
jīng mì
  • precise;precision;accurate
精密 [jīng mì]
  • [precise] 精确周密

  • 精密的齿轮

精密[jīng mì]
  1. GPS即全球卫星定位系统(Globalpositioningsystem)是新一代的精密卫星导航定位系统。

    GPS ( Global positioning system ) is a kind of new precise satellite navigation system .

  2. GPS模糊度和精密伪距同时确定法

    A simultaneous determination method of ambiguity and precise pseudorange in GPS

  3. 只有精密的X射线仪器才能显示出来。

    It will only register on sophisticated X-ray equipment

  4. 这台精密仪器价值一万元。

    This precision instrument is worth 10,000 yuan .

  5. 其他展品有精密仪器、化工产品等等。

    Other exhibits include precision instruments and chemical products .

  6. 这是精密仪器,你可别碰。

    Mind you don 't touch this precision instrument .

  7. 这些精密仪器的运费很贵。

    The carriage on these precision instruments is high .

  8. 只要我们能找到将人类的价值观设定成清晰的规则的方法,创造出更加精密的道德机器就是有可能的。

    It will be possible to create more sophisticated moral machines , if only we can find a way to set out human values as clear rules .

  9. 精密机械加工,自动化设备,PCB分切机,生产线各种货架、工作台等

    Precision machinery processing , automation equipment , PCB Slitter , various line the shelves , such as working platforms .

  10. 系外行星特征卫星将为更精密的望远镜起草一份星体候选名单,这些望远镜将有望探测大气中生命的化学特征。

    Cheops will draw up a shortlist for later , more sophisticated telescopes that hope to probe atmospheres for the chemical signatures of life .

  11. 科学家尚不确定超声波会如何损害健康,但它有可能会影响耳朵中精密的平衡感应器,令大脑感到“困惑”,从而引发各种眩晕恶心症状。

    Scientists are not sure how ultrasound may harm health but one possibility is that it disturbs the delicate balance sensors5 in the ear , confusing the brain and calling seasickness-like symptoms .

  12. Px平差法在特种精密工程测量中的应用

    Application of P_x Adjustment Method in Especial Precision Engineering Survey

  13. 双移动载体GPS精密相对定位研究

    Study on the GPS precise relative positioning in two moving bodies

  14. 抽油杆精密模锻工艺数据管理与CAD系统

    Data Management CAD System of Oil Sucker Precision Forging

  15. 工业CT机床精密运动的网络控制系统应用开发

    The application and development of precision motion control system based on network of the CT machine

  16. 把GPS快速精密定位技术应用于太阳能自动跟踪领域。

    Introduced the GPS RTK technology to the realm of solar automatic tracking solution .

  17. GPS快速精密定位的随机模型研究

    Stochastic model of GPS rapid precise positioning

  18. 结果表明:压膜法测定腈纶纺丝原液的P和w的准确度和精密度较拉丝法的高,且分析时间较短;

    The results showed that the pressed film method had higher accuracy and precision in shorter time ;

  19. 方法操作简便,快速,准确,灵敏度和精密度高,适用于环境空气中CO的检测。

    The method is simple , rapid , accurate and of high sensitivity and accuracy .

  20. GPS精密单点定位技术是目前GPS研究领域的热点之一。

    PPP ( precise point positioning ) is one of the hotspots in GPS research field .

  21. 研究了精密零件装配的基准信息链模型与基于该模型的3D偏差累积计算方法。

    The datum flow chain model was researched and 3D variation buildup was calculated based on the model .

  22. 精密x射线结构分析

    Accurate x ray structure analysis

  23. 通过本文,我们可以了解到CCD精密测量系统中DSP芯片的作用。

    So we know about the function of DSP chip in CCD precision measurement system .

  24. 线阵CCD高空精密定位系统的研究

    Study of Linear CCD High-Sky Fine Locating System

  25. GPS技术在火箭橇试验滑轨基准线精密测量中的应用

    Application of GPS Technique in Accurate Survey of Control Baseline for Testing Sliding Track of Rocket Sled Test

  26. 目前,精密工程设计和施工中已逐步采用GPS定位技术建立高精度的控制网。

    Presently , GPS positioning technology applied step by step to high precision network in precise engineering design and construction .

  27. TiAl基合金新材料研究及精密成形

    Research on TiAl based alloys materials and precision forming

  28. 利用FFT频谱分析方法对一矿井通风机的轴不对中及其由此引起的不平衡故障进行了精密诊断。

    With this method , the shaft-misalignment and hence the imbalance faults of a mine ventilator are diagnosed minutely .

  29. KDP晶体超精密加工表面硬度压痕尺寸效应研究

    Hardness indentation size effect of KDP crystals for ultra-precision machining surface

  30. 工作台控制则通过采用PLC的高速输出口和PLC特殊摸块功能技术,实现了工作台的精密控制。

    We use the high speed output function and special function black of PLC to realize to control the working table to move by rule and line .