
  • 网络amateur sports school
  1. 河南省业余体校武术教练员队伍建设的现状与对策研究

    Situation and countermeasure research about martial arts coach in amateur sports school in Henan

  2. 奥运理念主导下业余体校少年儿童体育训练的生理学分析及对策

    Physiology Analysis and Strategy on Children 's Sports Training in Amateur Sports School under the Guidance of Olympic Sports

  3. 北京市部分业余体校田径训练现状的调查研究

    Status Quo of Athletics Training in Some Amateur Sports Schools in Beijing

  4. 我国业余体校发展历程及现状的研究分析

    Development of history and current situation about amateur sports schools

  5. 业余体校运动员踝关节运动损伤的调查与研究

    Research And Study On Sports Induced Ankle Joint Injuries In Amateur Sports Schools

  6. 江苏省业余体校体操运动员调查研究

    Research on province gymnastics of Amateur Sport in Jiangsu

  7. 江苏省业余体校网球教练员现状与对策研究

    Current Situation and Countermeasure on Tennis Coaches in Amateur Sports Schools of Jiangsu Province

  8. 对海南省业余体校发展现状的调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the Development Status Quo of Amateur PE Schools in Hainan

  9. 武汉市基层业余体校发展现状及对策分析

    The Status and Countermeasures on the Development of the Wuhan Grassroots ' Amateur Sports Schools

  10. 安徽业余体校现行运动员培养体制及发展对策研究

    Research on Cultivating System and Developing Countermeasure of Anhui Province Players in the Sports School

  11. 福建省业余体校举重训练损伤现状及归因

    The Present Status of Weight Lifting Training of Amateur Sports School in Fujian Province and Its Attributions

  12. 业余体校运动员职业态度得分明显低于专业运动员。

    The score of amateur players in spare time sports schools is far below than professional players .

  13. 羽毛球业余体校“体教结合”模式初探

    A Study on the Model of " Combining Sports and Teaching " at Amateur Badminton Sports Schools

  14. 山东省普通中学与业余体校篮球运动员社会支持的比较研究

    The Initial Study on the Social Support between Amateur Basketball Players and Middle School Plays in Shandong

  15. 由专门的部门对田径传统校或业余体校进行监督、评估与管理。

    By special department of track and field reform or amateur who supervise , assessment and management .

  16. 河北省业余体校武术套路教练员现状与对策的研究

    Research and Strategy on the Current Situation of Wushu Routine Coaches in Amateur Spot Schools in Hebei Province

  17. 对江苏省基层业余体校武术训练与比赛内容的研究

    On the Content of Wushu Training and Match in the Spare-time Sport Schools for Children of Jiangsu Province

  18. 福建省业余体校田径运动开展的现状与可持续发展的对策研究

    Study on Present Situation and Sustainable Development Countermeasures of Athletics in Amateur Schools of Physical Training in Fujian

  19. 县级业余体校的发展是体育事业发展的重要组成部分。

    The development of the sparetime sport schools in the county-level is an important part in the sport undertakings .

  20. 紧凑、独特、多功能&宁铁业余体校体育馆的设计

    Compactness , Uniqueness and Multifunction ── The Design of the Gymnasium of Nanjing Railroad Sparetime School for Physical Training

  21. 许多体育学院和业余体校都开设了艺术体操班,许多城市还有高水平运动队。

    Sports colleges and amateur schools have opened artistic gymnastics classes , and some cities have highly skilled teams .

  22. 8岁时,获得业余体校全国冠军。

    When she was8 years old , she won the championship in the national competition of the amateur sports school .

  23. 江苏省业余体校竞技体操教练员获取体育信息方式的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the Means of Obtaining Sport Information of Gymnastics Coaches of Amateurish Sports School in Jiangsu Province

  24. 山东省体育传统项目学校与业余体校排球教练员现状的比较研究

    The Comparative Research on the Present Conditions of Volleyball Coaches in Traditional Sports Schools vs Amateur Sports Schools in Shandong Province

  25. 江苏省青少年业余体校田径运动员选材现状的调查分析

    Investigation And Analysis On The Current Situation Of Track And Field Athletic Selection Of Youth Amateurs Training School In Jiangsu Province

  26. 对运动水平在一、二级之间,以业余体校方式进行训练的地市级运动队所进行的研究并不多见。

    The level of movement between one and two and about the amateur sports school sports team training research and rare .

  27. 从1955年我国开始创建业余体校,至今己55个年头,在这期间它为我国竞技体育事业的发展做出了巨大的贡献。

    Amateur Sports School in China starting from 1955 has made tremendous contributions to the development of our country sports in 55 years .

  28. 建立田径传统项目学校和业余体校的教练员定期的考核机制,以此来督促和鼓励教练员踏实工作,积极进取。

    Establish athletics traditional project schools and amateur who coaches regular examination system , so as to urge and encourage coach sureness working and aggressive .

  29. 加强对河北省市级业余体校篮球项目业余训练工作的研究,对促进河北省篮球运动的普及和提高有重要意义。

    So research on the basketball project training of municipal part-time sports training school is of importance for the promotion and popularity of basketball in Hebei Province .

  30. 业余体校在我国体育发展进程中发挥了重要的作用,业余体校的运行机制也随着社会的演进不断变化。

    Amateur sports school play an important role in the progress of sports development , the mechanism of Amateur sports changed with the development of the whole society .