
zhào huàn
  • call;summon;clarion call
召唤 [zhào huàn]
  • [summon] 把人们唤来

  • 祖国在召唤

召唤[zhào huàn]
  1. 在聚会的晚上我将随时听凭召唤。

    I 'll be on call the night of the party .

  2. 那一年也见证了《使命召唤》系列的首款成功游戏《现代战争》(ModernWarfare)一炮打响。该游戏以特种部队的任务为题材。

    That year also saw the first big hit of the Call of Duty franchise : Modern Warfare , which centres around special forces missions .

  3. 她召唤服务员过来。

    She summoned the waiter .

  4. 辉煌时刻在向他召唤。

    The big time beckons for him

  5. 我们听见了召唤祈祷的钟声。

    We heard the calling of the bells to prayer .

  6. 她心不在焉地召唤她的孩子。

    She calls out to her children almost absently .

  7. 大草原在召唤着我们。

    The grasslands are calling us .

  8. 所以从我很小的时候起,演戏就在召唤着我。

    So from an early age acting was calling me .

  9. 她把受惊的少女们召唤回来,对她们的惊惶之状加以指责

    She called back her scattered maidens , chiding their alarm .

  10. 你在我的地盘召唤了一只吞噬者,而我只是视而不见?

    You summon a goddamn Devourer on my turf , and I just let it go ?

  11. 那个女巫说她能用魔法召唤亡灵。

    The woman practising witchcraft claimed that she could conjure up the spirits of the dead .

  12. 有可能是咒语把那个鬼魂召唤出来的,但我想应是该他的邀请。

    It might have been the chant but I am almost sure it was his invitation that provoked it .

  13. 我不知道具体细节,他是一个人去的,他只是把我们需要说的话都打印了出来。不过是些诡异的字眼的组合以及一些召唤用语。具体内容我不记得了。

    I don 't know the specifics ; no one else went with him . All he did was print out what we were supposed to say , it was mostly just weird5 word combinations and a few summoning phrases I can 't remember .

  14. 之后,我朋友的房子里再没发生什么大事,我便抓紧时间把电视机和X盒子搬到楼上。有可能是咒语把那个鬼魂召唤出来的,但我想应是该他的邀请。

    After that nothing major happened in his house and I was only in his basement long enough to move the TV and X-Box upstairs .

  15. 两个兄弟在海上打鱼,听到God的召唤,放弃了船跟随God而成为他的的信徒。

    Two brothers cast net in the sea when they heard the calling of the Lord , they left their boat , followed Him and became His disciples .

  16. 今年11月份,动视暴雪公司将发布《使命的召唤》系列游戏的最新一款:《使命召唤:黑色行动2》(CallofDuty:BlackOps2)。

    This November , the company will be launching the latest installment in its call of duty franchise , call of Duty : Black Ops 2 .

  17. 12岁时,布莱登•奥尔森就自称为“虚拟世界痴迷者”。当时的他热衷于早期版本的《阿斯龙的召唤》(Asheron'sCall)&世界上最早的虚拟世界游戏之一。

    At12 years old , Brayden Olson was a self-described " virtual world nerd ," playing an early version of Asheron 's Call & one of the world 's first virtual world games .

  18. 特斯拉公司的CEO、科技投资人伊隆o马斯克表示,人工智能领域的研究有可能召唤出人类无法控制的恶魔。

    Tesla Motors CEO and technology investor Elon Musk said research in the area could be like summoning the demon that is beyond control .

  19. 战士使魔(77):一段时间增量召唤兽了最大HP,HP回复,物理防御,物理攻击,攻击速度,命中率。

    Warrior Servitor ( 77 ): Increases summon 's max HP , HP regen , P.def , P.atk , atk speed , accuracy for a period of time .

  20. 我通常到打Sons的阶段才把宠物召唤出来,以取得额外的DPS。

    I am thinking I want to have him unsummoned till the Sons phase , then call him out for some extra DPS .

  21. 好像姚明,尽管他是一名NBA职业球员,但国家的召唤对他来说是最重要的。

    Like Yao , even though he is an NBA pro , but whenever his country needs him to go back , is certainly the most important .

  22. 仿真实现了电梯群调度的整个过程:当有新的召唤信号时,先要通过训练好的网络计算出各电梯的AWTi、LWPi和RNCi;

    Successfully simulate and achieve the elevator dispatch procession : A , when an new hall call signal is found , calculating the AWT , , LWP , and RNC , through the network ;

  23. 积极分子说,包围Deiral-Zour的坦克在黎明召唤祈祷的铃声中开始开火,随后在重火力的掩护下进入几个地区。

    Activists said tanks ringing Deir al-Zour opened up with shellfire during the early morning call to prayer , then moved into several districts under the cover of heavy gunfire .

  24. 一名建筑师,艺术家和美国宇航局前插画,美国艺术家科特温纳氏惊人的艺术品召唤详细的街道都巴洛克宗教壁画和救助人Daliesque超现实的图像。

    An architect , artist and former NASA illustrator , american artist Kurt Wenner 's amazingly detailed street artworks conjure images of both Baroque religious murals and a Salvor Daliesque surrealism .

  25. 那么现代艺术的出现是对于人性和情感的召唤。

    So modern art there is for humanity and emotional call .

  26. 多站召唤式在线操作票生成系统的研究

    The Research of a Multi-substation Calling up On-line Order Forming System

  27. 灾难中听从理性的召唤也是明智的。

    It is wise even in adversity to listen to reason .

  28. 在几乎被死神召唤以后,银行已经转变的十分小心翼翼。

    After their near-death experience , bankers have turned exceedingly cautious .

  29. 你也可以从召唤宠物图标里拉它们出来。

    You can even drag them from the Call Pet flyout .

  30. 尖锐刺耳的哨声召唤工人开始工作。

    The shrill whistles gal vanished the workers into action .