
  • 网络evacuation distance;Travel distance
  1. 至太平门的疏散距离跟踪波门(距离基准脉冲)

    Travel distance to exit Tracking gate ( range reference pulse )

  2. 至太平门的疏散距离

    Travel distance to exit

  3. 商场营业厅疏散距离研究

    Study on evacuation distance in business hall

  4. 至太平门的疏散距离疏离中的尴尬&当代语境下的中国版画

    Travel distance to exit The Embarrassment in the Alienation & Chinese block print in the modern context

  5. 防火分区面积、人员疏散距离、疏散宽度等方面难以满足现有消防规范的要求是目前大型复杂建筑消防设计中经常遇到的问题。

    Large fire compartment , long evacuation distance and short evacuation width are hot topics in the fire design for complex buildings .

  6. 某大型超市具有人员活动集中、火灾荷载密度较大以及疏散距离超长等特点,超出现有建筑防火规范要求,给判断是否安全带来不确定性。

    Evacuation is quite difficult for a large supermarket under a fire case because of large population , big fire density and long evacuation distance .

  7. 以重庆某购物中心性能化设计项目为工程背景,对购物中心人员密集的商场和电影院防火分区的防排烟系统和疏散距离进行分析。

    Under the background of the performance design of a shopping center in Chongqing , It analyzes the smoke prevention-purging system and evacuation distance of the compartment on crowded marketplace and cinema .

  8. 着重讨论了疏散人口和疏散地点间的关系,简单介绍了模糊疏散距离及其初步确定方法。

    The relation between the evacuating population and places is discussed with emphasis , and the fuzzy evacuation distance is introduced and determined simply .