
qì chē lā lì sài
  • rally;motor rally;cross-country car race
  1. 发挥一下想象力,生成的坐标值可能就是临近的一个公共车站、随身携带着GPS设备的马拉松选手、汽车拉力赛中的汽车或者运输中的包裹。

    With some imagination , the coordinates generated could be the positions of nearby public transport , marathon runners carrying GPS devices , cars in a rally , or the location of a package in transit .

  2. LVMH旗下的时尚品牌路易威登(LouisVuitton),将其在中国举办一项为期一周的汽车拉力赛的计划,推迟到了明年或2010年。

    Louis Vuitton , LVMH 's fashion brand , has postponed a week-long car rally in China until next year or 2010 .

  3. 本年度汽车拉力赛多数选手技术发挥不稳定,比赛开始时边线欠佳成了他们的通病

    Poor starts have characterized the erratic form of most rally drivers this year

  4. 2006年至今,内蒙古自治区国际汽车拉力赛已连续举办三届。

    Inner Mongolia International Rally Raid has been hold for three years since 2006 .

  5. 我们去参加一个老式汽车拉力赛。

    We went to a vintage car rally .

  6. 老爷车年轻的时候一套1907北京&巴黎汽车拉力赛的老明信片

    When the Classic Cars Were Young : Postcards on the 1907 Beijing-Paris Rally OLD HOUSE

  7. 他在刚刚结束的周末汽车拉力赛中名列第二,仅落后第一名2秒钟。

    He had just finished second in a weekend rally race , two seconds behind first place .

  8. 有时,我会遇到其他喜欢开快车的司机,这时我们就会来场汽车拉力赛。

    Sometimes , I encounter another driver who likes to drive fast and we have a drag race .

  9. 前世界汽车拉力赛冠军科林.麦克雷在1999年赛季伊始将离开富士车队而加盟福特车队。

    Former world rally champion Colin MaRae will leave Subaru and team up with Ford for the start of the 1999 season .

  10. 1997年亚太汽车拉力赛第3轮比赛在马来西亚吉隆坡市拉开帷幕。

    The Malaysian city of Kuala Lumpur was where the motoring action started from in the third round of the 1997 Asia-Pacific Auto Rally .

  11. 此外,人才管理方法、品牌打造方法及赛事运营公司管理比赛的方法在内蒙古汽车拉力赛市场化运作中也是必不可少的。

    Moreover , talent management method , brand make method and organized the competition by competition company are also the absolutely necessary strategic in the rally raid .

  12. 亚太汽车拉力赛第6赛段对麦克雷来说不走运,他在驾车穿过马来西亚橡胶园的时候,赛车失控而失去了领先地位。

    Stage six of Asia-Pacific auto rally was unlucky for mcrae , racing through the Malaysian robber plantations , he spun out of control and out of the lead .

  13. 而且40英里的最大行驶距离也没法适应高强度的驾驶和持续的爬坡——你并不非得是个崭露头角的汽车拉力赛选手或者爬坡赛选手,才能够减少电池所支撑的最大行驶距离。

    Nor does the 40-mile range accommodate aggressive driving or sustained uphill climbs -- you don 't have to be a budding drag racer or hill-climb contestant to get less than the full range on electricity .