
Elite governance is divided by transverse and vertical types .
The Elite Governance in Villagers ' Self-governance in Current China
A Study of Rural Elite Governance Model under Villager Self-government
Elite governance has in fact become the main content of the current village governance model .
The objectivity and possibility is the logic starting point of analyzing the existence of the model elite governance , Mean-while , state-predominated modernization style . Provide conditions for the combination of rural elite governance .
Individual social capital intensifies the diversification of the model of elite governance , which leads to the differences and imbalances of individual capital that constitutes village power structure of the model of plural elite governance .
To fully solving insufficient participation is related to civic timber , institutionalization , opening administrative act and organization construction , at the same time , is relevance to the macro , politics , economic , culture .
The attitude that society should be governed by an elite group of individuals .
Other organizations , such as open source communities , are governed as more meritocracies with emergent behavior .
The governance mode help the British Concessions of Weihai gain the identification , and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of local elites to participate governance .
In the former , more power-owners are multiplied ; the governance conduct of political elites is influenced strongly by city , with the tendency to show bureaucratic behavior and dominate the village affairs by them .
Community autonomy reflects the trend of transformation of Chinese city governance institution . It depends on good governance by the community elite , extension of public communication in the community and institutional development of political participation .
Good moral character , is the rural elite participation in village governance as possible after maintenance of village public interest moral support .
Similarly , in the process of rural social transformation , the interests of the game situation also appear , and the resulting rural elites have also become the main force of rural governance .
Facing the new behavior , rural governing elites had taken control measures ; Facing this kind of behavior got generalized development , rural governing elites showed ambition ; Out of their own interests rural governing elites finally chose the existence of illegal burial .
With the dynamic perspective , that is , the perspective of elite mobility , the essay analyzes the governance of rural areas where suffering from the population outflow .
After the village autonomy reform , numerous non-system elites come into the system and form the village elite governance structure .
However , due to the current lack of research still exist , it is difficult to expand the role and function of the rural elite analysis and flow mechanism empirical research , that is difficult to reveal the different governance in the rural elite real action logic .