
  • 网络Elite Education;elitist education;meritocracy;superior education;meritocratic education
  1. 精英教育观与Boyer学术观是支持研究型大学本科教育改革的重要理念。而研究型大学的本科教育正是在不断改革之中逐渐形成创新型人才培养模式的。

    Elite education concept and Boyer 's academic idea contribute much to the reform of undergraduate curricular for innovative students in research-oriented colleges and universities .

  2. 在高等教育由精英教育逐渐向大众化教育过度的形势下,要想实现培养目标,必须改变现有的课程体系。

    Higher education is transforming from elite education to general education .

  3. 他们谴责白皮书是在怂恿中央集权和精英教育。

    They condemned the white paper as a charter for centralisation and selective education .

  4. 小范围人群,Y世代中的一小部分,生于安乐,受精英教育长大,坚信不但要追求梦想,还要靠梦想赚钱。

    In a nutshell , a slice of Generation Y , borne of suburban comfort , indoctrinated with the transcendent power of education , and infected by the conviction that not only do we deserve to pursue our dreams ; we should profit from them .

  5. 此文节选自威廉·德雷谢维奇(WilliamDeresiewicz)的新书:《优秀的绵羊:失当的美国精英教育以及如何拥有富于意义的人生》(ExcellentSheep:TheMiseducationoftheAmericanEliteandtheWaytoaMeaningfulLife)。

    It was an essay by William Deresiewicz , drawn from his new book , " Excellent Sheep : The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life . "

  6. 精英教育·小康社会·一流大学

    Elite Education , Well-Off Society , First - Class Universities

  7. 从精英教育向普及教育转变:意义与模式的探究

    Transform Elite Education to Universal Education : Exploring on Significance and Mode

  8. 知识经济、高等教育大众化背景下的精英教育审视

    Knowledge Economy , Popularization of Higher Education and Elite Education

  9. 从精英教育到大众教育和普及教育;

    Education has progressed from elitist education to mass and universal education ;

  10. 大众化教育进程中精英教育的重新审视

    A Renewed Survey of Elite Education in the Process of Mass Education

  11. 德国一直将口腔医学教育视为精英教育。

    Stomatology education in Germany has always been regarded as elite education .

  12. 知名高水平大学精英教育探析

    Exploration and Analysis on Elite Education at Famous High-level Universities

  13. 精英教育与大众教育共同发展。

    Elited edu - cation and popular education develop together .

  14. 从理科高中看日本的精英教育

    The Elite Education in Japan from the Perspective of Science Senior Middle School

  15. 研究型大学应该努力实施精英教育;

    Universities of research type should practice elite education .

  16. 从精英教育过渡到大众教育阶段人才培养模式初探

    On the mode of training talent in the " transitional phase " from

  17. 精英教育机构拉高了全国高校毕业生的总体平均收入。

    Elite institutions prop up the overall average earnings of college graduates nationwide .

  18. 浅谈大众化阶段精英教育的理性回归

    On Reasonable Regression of Elite Education at Popular Stage

  19. 大众高等教育的发展与精英教育目标的实现

    Development of Mass Higher Education and Realization of the Goal of Elite Education

  20. 高等教育的大众化阶段包括精英教育和大众教育。

    The popularization stage of higher education comprises elitist education and mass education .

  21. 精英教育:量与质的解读

    The Elite Education : Unscrambling through Quantity and Quality

  22. 赏识教育对纠正传统精英教育,推进素质教育具有十分明显的意义。

    Appreciating Education holds great significance in carrying forward the Quality Education Methodology .

  23. 美国医学精英教育的历史成因及启示

    Historical Causes and Enlightenment of American Elite Medical Education

  24. 那看似十足的精英教育。

    It seems to be a very elite teaching .

  25. 任何时代都需要精英教育。

    Elite education is essential in any era .

  26. 中国高等教育开始由精英教育向大众教育转变。

    The elite education of higher education begins to become mass education in China .

  27. 大众化阶段的精英教育

    Elite education in the period of mass education

  28. 高等教育已从传统的精英教育走向大众教育。

    Higher education has from the traditional " elite education to mass education " .

  29. 精英教育不是零和博弈;

    Elite education is not a zero-sum game ;

  30. 综合大学的精英教育人才培养模式创新

    On the Innovation of Elite Education of Models of Talents Cultivating in the Comprehensive University