
jīng suàn shī
  • actuary
精算师[jīng suàn shī]
  1. Pareto分布族中的两个分布已被列入精算师常用的八大分布之中,由此可见Pareto分布族的实际应用价值,也说明了我们对Pareto分布族研究的重要意义。

    Two of Pareto Distribution Family have often been used by actuary . So , it is significative to research Pareto Distribution Family .

  2. 在得出这些概率之后,我们请来体育比赛精算师、BaseballInfoSolutions网站的所有人约翰•杜文(JohnDewan)对伦敦奥运会进行了1000次模拟。

    After tallying those probabilities , we enlisted sports actuary John Dewan , owner of Baseball Info Solutions , to run 1,000 simulations of the Games .

  3. 随后由瑞典精算师Cramer对这一模型进行了严格数学化处理,使之建立在严格的随机过程理论之上,所以经典风险模型也称为Lundberg&Cramer模型(简称L-C模型)。

    So the classical risk model is also called the Lundberg-Cramer model .

  4. 风险理论的研究起源于瑞典精算师Lundberg,至今已有百年历史。

    Studies of the risk theory were originated from the Sweden actuary Lundberg one hundred years ago .

  5. 负责工厂运营的海宇(HelenHai,见上图)对结果相当满意,以至于她拍板建造一条新的注塑鞋生产线。今年36岁的海宇是一名在英国受过教育的精算师。

    Helen Hai , a 36-year old British-trained actuary who runs the factory , is sufficiently impressed with the outcome that she is starting a new line of injection-moulded shoes .

  6. 由于企业降低覆盖面以及工人转向医疗保险交易所或医疗补助,CMS的精算师假设只有200万人将会失去了雇主提供的保险。

    The actuaries at CMS assume that only 2m people who now have employer-sponsored insurance will lose it , as companies drop coverage and workers move to exchanges or to Medicaid .

  7. 根据医疗保险和医疗补助服务(CMS)中心的精算师的预测,从2010年到2020年,医疗支出每年都将增加5.8%。

    Health spending will rise by 5.8 % each year from 2010 to the end of 2020 , according to actuaries at the Centres for Medicare and Medicaid Services ( CMS ) .

  8. 经典风险模型最初是瑞典精算师Lundberg于1903年的博士论文中提出的。

    The classical risk model was first brought forward by the Sweden actuary Lundberg in his doctorial thesis in 1903 . Then the Sweden actuary Cramer made the model to base on the strict theory of the stochastic process .

  9. 人力资源咨询公司美世(Mercer)健康和福利业务的首席精算师布鲁斯•理查兹预计,企业会着手调整其涵盖的治疗种类,由全体员工、而不仅仅只是高龄员工来为支付这笔费用承担更多的责任。

    Bruce Richards , chief actuary in the health and benefits business at Mercer , a human resources consultancy , predicts that companies will look to alter the kinds of treatments they will cover and put more responsibility for payment on all their employees & not just older workers .

  10. 英国精算师职业组织的结构和功能

    The Organizational Structure and the Functions of Actuarial Profession in UK

  11. 我刚裁掉了三个保险精算师。

    I just had to lay off three of my actuaries .

  12. 现在我正努力成为一名精算师。

    Nowadays , I 'm working hard to become an actuary .

  13. 要成为精算师需要通过各种严格的系列考试。

    Becoming an Actuary requires passing a rigorous serried of exams .

  14. 属于或关于保险精算师工作的。

    Of or relating to the work of an actuary .

  15. 当然,保险精算师们靠的是概率。

    The actuaries , of course , relied on probability .

  16. 在英国,则大部分最初是会计师或保险精算师。

    In Britain , most started as accountants or actuaries .

  17. 多数精算师都是企业总经理或者财务经理。

    Many actuaries are general business managers or financial officers .

  18. 这些人就是寿险精算师。

    These were the actuaries working in life assurance .

  19. 1998年,他被授予的精算师学会金奖。

    In1998 he was awarded the Gold Medal of the Institute of Actuaries .

  20. 精算师说,这种轻微的净增加掩饰了戏剧性的转变。

    This slight net rise would mask dramatic shifts , the actuaries said .

  21. 精算师是薪资最高的专业人士,在世界各地许多国家。

    Actuaries are among the highest paid professionals in many countries around the world .

  22. 保险精算师高居榜首,他们是分析财务风险方面的专业人员。

    That would be an actuary , the people who specialize in financial risk .

  23. 精算师们低估了这一趋势。

    The actuaries have underestimated the trend .

  24. 精算师是在最前列的气候变化模型,给出我们的专业知识和技能。

    Actuaries are at the forefront of climate change modeling , given our expertise and skills .

  25. 现在,精算师也经常作为风险管理师,定量分析师以及投资专家工作。

    Now , actuaries also work as risk managers , quantitative analysts , or investment specialists .

  26. 精算师是处理金融风险的商业性职业。

    An actuary is a business professional who deals with the financial impact of risk and uncertainty .

  27. 这些人在信息技术领域富有才干,也有的会成为会计师、保险精算师和工程师。

    These are the people who become talented in IT or as accountants , actuaries and engineers .

  28. 在养老金领域,美国精算师们必须要通过三门考试才能成为注册精算师。

    In the pension area , American actuaries must pass three examinations to become an Enrolled Actuary .

  29. 金融时报精算师股票指数

    Financial Times-Actuaries Share Index

  30. 去年,精算师排在数学家之后,位列第二大最理想的职业,最糟糕的职业是伐木工人。

    Last year , actuary placed second and mathematician first , while lumberjack ranked as the worst job .