to name .

  12. 采用精确率、召回率和F度量值等指标分析实验数据。

    The experimental data were evaluated by the indicators of recall , precision and F measure value .

  13. 凡日期代码以字母“R”开头的产品不在此召回产品之内。

    Products with a date code that begin with the letter " R " are not included in this recall .

  14. 此次召回在美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)相关法规指导下进行。

    This recall is being conducted with the knowledge of the U.S.Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) .

  15. 最近针对中国产品瑕疵和召回事件(涉及牙膏、轮胎、托马斯坦克引擎(thomasthetankengine)玩具等各种产品)的“病毒式”攻击,将造成持续多年的诉讼。

    The recent viral attack of Chinese product flaws and recalls on everything from toothpaste to tyres to Thomas the tank engine toys will spawn years of litigation .

  16. 实践结果证明,本方案相对于常见的Web信息抽取技术方法具有更好的提取速度以及更高的准确率、召回率。

    The practice result proves that , this system has better extraction speed based on the Web information extraction technology research and higher rate of accuracy and recalls rate than the current Web-based information extraction techniques .

  17. 该算法已经在基于Web的自然语言答疑系统WebAnswerSystem中实现并得到了实际应用。实验结果表明,算法具有较高的准确率和召回率,对自然语言网络答疑中进行切分歧义消除是行之有效的。

    The proposed algorithm has already been applied in our Web answering system , the experimental result shows that it has high accuracy and efficiency of word segmentation and elimination of the ambiguity of words segmentation .

  18. 结果表明:相对于语义Web本体支持的知识获取方法,该方法不但能获取到精确知识而且能获取到不精确知识,并且明显提高了知识获取的召回率。

    And the results show that compared to the knowledge acquisition method supported by semantic Web ontology , this method can acquire not only precise knowledge but also imprecise knowledge , and the recall ratio is improved obviously .

  19. 秋明BP表示,员工召回只是一个预防措施,并称,在去年下半年移民法规改变之后,他们的签证状态存在不明朗因素。

    TNK-BP said they were being recalled as a precaution : There is some cloudiness and greyness about the status of their visas , after changes to migration laws late last year .

  20. 2005年,拉加德被雅克希拉克(JacquesChirac)召回法国,担任贸易部长。

    In 2005 she was called back to France by Jacques Chirac to become trade minister .

  21. 在863组织的命名实体识别评测中,系统的准确率、召回率和F值分别达到了81.93%,78.20%,80.02%。

    In a named entity test organized by the 863 program , the precision , recall and F-score of the system reach 81.93 % , 78.20 % and 80.02 % respectively .

  22. 结果表明,自动获取的SCF句式转换对的精确率为68.37%,召回率达到81.71%。

    Post hoc analysis shows that the acquired SCF alternatives reach a precision of 68.37 % and a recall of 81.71 % .

  23. 上周,美国食品生产商亨氏(H.J.Heinz)则召回了几批含铅量超标的婴儿米粉。

    Last week , the American food producer H.   J. Heinz recalled several batches of baby cereal products after they were discovered to contain high levels of lead .

  24. 美泰今年8月份因涂料可能含铅而首次召回的Fisher-Price品牌玩具是由佛山利达玩具有限公司(FoshanLeeDerToyCo)生产的。

    The factory involved in the first Mattel recall in August of Fisher-Price toys possibly containing lead paint Foshan Lee Der Toy Co. has shut down entirely .

  25. 丰田公司(Toyota)最近几个月召回了数百万辆轿车和卡车,它们都可能存在一个令人不安的问题油门踏板被卡,加速失控只是这个问题的委婉说法。

    Uncontrolled acceleration is a euphemism for the disturbing problem jammed accelerator pedals at risk of afflicting millions of Toyota cars and trucks that the company has recalled in recent months .

  26. 美国CPSC对玩具车等儿童用品召回创新高

    The American CPSC recall of the toys carriage etc children articles reached the top

  27. 比如直到2012年2月,强生还召回了50多万瓶泰诺(Tylenol)。

    As recently as February 2012 , the company had to recall more than 500,000 bottles of Tylenol .

  28. 当然,投资者们都知道J.C.Penney身处困境,这一点无需从它召回前CEO一事中看出。

    Of course , investors knew J.C. Penney was in trouble , even without reading into the decision to bring back a former CEO .

  29. 士力架制造商玛氏(Mars)近年来已经引入了独立外部审计人员来检查它的制造厂房。该公司未被要求召回任何与美国花生恐慌相关的产品。

    Snickers bars maker Mars , which was not asked to recall any products linked to the US peanut scare , has brought in independent external auditors to review its manufacturing plants in recent years .

  30. 通过与基于N-gram的统计方法比较,结果是令人满意的.精确率达82%,召回率达75%。

    Compared with N-gram method , the results are satisfying : The performance of precision 82 % and recall 75 % are reached by proposed approach .