
  • 网络composite plywood
  1. 湿热条件对木竹复合胶合板弯曲性能的影响

    Bending Properties of Wood-bamboo Composite Plywood in Differently Hygrothermal Conditions

  2. 负荷挠度曲线表明,竹木复合胶合板在冰冻、冷水、干热下表现为脆性破坏为主,热水处理时的性能变化表现出粘弹性为主的特征,竹木复合材料的静态力学性能表现与其粘弹性变化机理相关。

    The curve of loading and deformation veried that bamboo and wood composite plywood mainly showed low-temperature brittleness and hot brittleness when treated in cold water , frozen condition , and drying .

  3. 玻璃布&木材复合胶合板的研制

    Researching and producing glass cloth - timber compound veneer

  4. 本文描述了利用山杨材制作复合胶合板的研究。

    This paper describes that the study on the david poplar timber to make compound plywood .

  5. 最优化方法在复合胶合板热压工艺中的应用

    OPTIMIZATION OF HOT PRESSING OF COMPOUND PLYWOOD Heat-conduction of Particleboard by Conventional Hot - pressing Method s

  6. 这种复合胶合板,用作表板的木质单板,其木纹方向与成品板的宽度方向一致,故可用短材小料作为加工单板的原料;

    The grain direction of the compound plywood is the same with the width direction of the finished board , so the short and small material can be used as the raw material for processing the single board .

  7. 热压工艺对竹杉复合结构胶合板力学性能影响压电复合材料层合板的混沌动力学研究

    Effect of mechanical properties on structural plywood made from bamboo / fir Chaotic dynamics for laminated composite piezoelectric rectangular plates

  8. 数控全自动打胶机打胶工艺研究及实现热压工艺对竹杉复合结构胶合板力学性能影响

    The Technics Research and Achievement of Numerical RobotSealing ; Effect of mechanical properties on structural plywood made from bamboo / fir