
qì chē kù
  • garage
汽车库[qì chē kù]
  1. 越狱逃犯终于给追逼到地下汽车库,再次被捕。

    The escaped prisoners were eventually trapped in an underground garage and recaptured .

  2. 这只可怜的猫在汽车库被关了一个整夜。

    The poor cat has been enclosed in the garage all night .

  3. 他当时正在帮忙拆除一个地下汽车库,屋顶的一部份突然倒塌。

    He was helping to demolish an underground garage when part of the roof collapsed .

  4. 新秀居地下汽车库暖通设计

    Heating and ventilating design for the underground garage in Xinxiu Ju

  5. 他们决定买那座带汽车库的房子。

    They decided to buy that house with a garage attached .

  6. 这男孩的球落到了汽车库顶上。

    The boy 's ball ended up on the garage roof .

  7. 高层建筑地下汽车库机械通风与排烟系统选用方案探讨

    Mechanical Ventilation and Smoke Exhaust System for Underground Garage in High-Rise

  8. 喷流诱导通风在地下复式汽车库中的应用

    Application of auto - jet inducing ventilation in underground compound garages

  9. 你能不能给我一张建造一间汽车库的报价单?

    Can you give me a quotation for building a garage ?

  10. 谈居住小区地下汽车库的规划与设计

    Talking about the Plan and Design of Residential Neighborhood Underground Garage

  11. 浅议地下汽车库自动喷水灭火系统设计

    Brief on sprinkler system design for underground car parking yard

  12. 地下汽车库兼人防地下室通风系统优化设计

    Optimum design of ventilating systems for underground garages and civil air defense

  13. 地下汽车库预应力混凝土楼盖的设计

    Design of prestressed reinforced concrete floor structure of underground parking

  14. 地下汽车库通风排烟不同方式的比较

    Comparison of different methods of ventilation and smoke exhaust in underground parkings

  15. 地下汽车库暖通设计中的几个问题

    Several problems of heating and ventilating design for underground garages

  16. 诱导风机在汽车库通风设计中的应用

    The application of inducing fan in ventilation design of garage

  17. 地下汽车库通风排烟设计中应注意的几个问题

    Several Problems In Ventilation And Exhaust Design Of Underground Garage

  18. 探讨了地下汽车库的供暖、自然排烟、自然进风问题。

    Deals with heating , natural smoke extraction and natural ventilation problems .

  19. 汽车库设置固定灭火系统的探讨

    Discussion on the installation of fixed fire extinguishing system in the garage

  20. 有些人把到汽车库甩卖场去寻宝购物变成了一种业务爱好;

    Some people have made garage-sale shopping into a hobby ;

  21. 用耙子把叶子收在一起堆在汽车库旁边。

    Rake the leaves and heap them by the garage .

  22. 民用建筑地下汽车库通风换气量计算及风机选用方案探讨

    Ventilation calculation and fan specification for the underground car park in civil buildings

  23. 地下汽车库的排风与排烟系统设计

    Exhaust ventilation and smoke extraction design for underground garages

  24. 地下汽车库通风与防排烟设计的探讨

    On ventilation and smoke exhaust design of underground parkings

  25. 庐阳佳苑地下汽车库通风设计

    Ventilation Design of Underground Garage in Lu Yang Garden

  26. 地下汽车库无风管诱导型通风系统

    Derivational ventilation system without wind pipe in underground garage

  27. 地下汽车库火灾与烟气发展过程研究

    Research of Fire and Smoke Development in Underground Garages

  28. 浅谈无风管诱导通风系统在地下汽车库的应用

    Application of No - wind - pipe Induced Ventilation System in the Underground Garage

  29. 我已经买了砖,我打算盖一个汽车库。

    I have bought some bricks and I 'm going to build a garage .

  30. 地下汽车库通风排烟系统的变风量设计

    Variable Air Volume Design for Smoke Exhaustion and Ventilation Systems of Underground Parking Garage