
qì chē zhàn
  • bus stop
  1. 他带着我们走过小巷奔向汽车站。

    He guided us through a small lane to the bus stop .

  2. 有六个人在汽车站等车。

    Six people were waiting at the bus stop .

  3. 他来时,伊莱恩在汽车站迎接他。

    On his arrival , Elaine met him at the bus station

  4. 这家酒店很小,但有个优点就是离汽车站近。

    The hotel is small , but it does have the advantage of being close to the bus station .

  5. 许多美国人在火车或汽车站,见过的阿米什人家庭,男人戴宽沿的黑色帽子,妇女穿着长裙。

    Many American people have seen Amish families with the men wearing broad-brimmed black hats and the women in long dresses , in railway or bus terminals .

  6. 例如,你决定去哪家商店购物,去哪家汽车站。

    For example , you decide which stores to shop at and which bus station to go on .

  7. ne:他们正走向汽车站。

    E : They are walking to the bus stop .

  8. 他自称豪尔赫(Jorge),一个街头小混混,是我刚才在卡普里酒店(HotelCapri)外的出租汽车站遇到的。

    Jorge , he called himself , a young street hustler I had just met at a taxi stand outside the Hotel Capri .

  9. 它就在汽车站的斜对面。

    It 's diagonally across the street from the bus stop .

  10. 离学校不远处,有一个汽车站。

    The bus stop is not far away from my school .

  11. 我在汽车站等你。

    I will be waiting for you at the bus stop .

  12. 汽车站离我们黉舍没有远,走一会女便到。

    The bus stop is a short walk from our school .

  13. 在汽车站附近有很多流浪汉。

    There are a lot of tramps near the bus station .

  14. 错将公共汽车站当作长途汽车站指示给某人

    Misdirect sb to the bus station instead of the coach station

  15. 我将于九点钟到达汽车站。

    I 'll arrive at the bus stop at nine o'clock .

  16. 第二站,我们驱车前往南通汽车站。

    Then , we went to Nantong Bus Terminal by cars .

  17. 某汽车站吊顶掉落的原因分析和启示

    Cause analysis & revelations of overhung roof collapse in a bus station

  18. 妈妈,请告诉我去五路汽车站怎么走。

    Please tell me the way to No.5 bus stop , Mum .

  19. 他带信让我们在汽车站接他。

    He sent word for us to meet him at the bus-stop .

  20. 汽车站离他家大约二百米。

    It is about two hundred metres from his home .

  21. 在街道的尽头有一个汽车站。

    There is a bus stop at the end of the street .

  22. 一辆红色的公共汽车停在了汽车站。

    A red bus is stopping at the bus stop .

  23. 去福特博物馆的汽车站在哪?

    Where is the bus stop for the Ford museum ?

  24. 阿甘在汽车站和路人说他妈妈讲过的一句话。

    Forrest , telling someone at a bus stop his mothers sayings .

  25. 去机场的汽车站在哪?

    Where is the stop for buses to the airport ?

  26. 汽车站旁边是邮局。

    There is a post office next to the bus-stop .

  27. 距南昌市100公里至洪城汽车站乘车90分钟可到达。

    100km to nanchiang city.90 minutes by bus to Hongcheng bus station .

  28. 汽车站迁建设计新途径的探讨

    New ideas in design for relocation and construction Of Handan East Bus Terminal

  29. 吃完烤肉,我就把她送到汽车站去。

    I 'm giving her a ride to the terminal , right after .

  30. 玛丽把他送到汽车站。

    Mary saw him off at the bus station .