
  • 网络complex circuit
  1. BOM技术在复杂电路虚拟维修系统中的应用

    Application of BOM in Complex Circuit Virtual Maintenance Systems

  2. 用数值计算方法分析RC、RL串联电路暂态过程及数值计算方法在其他复杂电路分析中的应用举例。

    Analysis of numerical methods with RC , RL series circuit transient process and numerical methods in analysis of other complex circuit application examples .

  3. 基于VHDL的复杂电路的P-T算法模型

    Complicated Electric Circuit P-T Calculus Model Based on VHDL

  4. 复杂电路本质安全特性的PSPICE仿真评价

    PSPICE Based Intrinsic Safe Circuits Evaluation

  5. 针对此问题,本文应用当前流行的MATLAB软件辅助复杂电路分析,给出了两个电路实例,说明MATLAB在辅助电路教学中的有效应用,旨在该课程中引入MATLAB,进一步促进电路课程的教学改革。

    It shows MATLAB can work effectively in circuit calculation and the purpose of this paper is to promote the farther teaching innovation of circuit course by introducing MATLAB .

  6. 本文在应用基尔霍夫定律(Kirchhofflaw)的基础上引进了等效电动势的概念,建立起一种求解复杂电路的新方法,这种方法可以使求解过程简化、

    The concept of equivalent electromotive force is introduced based on Kirchhoff Law and a new method to solve complicated circuits is found which can simplify the solving proce - dure .

  7. 希望通过本文研究能开发出适用于复杂电路低噪声优化设计的CAD软件,并使它具有规范、通用性强、精度高和运算快速的优点。

    It is desired to exploit the CAD software based on research here for low noise optimum design of complex circuits , and to make it with the advantages such as standard , high universality , high accuracy and fast calculation .

  8. 以EWB电路分析方法中的极零点为分析工具,分析复杂电路或系统的传递函数,来达到取代枯燥繁琐的手工计算的目的。

    By using the Pole-Zero as the analytical means in EWB circuit analysis , the transfer function was analysed in complicated circuit or system to replace the dull and onerous manual computation .

  9. KCL和KVL可推广应用到由不同元件所构成的复杂电路计算中,亦可推广应用到任何变化的电流和电压的计算甚至是三相交流电路的计算之中。

    KCL & KVL can be applied to complex circuit counting made up of different components , as well as to any changing electric current and voltage , even to three phase alternating current .

  10. 用基尔霍夫方程组解复杂电路的讨论

    Discussion of solving the complicated circuit with kirchhoff 's equation

  11. 复杂电路某一支路电流的求解

    Solution About a Certain Branch Current in the Compound Circuit

  12. 复杂电路中独立回路选择的新方法

    Selected New Method for Independent Return Circuit in Complex Circuits

  13. 复杂电路分析的最优化程序方法与应用

    Method and Application of Optimization Program about Complex Electric Circuit

  14. 可看出,动态分析对于复杂电路是一种有效的方法。

    Obviously , the dynamic analysis of complicated circuit in an effective method .

  15. 求解复杂电路的等效电动势法

    A Method of Equivalent Electromotive Force for Complicated Circuits

  16. 复杂电路仿真分析的两种实现方法研究

    Two Methods for Simulating and Analyzing Complicated Circuits

  17. 在电力系统中,仿真是分析复杂电路的有效手段。

    Simulation is an effective approach to analyze the complex circuits in power system .

  18. 计算机仿真与辅助设计是复杂电路分析设计的重要手段与方法。

    CAD is one of the most important methods in complicated circuits analyzing and designing .

  19. 用传递函数分析复杂电路

    Analyzing Complicated Circuits by Transfer Function

  20. 在这些传统的应用中,非线性算法受限于其实现的复杂性及复杂电路的可靠性问题。

    In the traditional implementation , nonlinear is usually restricted by the complex circuits in analog platform .

  21. 在电路分析中,置换定理是一个应用广泛的重要定理,该定理在分析复杂电路过程中具有独特的作用。

    The Substitution theorem is an important theorem widely used for circuits analyses especially for complex circuits .

  22. 等值变换法在分析复杂电路时的重要作用

    Time and fate ; the important effect of " equiv alent transformation " in the analysis of complicated circuit

  23. 讨论简单闭合电路的欧姆定律推广应用于非闭合电路及复杂电路的求解过程。

    The application of the Ohms law of simple closed circuit in complicated closed circuit or open circuit is studied .

  24. 对DX-3型扫描电子显微镜进行了总体维修和复杂电路图的简化。

    The type DX 3 electronic scanning microscope has been wholly maintained , and its complexed circuit diagrams have been simplified .

  25. 在系统设计中,硬件复杂电路设计的调试与仿真工作对于设计者来说十分困难。

    In system deign , debugging for the design becomes increasingly difficult and designers want more efficient and high-performance verification and debugging solutions .

  26. 随着集成电路的发展,传统的测试方法已经很难对复杂电路进行高速有效的测试。

    With the development of intergrated circuit , it is difficult to test the complicated circuit quickly and efficaciously used traditional test method .

  27. 本文引入广义功率函数和简化拉格朗日方程,并用来分析复杂电路和机电系统。

    The generalized power function is introduced and the reduced Lagrange equations are used in the analysis of complex circuits and Electromechanical systems .

  28. 通过例题分析指出了在各种不同情况下如何利用此法分析求解复杂电路。

    By means of analysis examples this method will point out how to analyse and how to solve the complicated circuit under different conditions .

  29. 这个复杂电路之所以变化是因为不同导线的几何参数的微小变化会改变其电容和电感。

    This complex network changes due to small variations in cable geometry ( construction ) from cable to cable which affects capacitance and inductance somewhat .

  30. 本文提出了一种无需整周期采样、无需锁相环和复杂电路硬件的相位检测算法。

    A novel phase detection algorithm that does not need complete period sampling , phase-locked loops or complex electrocircuit hardware was presented in this paper .