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  • a kind of poisonous snake

  • 语素in huītuí 虺颓
  • 古书上说的一种毒蛇:~蜮(虺、蜴、蜮都是害人的毒物,喻奸恶小人)。为~弗摧,为蛇若何(小蛇不打死,成了大蛇怎么办?原喻要趁敌人弱小时就把它消灭,后泛指坏人要及早除掉)。

  1. 33他们的酒是大蛇的毒液,是虺蛇残害的毒素。

    Their wine is the venom of serpents And the cruel poison of cobras .

  2. 申32:33他们的酒是大蛇的毒气、虺蛇残害的恶毒。

    Their wine is the venom of serpents , And the deadly poison of cobras .

  3. 伯20:16他必吸饮虺蛇的毒气.蛇的舌头也必杀他。

    He shall suck the poison of asps : the viper 's tongue shall slay him .

  4. 他们使舌头尖利如蛇,嘴里有虺蛇的毒气。(细拉)

    Their tongues are sharp like the tongue of a snake ; the poison of snakes is under their lips . ( Selah . )

  5. 你要踹在狮子和虺蛇的身上,践踏少壮狮子和大蛇。

    You will put your foot on the lion and the snake ; the young lion and the great snake will be crushed under your feet .

  6. 吃奶的孩子必玩耍在虺蛇的洞口,断奶的婴儿必按手在毒蛇的穴上。婴儿手执奶瓶自己喂奶

    The infant will play near the hole of the cobra , and the young child put his hand into the viper 's nest . to prop the bottle