
  • 网络Car Computer;Auto pc
  1. 基于Atom的设备既能运行Windows也能运行Moblin,这是一个面向上网本、手持设备、智能手机和汽车电脑的基于Fedora定制的开源Linux操作系统。

    Atom-based devices can run Windows but also Moblin , an open source custom Fedora-based Linux operating system targeted at netbooks , handhelds , smart phones and car computers .

  2. 适应这个全新的世界汽车电脑配对网站

    Adapting . It 's a whole new world.Cars , computers , match.com .

  3. 简要介绍汽车电脑控制系统的控制内容;汽车电脑自我诊断系统的原理及组成;

    The article describes the contents of the automobile control system , the principle and composition of self-diagnosis system ;

  4. 汽车电脑是按照预定程序自动地对各种传感器的输入信号进行处理,然后输出信号给执行器,从而控制汽车运行的电子设备。

    Auto computer is a electronic equipment that manages input signal with scheduled program and exports signal , then controls auto running .

  5. 汽车电脑控制系统在硬件结构上一般由3部分组成,即外部传感器、车电脑和执行机构。

    The automobile 's computer control system is composed of three parts in hardware structure , which are the external sensor , automobile computer and executive system .

  6. 基于位置的广告只是车载广告的一种潜在形式,即使是今天,也有设备能够连接到汽车电脑检测仪并根据需要提供反馈。

    Location-based ads are only one potential avenue for in-car advertising ; even today , devices connect to your car 's diagnostic computer and offer situational rewards .

  7. eBay起初只是个收藏家的网站,今天则成为最大的网上集市,销售范围由汽车到电脑到体育用品,全部货种有1.8万类之多。

    And collectables were just the beginning , today eBay is the largest online seller of goods ranging from automobiles to computers to sporting goods , a total of 18 thousand categories in all .

  8. 我们生活在汽车(电脑)时代。

    We are in car ( computer ) age .

  9. 在不久的将来,司机可以在开车前将目的地输入汽车的电脑。

    In near future , drivers could put destination into computer of car .

  10. 1月份,美国对外国汽车、电脑和电视的需求也有所下降。

    Us appetite for foreign cars , computers and televisions also declined during the month .

  11. 这些船只还运载了制造汽车、电脑、机械以及其他物品所需要的零部件。

    The ships also carry parts needed for building automobiles , computers , machinery and many other products .

  12. 不过,凭借着丰富的功能和便捷的操作,智能手机如今大有取代汽车行车电脑之势。

    But smartphones have largely transcended the screens on car dashboards , because they do more and are easier to use .

  13. 这是目前的奢侈品,包括移动电话,汽车,电脑和其他许多许多事情真的。

    This is true of many of the present luxuries , including mobile phones , cars , computers and many other things .

  14. 经营范围:生产和销售汽车、电脑、通信及供电设施等高级铝合金型材及其产品。

    Business Scope : Precision Aluminum Extrusion bar and it 's products used in HDD actuator , automobile , telecommunication and power supply industry .

  15. 汽车,电脑和药品的市场尚未饱和,而且市场的需求量还在不断增长。

    The markets for automobiles , personal computers , and pharmaceuticals are far from saturated and benefit from an ever-growing demand for such goods .

  16. 据消费者权益保护相关人士介绍,有关房屋、汽车、电脑、通产品及服务的投诉呈上升趋势。

    Consumer complaints about real estate , automobiles , computers and telecommunications products and services are on the rise , consumer protection advocates have said .

  17. 借贷的方便使很多穷人能买得起汽车、电脑、信用卡、甚至是房子。

    Greater access to credit has put cars , computers , credit cards , and even homes within reach for many more of the working poor .

  18. 在众多投诉案件中,大到商品房、汽车、电脑,小到烟酒、衣袜、零食,可以说各个行业都有涉猎。

    In numerous complaints cases , housing , cars , computers , small to tobacco , clothing stockings , snacks , can say all industries have dabbled in .

  19. 电动燃油泵是汽车用电脑控制的燃油控制系统的重要部件,而且是易损件,其需求量很大。

    Electronic fuel pump is very important component of engine which is controlled by computer . The electronic pump is easily damaged , so the demand is great .

  20. 而为可负担得起的汽车、电脑和移动设备创造新市场的颠覆性创新现在不像以前那么常见了,这种趋势需要立即得以扭转。

    Disruptive innovation which created new markets for affordable cars , computers , and mobile devices is less common now , and this trend needs to be immediately reversed .

  21. 但这种观点却被经常用于保护弱势或濒临倒闭的企业:美国的航空公司、欧洲的汽车和电脑制造商,以及全球范围内的钢铁和船舶制造公司。

    But the idea has more often served to protect weak or failing businesses : airlines in the US , car and computer makers in Europe and steel and shipbuilding companies globally .

  22. 女人通常将钱花在大多数的日常家庭消费中,比如杂货、账单和家人的衣物;男人则将钱花在诸如等离子电视机、汽车或电脑等大件物品上。

    Women usually take care of most of the family 's daily expenses : the groceries , the bills , clothes for the family – while men spend on large purchases like plasma TVs , cars or computers .

  23. 阿瑟意识到,尽管自己生在一个拥有汽车,电脑,巴黎和阿马涅克白兰地的星球,可他本人并不知道这些东西是怎么回事。

    He had been extremely chastened to realise that although he originally came from a world which had cars and computers and ballet and armagnac he didn 't , by himself , know how any of it worked .

  24. 巴西政府已与数家工业企业会晤,以安排稀土客户。稀土是17种元素的总称,主要用于制造风力涡轮机、电动汽车和电脑屏幕等产品的部件。

    The government has met several industrial companies to line up customers for rare earths , a group of 17 elements which are primarily used to make components for such items as wind turbines , electric cars , and computer screens .

  25. 首先我们观察到,与汽车、笔记本电脑或可口可乐(coca-cola)的股票不同,每所房子都不尽相同。

    Start with the observation that , unlike a car or a laptop or a share in Coca-Cola , every house is a little different .

  26. 丹汽车里的电脑正导引他前往旅馆。

    The computer in dan 's car is helping him reach his hotel .

  27. 载重汽车自动驾驶电脑控制系统的研制

    Research of Automatic Drive Computer Control System for Truck

  28. 现代汽车正是电脑和车轮的组合。

    Modern cars are really computers on wheels .

  29. 进口增长4.7%,达到1596亿美元。这标志着美国国内对汽车零件和电脑的需求量的良好回升。

    Imports jumped by4.7 per cent to $ 159.6bn , signalling a welcome rise in domestic demand for car parts and computers .

  30. 在一个电子邮件送到你的汽车仪表盘电脑里,提醒你汽车出了毛病的时候,你也同时得到了解决方案。

    By the time ane-mail arrives at your dashboard computer alerting you to the fault , you are presented with the solution as well .