
  1. 精英治理模式表现为横向和纵向两种精英结盟形式。

    Elite governance is divided by transverse and vertical types .

  2. 当代中国村民自治中的精英治理

    The Elite Governance in Villagers ' Self-governance in Current China

  3. 村民自治导向下的乡村精英治理模式研究

    A Study of Rural Elite Governance Model under Villager Self-government

  4. 精英治理实际上已成为当下乡村治理模式中的主要内涵。

    Elite governance has in fact become the main content of the current village governance model .

  5. 三元变量的影响所造成村民自治异化的可能性或客观性是分析精英治理模式得以存在的逻辑起点,同时,国家主导型现代化模式也为农村社会精英治理模式的耦合提供了条件。

    The objectivity and possibility is the logic starting point of analyzing the existence of the model elite governance , Mean-while , state-predominated modernization style . Provide conditions for the combination of rural elite governance .

  6. 个体社会资本的差异性会加剧精英治理模式的分化,从而构成村庄的多元精英治理模式。

    Individual social capital intensifies the diversification of the model of elite governance , which leads to the differences and imbalances of individual capital that constitutes village power structure of the model of plural elite governance .

  7. 而彻底解决精英治理模式下的监督不足又与公民素质、制度化、政务公开、组织建设相关联,同时,这些也关乎整个国家宏观的政治、经济、文化政策环境。

    To fully solving insufficient participation is related to civic timber , institutionalization , opening administrative act and organization construction , at the same time , is relevance to the macro , politics , economic , culture .

  8. 认为社会应该由精英份子治理的看法。

    The attitude that society should be governed by an elite group of individuals .

  9. 其他组织,例如开源团体,作为带有新兴行为的精英得到治理。

    Other organizations , such as open source communities , are governed as more meritocracies with emergent behavior .

  10. 这种治理模式不仅使威英政府较快地得到了当地人的认同,而且充分调动了当地地方精英参与治理的积极性。

    The governance mode help the British Concessions of Weihai gain the identification , and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of local elites to participate governance .

  11. 在强城市渗透的社区权力结构中,权力主体多元化,政治精英的治理行为受城市治理的影响,科层化倾向比较明显,对村务的支配性强。

    In the former , more power-owners are multiplied ; the governance conduct of political elites is influenced strongly by city , with the tendency to show bureaucratic behavior and dominate the village affairs by them .

  12. 社区自治体现出中国城市治理体制变革的方向,它有赖于社区精英的有效治理、社区公共交往行为的拓展和政治参与的制度化发展。

    Community autonomy reflects the trend of transformation of Chinese city governance institution . It depends on good governance by the community elite , extension of public communication in the community and institutional development of political participation .

  13. 具有良好的道德品质,是农村精英人物参与村庄治理后尽可能维护村庄公共利益的道德保障。

    Good moral character , is the rural elite participation in village governance as possible after maintenance of village public interest moral support .

  14. 同样,在乡村社会转型过程中也出现了利益博奕的局而,由此产生的乡村精英也成为乡村治理的主力。

    Similarly , in the process of rural social transformation , the interests of the game situation also appear , and the resulting rural elites have also become the main force of rural governance .

  15. 面对新出现的偷埋行为,乡村治理精英曾采取过治理措施,面对偷埋行为的普遍化,乡村治理精英表现出了力不从心,出于自身利益的考虑乡村治理精英最终选择默许违规土葬的存在。

    Facing the new behavior , rural governing elites had taken control measures ; Facing this kind of behavior got generalized development , rural governing elites showed ambition ; Out of their own interests rural governing elites finally chose the existence of illegal burial .

  16. 文章从动态的视角,即精英流动的视角,以精英理论和治理理论为分析框架,对现阶段我国人口流出地区的乡村治理现状,进行政治社会学的分析。

    With the dynamic perspective , that is , the perspective of elite mobility , the essay analyzes the governance of rural areas where suffering from the population outflow .

  17. 村庄自治改革后,体制外精英大量融合到体制内,形成村庄精英治理结构。

    After the village autonomy reform , numerous non-system elites come into the system and form the village elite governance structure .

  18. 但是,由于目前的研究仍然存在不足,所以难以展开农村精英角色功能的分析以及流动机制实证研究,也就是说难以揭示出不同精英在农村治理中的真正行动逻辑。

    However , due to the current lack of research still exist , it is difficult to expand the role and function of the rural elite analysis and flow mechanism empirical research , that is difficult to reveal the different governance in the rural elite real action logic .