
  • 网络Lean Startup
  1. 如果公司能够快速行动硅谷企业家埃里克•莱斯曾在2011年出版的著作《精益创业》(TheLeanStartup)一书中介绍过这种方法那么只要你能汲取教训,改正错误,失败就是可以被接受的。

    If the company moves quickly , an approach Valley entrepreneur Eric ries explained in the 2011 book the lean startup , failure is acceptable so long as you learn and can fix your mistakes .

  2. 你竟然没听说过“精益创业”?

    You haven 't heard of the lean startup approach ?

  3. 2012年伊始,不少创业公司的高管都把自己手里的那本《精益创业》(LeanStart-Up)塞回了书架,仰面朝天,为自己将要面对一系列全新的挑战而唏嘘不已。

    At the onset of 2012 , many start-up executives are sticking their copy of lean start-up on the shelf , leaning back and bemoaning the fact that they have a new set of challenges ahead of them .

  4. (现在人们普遍认为这本书帮助开创了精益创业运动。)

    ( it is now widely credited for helping to kick off the lean startup movement ) .

  5. 市场调研:同样地,从精益创业/发展客户范式入手,确保你所提供的产品是有需求的,客户是愿意付钱买的。

    Market validation : Again , from the lean startup / customer development paradigm , make sure that youre offering something that people want and will pay for .