
  1. 谁是你的召唤师?他是做什么的?

    Who is your summoner and what does he do ?

  2. 你确定能把到我么,召唤师?

    Sure you can handle me , summoner ?

  3. 你困不住我,召唤师。

    You cannot cage me , Summoner .

  4. 召唤师技能:提升改变:给予小兵额外的生命值,并将其回复到满血。

    Summoner Revive change : Now also grants a speed bonus that decreases over time .

  5. 一个英雄想要依靠他的召唤师来跨越艰难险阻,将会更加困难。

    It will be harder for a champion to rely on their summoner to traverse hazards and obstacles .

  6. 那么技能法术是在角色的一生中是如何增长的,比如魔术师或召唤师的宠物?

    What about spells and arts that currently grow throughout a character 's life , such as conjurer and necromancer pets ?

  7. 帝国人类召唤师:召唤生物的力量以及专精提高30%,持续30秒。

    Defiler ( Xadaganian ); Art of Reanimation , increases the strength and expertise of any summoned creature by30 % for30 seconds .

  8. 你召唤师那里不久将在新赛季享受一场等特点,梯子,草案排名模式,更多!

    All you summoners out there will soon be enjoying the new Season One features such as Ranked Games , Ladders , Draft Mode , and more !

  9. “我追寻亡灵来到这里,却迷失了方向。”召唤师的声音轻而干涩,仿佛睡梦中的呓语。

    " I followed the undying one . I lost my way . " The Summoner 's voice was soft and dull , like that of a man who speaks in sleep .

  10. 正如叫人去听布道的钟声不仅是召唤布道师的,也是召唤会众的一样,这丧钟也是召唤我们所有人的。

    As therefore the bell that rings to a sermon calls not upon the preacher only , but upon the congregation to come , so this bell calls us all ;