
jīnɡ què dù
  • accuracy;precision;accuracy rating
精确度 [jīng què dù]
  • [precision] 一次测量等的可重复性或可靠性,特用于表示各种测量值或指数

  1. 随着数据库的增大,机器的精确度全面下降。

    As the databases grew , machine accuracy dipped across the board .

  2. X刀固定面膜参考标记法的精确度研究

    Accuracy study of reference marker on fix masks of x-knife treatment

  3. 这边缘必须切割到0.02毫米的精确度。

    The edge must be machined down to0.02 millimetres .

  4. 例如,在处理含有13000张图像的数据库时,算法的精确度达到95%,但在面对100万张图像时精确度下滑至70%左右。

    Algorithms that were right 95 % of the time when they were dealing with a 13 , 000-image database , for example , were accurate about 70 % of the time when confronted with 1 million images .

  5. 眼内肿瘤X射线放射外科治疗精确度研究

    Accuracy and Precision of X-ray Radiosurgery Treatment for Tumors in Eye ball

  6. 所设计的基于并联机构和MR阻尼器的多维减振半主动控制系统,结构简单紧凑,精确度高。

    The multi-DIM vibration absorber semi-active controlling system that designed in this paper has simple structure and high precision .

  7. 特点是方法简便易行、测量Q值的范围宽、精确度较高。

    It is characterized by simplification a wide operating range and higher accuracy .

  8. 设计一种较为简易,具有较高精确度的LED路灯光学性质检测系统具有必要性。

    It is necessary to design a kind of relatively simple , high precision test system for LED lamp .

  9. 本文通过对图像复杂度的分析,引入一个分割精确度控制参数k,对图像语义区域的分割精度进行控制。

    In this paper , we use a parameter K to control the exactitude of the image cutting .

  10. 测定24种元素的检出限、准确度和精确度表明,X射线荧光光谱法适用于区域化探试样中主元素和微量元素的分析。

    The method is well suited for analysis of 24 major and trace elements in regional geochemical exploration samples .

  11. 在X射线应力测定过程中,定峰方法会显著影响应力测量结果的精确度。

    The method for determining peak positions can significantly influence the precision of the stress measuring results in X-ray stress measurement .

  12. 该系统能够提高Web页面信息的检索精确度和检测更新率,并可据某一专题方向对Web站点进行简单的自动分类。

    The system could effectively improve the precision of infor - mation retrieval and maintains the pages up - to - date . It could try automatically and alternatively classify the Web sites .

  13. 在此基础上,对LS算法进行噪声抑制,可以进一步提高信道估计的精确度。

    And the noise suppression of LS algorithm , can further improve the accuracy of the channel estimation .

  14. 本文提出了基于网页分块的社区识别算法,解决了网页的多主题问题,使社区识别的精确度得到明显提高。最后,本文研究了Web上的话题检测问题。

    This thesis proposes a block-based web community identification algorithm , which solves the multiple topic problems and improves the precision of web community identification . Finally , this thesis researches the topic detection problem .

  15. 其特点是能对所有GPS站的位移参数及其精确度进行估计和检验,这与通常的单站变形分析方法不同。

    The method is different from the one by a single station , and has the characteristics of the displacement parameters and accuracy estimated and tested for all GPS stations .

  16. 本文提出的两个算法能够在有限的计算资源(例如:CPU和内存)的条件下最大化谱聚类的聚类精确度。

    Our two improved spectral clustering algorithms use the limited computing resources ( e.g. : memory , CPU ) to maximize the accuracy of spectral clustering .

  17. 根据实验数据结果,对Entropy算法与BasicIncognito算法的性能进行了比较分析,包括时间复杂度分析以及精确度分析。

    According to experiment results , comparison analysis is made between Entropy algorithm and Basic Incognito algorithm , including time complexity analysis and precision analysis .

  18. 为了提高控制精确度和潜水员的安全,采用了一种P和Po2自动控制系统。

    In order to increase the con - trol precision and safety for the divers , an automatic control system for P and Po_2 has been put into use .

  19. 术中探查及组织病理学检查结果与DSA、B超诊断相符。结论判断上肢高压电烧伤后的血管损伤情况可采用B超为主、DSA为辅的方法,以提高手术探查的精确度。

    Conclusion Type B ultrasonography and DSA could be helpful in the evaluation of vascular injury in patients inflicted with high voltage electrical injury .

  20. 为获得高精确度的测量结果,提出一种包括概略配准、像素级初配准和亚像素级精配准三个环节的逐级提高精度的InSAR复图像配准方法。

    To obtain better measuring results , a method is proposed to improve registration accuracy progressively for InSAR complex image .

  21. 研究结果表明,裂纹柔度法与逐层钻孔法及X射线衍射法相比,具有更好的敏感性和精确度,可用于测定板类构件内部残余应力。

    Experimental results show that the method is more sensitive and accurate than the incremental hole-drilling method and X-ray diffraction method , and suited for measuring interior residual stresses in engineering rolled plates .

  22. 而CC法具有高精确度和速度快的优点,该方法的主要不同之处是,蒸馏物是在强酸溶液中进行收集的。

    The main difference of CC method and EBC method laid in the distillate ( distillate gathered in strong acid solution for CC method ) .

  23. 采用残差V(k)来判断其预测精确度,对1990年~2004年间我国天然气需求量进行预测和可信度检验。

    The residual error V ( k ) is used to judge the accuracy of its estimation . Natural gas demand at domestic from 1990 to 2004 is forecasted with the credibility examination .

  24. 单片机应用数字PID控制算法控制可控硅的导通角,顺序驱动12只可控硅实现高精确度的功率调节。

    Microprocessor adopts the digital PID algorithm to controlling the conduction angle of SCR ( silicon controlled regulator ), triggering 12 SCR s in turn to realize the power rectify with high precision .

  25. 与OPGW实际的短路电流测试结果对比,计算的精确度在±5%以内。

    Comparing the results with short-circuit tests to OPGW , we confirm that calculation accuracy is within 5 % .

  26. 关于ohmmeter测量精确度问题的探讨

    Discussion about the Question of Measurement Accuracy on Ohmmeter

  27. 在建模的过程中可以发现,ANN的精确度比传统的模型高,所做出的资产评估也符合实际情况,这对今后的林分密度控制图的编制有重要的指导意义。

    As a result , the accuracy of ANN model is higher than traditional one , which has an important significance for the future formulation of stand density control chart .

  28. 在此基础上,根据电机转速控制实验装置实测的数据,运用可辨识性分析步骤中的参数辨识算法,辨识得到高精确度的PI参数。

    The identification algorithm of PI controller parameters is designed , with which the precise PI parameters are identified based on the measured data of a machine speed control tester .

  29. 一般而言,在遗传距离分析中,Nei氏遗传距离应用较为广泛,其精确度较高;

    Among all these genetic distance analysis methods , Nei distance is more accurate and widely used than other methods .

  30. 仿真结果证明该算法能够有效地抑制NLOS误差,提高定位精确度。

    The simulation results show that the proposed method can mitigate NLOS error effectively and improve the location accuracy .