
  1. 澳大利亚竞争和消费者委员会(australiancompetitionandconsumercommission)迫使这家饮料集团在7家澳大利亚全国和州级报纸上刊登“更正性”广告。

    The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has forced the drinks group to publish " corrective " ads in seven Australian national and state-based newspapers .

  2. 就中铝对英澳矿业集团力拓拟议中的投资而言,澳大利亚竞争与消费者委员会(ACCC)的决定可谓一条罕见的好消息。该交易是在今年2月宣布的。

    The decision by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission ( ACCC ) is a rare piece of good news for the Chinese aluminium group 's proposed investment in the Anglo-Australian mining group , which was announced in February .

  3. 2002年成为3.15消费者委员会“承诺诚信经营”签名企业。

    AD-Pioneer signed to3.15 Consumer Council as an honest coporation in2002 .

  4. 香港消费者委员会报道过一位妇女的控诉。

    The Consumer Council of Hong Kong told of a complaint from a woman .

  5. 美国消费者委员会列10大不安全玩具名单消费者的知情权

    The 10 unsafe toys on the CPSA 's list The Right to Know of Consumers

  6. 从现实情况来看,本文的研究对推进消费者委员会的改革、并推动其在消费者权益保护工作作出更多贡献有一定的参考价值。

    In fact , this paper has reference value in innovating Consumer Committee and promoting its function .

  7. 各级政府应当支持消费者委员会依法履行职能。

    The governments at all levels shall support the consumers'committees to exercise functions and powers according to law .

  8. 消费者委员会处理的一个麻烦问题是烟草公司采取的公关和广告策略。

    A thorny question handled by consumer councils is the public relations and advertising strategies of the tobacco industry .

  9. 一些行为则遭到批评,这些批评由消费者委员会专门负责收集,以保证消费者权利得到保护。

    Others provoke criticisms , which are professionally gathered by consumer councils , who ensure that companies observe consumer rights .

  10. 在落实有关建议的过程中,工作小组已考虑到业内公会及消费者委员会提出的意见。

    In finalising the recommendations , the IWG has taken into account comments received from the industry associations and the consumer council .

  11. 食环署顾问医生何玉贤在消费者委员会记者会上公布罐头鱼及吞拿鱼三文治内的组胺含量研究。

    The results of a collaborative survey on histamine in canned fish and tuna sandwiches are released by FEHD Consultant Dr Ho Yuk-yin .

  12. 爱尔兰消费者委员会说,调查显示,爱尔兰销售商和服务供应商之间缺乏真正的竞争。

    The Consumers Association of Ireland said the survey showed there was a lack of real competition between Irish retailers and service providers .

  13. 全国消费者委员会警告说长此以往会损害消费者的信心,人们也会逐渐怀疑委员会的声明。

    The National Consumer Council gave warning that the admissions would dent consumer confidence in leading high street names and that people would become sceptical of their claims .

  14. 这些工作,皆因我们重视公平竞争的环境,而回应消费者委员会的报告而推动的。

    These initiatives are our reply to the great importance we attached to the existence of a level playing field and to the competition report released by the consumer council .

  15. 委员会的成员来自立法会、消费者委员会、地产建设商会、房屋委员会、房屋协会、法律界、测量界和建筑界。

    The Committee comprises representatives from the legislative council , the consumer council , the real estate developers association , the hkha , the hkhs , and the legal , surveying and building professions .

  16. 上周四,深圳的政府机构深圳市消费者委员会发表声明,要求对消费者实行平等的保护,并对中国在售的宜家抽屉柜和梳妆台的安全性进行进一步的调查。

    Last Thursday , the Shenzhen Consumer Council , a government agency , issued a statement calling for equal consumer protection and further investigations into the safety of the Ikea chests and dressers sold in China .

  17. 就连政府也为这种风扇致死理论背书。2006年,由政府资助的韩国消费者保护委员会(KoreanConsumerProtectionBoard)将“电扇和空调引发的窒息”列为夏季最常见的五类事故之一。

    Even the government has endorsed the lethal-breeze idea . In 2006 , the state-funded Korean Consumer Protection Board listed " asphyxiation from electric fans and air-conditioners " as one of the top five recurring summer accidents .

  18. 云南省保护消费者权益委员会商品检测中心商品质量承检单位;

    Yunnan consumer protection committee commodities commodity quality inspection center bearing inspection units ;

  19. 欧洲联盟消费者协商委员会

    Consumers Consultative Council of the European Union

  20. 消费者争议委员会决定该活动的组织者应该退还票面价值50%的金额。

    The consumer body decided that the event 's organizer should refund 50 % of the ticket price .

  21. 消费者保护委员会应将消费者保护之执行结果及有关资料定期公告。

    The Consumer Protection Commission shall periodically publish the results of enforcing consumer protection measures and related information .

  22. 韩国消费者保护委员会检验了六项公众经常触摸的物品,并测试出这些物品的细菌附着量。

    The Korea Consumer Protection Board tested six items that are commonly handled by the public and ran tests for their bacteria content .

  23. 芬兰广播公司报道,国家消费者争议委员会作出了一个重大决定:如果音乐迷们觉得某位艺术家的表演低于他们的预期,就可以要求退票。

    A landmark decision by the country 's Consumer Disputes Board means music fans can ask for their money back if an artist 's performance is well below what they reasonably expected , the national broadcaster Yle reports .

  24. 但是消费者安全产品委员会将其降低限制到90ppm。

    But the Consumer Product Safety Commission has just lowered the limit to ninety parts per million .

  25. 常熟市消费者权益保护委员会(消费者协会)研究

    Changshu Consumer Rights and Interests Protects Committee ( Consumer Association ) Research

  26. 消费者利益保护委员会的创立旨在保护顾客的权益,使其免受奸商的欺诈。

    The Consumer Council exists to defend the customer against unscrupulous traders .

  27. 消费者政策咨询委员会

    Advisory Committee on Consumer Policy

  28. 美国消费者产品安全委员会曾经要求该公司召回,因为有5名婴儿在“小睡保姆”中死亡。

    The Consumer Product Safety Commission had demanded a recall because it says five infants died while in a Nap Nanny .

  29. 美国消费者产品安全委员会表示,前4个婴儿死于“小睡保姆”早期型号产品,第五个婴儿的死亡与寒意型号产品有关。

    CPSC says it knows of four infant deaths in earlier Nap Nanny models . A fifth death involved the Chill model .

  30. 从父母那收取学费后,一些教育培训机构推迟上课,随意更换教师或毫无预兆的歇业,上海市消费者权益保护委员会表示。

    Some education and training agencies delay classes , change teachers randomly or shut down without notice after collecting tuition from parents , the Shanghai Consumer Rights Protection Commission said .