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  • reset;set;restoration;replacing;regain one's power
复位 [fù wèi]
  • (1) [set]∶脱位的骨关节回复到原来的部位

  • (2) [regain one's power]∶失去地位的君主重新掌权

复位[fù wèi]
  1. 迟滞鉴幅式CPU复位电路探源

    Analysis of reset circuit for lag amplitude discriminating CPU

  2. CCD复位噪声相关性的分析

    A Correlativity Analysis of Reset Noise in CCD

  3. 他做了一个手臂复位手术,正在恢复。

    He is recovering from an operation to reset his arm .

  4. 从来没有哪个医生能治愈骨折,他们只是让骨头复位。

    No doctor has ever healed a broken bone : he or she sets them

  5. 医生能使骨折或脱臼复位。

    A doctor can reduce a fracture or dislocation .

  6. 和田当地的医生告知小孩父亲,手术需要在6小时之内完成,否则细胞坏死后将无法治疗。医院的骨科医生检查完手臂后,建议由于伤势严重,需要将手臂切断,然后再复位,将骨片正确对齐,否则孩子将终身残疾。

    After the orthopedists in the hospital examined the arm , they suggested that as the injury was so severe that the arm would need to be severed the bone fragments , otherwise the child would be disabled for life .

  7. 用C型X线透视确定在髓腔内,复位满意后,依次锁定远、近端锁钉,术后不用外固定。

    Closure reduction excellent with " C " arm X-ray then locking nails one by one and not external fixation .

  8. 在治疗中老年GardenⅢ、Ⅳ型股骨颈骨折手法复位优于切开复位。

    In the treatment of senile Garden ⅲ,ⅳ type femoral neck fracture Gimmick reset superior to open reduction .

  9. 新型选择性复位CMOS图像传感器电路结构

    Novel selective reset CMOS image sensor circuit structure

  10. 每位患者术前均行X线、CT等影像学检查,术后均摄X线片观察复位情况及螺钉位置。

    Every patient was checked by X-ray and CT before operation . Observe every case 's reduction state and pin position after operation .

  11. IL-6在视网膜脱离及复位状态下的表达

    Change of IL-6 in detached and reattached retina

  12. Laplace方程复位函数半解析方法

    A semi-analytical complex potential method for solving Laplace 's equation

  13. 结论RF椎弓根螺钉系统能使腰椎滑脱得到较为确实的复位和固定,脊柱融合率高,临床效果满意。

    Conclusion RF pedicle screw spinal system provide fixation with satisfactory clinical results and relatively high fusion rate .

  14. 逐行复位快闪式CMOS焦平面读出电路的测试方法

    Testing Method of Reset Row-by - row Snapshot Charge Amplifier CMOS Readout IC for Focal Plane Array

  15. 对已完全瘫,虽然前方有压迫,但经MRI证实截瘫恢复无望C3.2型,经后路手术解锁复位AXIS固定。

    The posterior unlocking reduction and AXIS fixation were applied for type C 3.2 which suffered from anterior compression and hopeless paraplegia .

  16. 闭合复位经皮AO空心钉治疗骶髂关节损伤

    Closed reduction and percutaneous AO hollow compressing screw fixation for sacroiliac joint injury

  17. 椎弓根钉固定复位椎板间植骨融合(B组)的31例中30例融合,其融合率96%,滑脱复位率83%,改善率56.20%。

    In group ⅱ, solid fusion was in 30 cases giving a fusion rate of 96 % , 56.20 % rate of improvement , 83 % rate of reduction ;

  18. B组30例采用切开复位带血管蒂髂骨移植三根针内固定治疗,随访1~7年。

    Group B ( 30 cases ) with operative reduction and vessel pedicle iliac bone grafting and three needles internal fixation . The patients had been followed up postoperatively during 1-7 years .

  19. 视网膜脱离手术复位后ERG的恢复

    Recovery of the Patients ' ERG after Succeeding Operations for Retinal Detachment

  20. 方法切开复位以螺钉内固定治疗Bennett骨折10例,结合术后早期功能康复。

    Methods Ten cases of Bennett fracture were treated by screw fixation and rehabilitation .

  21. CT显示脱位及骨折17例、软组织肿胀15例、复位后关节间隙增宽11例及关节内碎骨片10例。

    CT showed hip joint dislocation and fractures in 17 cases , soft tissue swelling in 15 cases , widened hip joint space in 11 cases and bone fragment in 10 cases after restoration .

  22. 结论:AF内固定系统能达到精确复位固定及椎管有效减压,是治疗胸腰椎爆裂性骨折的有效方法。

    Conclusion : AF fixation system is good for exact reduction and decompression , it is effective to treat thoracolumbar burst fractures .

  23. 目的探讨运用Spondylolisthesisreductionsystem(SRS)提拉复位系统加环锯取髂骨于椎体间行单侧或双侧植骨融合治疗峡部不连性腰椎滑脱症。

    Objective To assess SRS elevating-pull reduction system and intervertebral circular saw iliac bone graft fusion in single or double for surgical treatment of lumbar spinal spondylolisthesis associated with isthmic spondylolysis .

  24. 手法折骨复位夹板固定治疗陈旧性Barton骨折6例

    Treatment of old Barton fracture with manual reduction and splint fixation : a report of 6 cases

  25. 文章从单片机实际上电过程的分析入手,从上电复位和噪声复位两个侧面,介绍了迟滞鉴幅式CPU复位电路的工作原理、设计方法和调试过程,该电路具有较高的实用性。

    , switch on reset and noisy reset , introduces principles , design methods and debugging of reset circuit for lag amplitude discriminating CPU . This circuit is relatively practicable .

  26. 闭合复位Ender钉内固定治疗成人股骨干骨折

    Ender 's nail for internals , fixation of femoral shaft fracture in adults

  27. 积分复位控制高效率三相Boost型PFC具有如下特征:①常频控制,有利于滤波器的设计;

    The high efficiency integrate-reset-control three-phase boost type power factor corrector has these characteristics as follows : ① Constant frequency control , which gives advantage to filter design ;

  28. 结果显示,在PVR视网膜脱离C期、巨大裂孔性视网膜脱离合并PVRC_2期以下改变以及黄斑裂孔性视网膜脱离中,SF_6或硅油填充均有效高的复位率。

    Both gas and silicone oil groups showed higher attachment rates in stage C of PVR , giant tears with PVR less than stage C_2 and macular holes .

  29. Colles骨折手法复位治疗体会

    Treatment of Colles Fracture by Manual Reposition

  30. 目的:观察LASIK术后角膜瓣移位的原因及其再次复位的方法和效果。

    AIM : To discuss the reason of cornea flap removing from original site and the methods and effect of relocation after LASIK .