- 名spermatocyte;sperm mother cell;male gonocyte

Methods : Micronucleus test in bone marrow PCE and chromosome aberration assay in primary spermatocyte were undertaken in mice exposed to the immersion .
Primary spermatocyte proliferation period ( 120 days old );
A study of DNA synthesis of the repopulating spermatocytes in the rats after withdrawal of gossypol treatment
The relationship between chromosomal aberration and dominant mutation in spermatocytes of late pachytene phase in male mice after a single X-irridiation was reported .
With a combination of surface spreading and silver staining techniques synaptonemal complexes ( SC ) were studied with electron microscopy .
PNA binding glycoconjugates appeared in early spermatogenesis and expressed in primary and secondary spermatocytes ;
Its mutagenicity was studied with Ames test , micronucleus test , chromosome aberration test in mouse spermatocytes .
According to the time interval between treatment and slide preparation they mainly affected G1-and S-phase of primary spermatocytes in pre-meiosis .
Primary spermatocytes were observed at the 15th postnatal day .
It interacted with Lamin A in mouse spermatocyte cell line .
AR expressed stronger in spermatocytes and spermatogenic cells , ER in germ cells and sperm expressed strong in the second spermatocyte , PR in Leydig cells also expressed stronger .
The voltage dependent calcium channels is one of main paths to controlling Ca2 + influx and T-type Ca2 + channel is the main Ca2 + current carrier in mouse spermatocyte and sperm .
MATERIALS AND METHODS : Comet assay , Ames test , micronucleus test and spermatogonial chromosomal aberration test were performed to analyze the damage of different concentrations of folpet to DNA .
In immunocytochemistry staining , PPS and spermatogonia displayed positive staining , while Sertoli cell , round spermatid and sperm displayed negative staining .
The Ames test , Erythrocyte micronucleus assay , Spermatogonial chromosomal aberrations test and In vitro mammalian cell gene mutation test were used .
Results : Sertoli cell , primary pachytene spermatocyte ( PPS ), spermatogonia , round spermatid were the main four round cell groups that can be classified under Hoffman optics .
Meiotic maturation could be achieved in reconstructed oocytes matured after primary spermatocyte was transferred into GV ooplasm , but the first polar body was very large and the proportion of oocytes with adequately condensed chromosome was very low .
D2 ( 1.5 Gy X-rays ) was given 40 days after exposure to D1 . The effect of chronic or fractional pre-exposure of low dose radiation on the chromosome damage induced by subsequently high dose irradiation was observed .
In the testis , WGA showed affinity for Golgi apparatus of the spermatocytes and the early stages of acrosome formation of the spermatids , while SBA and PNA for the late stages of acrosome formation .
The surface spread and silver stained preparation of spermatocytes of Microtus mandarinus have been analyzed by electron microscopy . The results show that behavior and morphology of X and Y chromosome is different from autosomal SC during prophase ⅰ of meiosis .
Results : ( 1 ) Ghrelin and its receptor GHS-R1a were mainly distributed in the arcuate nuclei , ventromedial nucleus , median eminence , adenohypophysis , leydig cells , spermatocyte , sertoli cells , oocytes and among others .
The results show : ( 1 ) In testis , PNA receptors sites were firstly observed in the cytoplasm and plasma membrane of primary spermatocyte , and greatly increased in the plasma membrane of second spermatocyte , then decreased and were accumulated in the tail of the round spermatid .
A Study on the Synaptonemal Complex in the Spermatocyte of Silkworm
Centriole aberration in spermatocytes of the German cockroach induced by radiation
Tablet-making of the Cell Chromosome of Locust Spermatocyte On Mediation Method
Of primary spermatocytes was 22 ∶ 4 ∶ 1 ;
Method improvement for chromosome aberration test of mouse primary spermatocyte
Primary studies on cell fusion of spermatocytes in silkworm , Bombyx mori
Observation on Silver-stained Synaptonemal Complex in Rhesus Monkey Spermatocytes by Light Microscopy
Research Progress in the Capacity of Fertilization of Mammal Spermatid and Spermatocyte