
  • 网络fire pool;fire water tank;Water pool for fire fighting
  1. 高层建筑消防水池储水量设计的商榷

    Design of Fire Water Tank for High Rise Building

  2. 利用消防水池进行空调蓄冷的理论基础

    Basic theory of utilizing the fire pool for cold storage air conditioning system

  3. 吸水高度超6m的消防水池取水口设计

    Design of water intake for fire storage tank of insufficient suction head of fire engine

  4. 利用室外泳池兼做消防水池。

    The outdoor swimming pool is also used as firewater reservoir .

  5. 高层建筑消防水池设置条件剖析

    The analysis of setting-up conditions of fireproofing cistern in tall buildings

  6. 大型商场消防水池蓄冷研究

    Fire pool used for chilled water storage in a large market building

  7. 离心泵安装高度汽蚀余量及消防水池设置深度

    Installation height NPSH of centrifugal pump and setting depth of fire pond

  8. 某高层建筑地下消防水池裂缝原因分析与处理

    The cracks analysis and treatment of underground fire-fighting pool for a high-rise building

  9. 消防水池蓄冷的措施和效益分析

    Fire pool used as water cool storage and its economical analysis On cold fusion

  10. 替代分建式消防水池的城市消防水源策略

    Scheme of urban fire water source that replaces the separated building fire water pool

  11. 消防水池的充分利用

    Make Full Use of the Fire Cistern

  12. 利用消防水池对现有空调系统进行蓄冷改造的模拟分析

    Simulation of changing of the air-conditioning system to chilled water storage system using fire cistern

  13. 该工程采用地下水地源热泵空调系统,并利用消防水池和蓄冷(热)水池分别进行蓄冷、蓄热。

    Effect of heating load on the groundwater source heat pump system with pumping and recharging in same well ;

  14. 介绍了某大型超市空调系统利用消防水池进行水蓄冷的改造方法,指出两种冷源应采用板式换热器间接连接;

    Presents the method in thermal storage retrofitting using an existing fire tank for a large supermarket air conditioning system .

  15. 结合实例探讨消防水池合理储水容积的确定;室内消火栓的正确布置;

    In connection of a practical example , the determination of reasonable volume of a fire control pond and the right disposal of indoor fire hydrants were discussed .

  16. 本文从射流理论出发,探索利用消防水池进行蓄冷空调的可能性问题。

    This paper , based on the theory of jet fluidics , had quested for the feasibility of utilizing the fire pool for cold storage air conditioning system .

  17. 消防水池除按火灾延续时间消防水量确定容积外,还需减去火灾延续时间中外网补充的水量综合考虑。

    With reference to the volume of a fire fighting water pool , how much water can be supplied from outer systems should be considered besides the duration of a fire .

  18. 第三,建立两类消防水池蓄热三维模型:不加布水器的和添加布水器的,用于模拟地源热泵机组进行蓄热时的各种因素对于蓄热效率的影响。

    Third , set up two kinds fire pool regenerative three-dimensional model : without and with the water distribution . Used for simulation of the ground source heat pump units for heat storage of various factors on the thermal efficiency of the storage effect .

  19. 文章通过理论推导方法探讨了补水量合理计算的问题,并推导出补水量的计算公式,简化了水力计算,既可减少消防水池容积,又可满足火灾时消防用水的需要。

    The problem of reasonable calculation of supplementary water capacity is approached in theory , and a calculating formula for supplementary water capacity is deduced . Such calculation method can simplify hydraulic calculation , and help decrease the volume of fire cisterns while maintaining sufficient water capacity for fire fighting .

  20. 高层建筑消防储水池问题的探讨液动切换阀高寿命设计的摩擦学依据

    Study on the Question of High Building Fire Water Basan Optimism Product Life of Pilot-Operated Valves Basan on Tribology

  21. 生活与消防共用贮水池的出水设计

    Design Considerations of Storage Tank for Domestic and Fire Water Consumption

  22. 如果所有的系统操作都失败的话,可以手动操作水池边的消防软管,往水池里加水。

    Fire hoses are strung nearby to pump water into the pool manually if all systems fail .

  23. 因此,在一个建筑小区内可以考虑消防资源如消防水池、消防水泵、消防水箱、水泵接合器等共享,或者将城镇划分为几个防火区域,建立区域消防给水系统。

    So that , the fire resource can be shared for example pool , water pump , water tank and water pump jointer .