
  1. 在最近CCTV的采访中,宗庆后自己也承认在与达能签署“阴阳合同”的时候欺骗了政府和人民。

    In a recent interview with CCTV , Zong confessed he had cheated the government and the people on the issue of twin-contracts with Danone .

  2. 论建筑市场阴阳合同的法律规制

    Legal Regulation on Formal and Substantial Contracts in Construction Market

  3. 笔者认为在司法实践中应当本着合同法的立法精神对于阴阳合同都应当认定有效。

    The author thinks that in the judicial practice the double contracts should be recognized as valid contract according to the legislative spirit .

  4. 因此,当前建筑市场的阴阳合同问题还十分突出,亟待彻底解决。

    Therefore , the current construction market " black and white contract " problem is very outstanding , urgently to be thoroughly solved .

  5. 该《办法》明确,房地产经纪机构和人员不得从事赚取差价、协助签订“阴阳合同”、为不符合交易条件和禁止交易的房屋提供经纪服务等违法违规行为。

    According to the rules , the agencies and agents cannot make price difference , provide help in equivocal contracts or provide real estate brokering service to illegal and banned deals .

  6. 首先,对建设工程合同和阴阳合同的概念进行的界定,并对建设工程招标人与投标人之间的关系进行了梳理。

    First of all , the " construction contract " and " Contract of yin and yang " definition of the concept of " construction project bidding and the bidders ," the relationship between the comb .