
  • 网络Energy Cost;psychic cost;mental cost
  1. 同时,采取竞争导向定价法和顾客差异定价法,为顾客降低货币成本、时间成本精力成本和体力成本,最终给顾客提供最大化的让渡价值。

    Meanwhile , we try to reduce the customer 's currency cost , time cost , energy cost and physics cost . Ultimately , it will offer the maximized delivered value to the customers .

  2. 结果发现,货币成本、体力精力成本和社会心理成本都会影响消费者的渠道偏好,其中影响最大的是社会心理成本。

    The findings indicate many reasons contribute to this preference such as curreney cost , physical or intellectual cost and soci-psychological cost , of which the last one has the largest influence .

  3. 在即将开始时,可以可靠地评估所投入的精力和成本。

    Near the start , one can reliably estimate effort and cost .

  4. 该方法从软件可靠性角度出发,合理使用冗余技术,以较低的精力和成本来构建一个高可靠的基于组件的软件系统。

    This method can use redundancy technology suitably , and also can construct a higher reliable CBS with the lower cost .

  5. 着眼于长期合作,我们在各个方面都为客户着想,切实帮助客户节省时间、精力和成本。

    Focusing on long-term cooperation , SIS keeps customers in mind and helps them save time , energy and cost as much as possible .

  6. 我们要集中精力找出降低成本的办法。

    We must concentrate our efforts on finding ways to reduce costs .

  7. 这成本包括时间成本、金钱成本、精力、体力成本等。

    The cost includes time , money , energy , physical costs .

  8. 因此,如果一个承包商认为自己胜出的机会不是很大,他就会花费尽可能少的精力来进行成本估价。

    Consequently , the contractor may put in the least amount of possible effort for making a cost estimate if it believes that its chance of success is not high .

  9. 在结论部分指出,由于时间和精力以及开发成本投入的限制,本文的工作只是做了简单的尝试,以便为以后的工作的深入打下基础。

    In the last part , we point out that because of the limit of the time and the energy and research cost , we only do the simple trying in order to do deeply research in the following days .

  10. 文中最后给出一个数值仿真实例,实验结果表明平均准则下的NDP优化方法足折扣准则当折扣因子趋近于零的极限情况。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    Finally , a numerical example is provided , and the results show that the average-cost criteria is the limitation of discounted-cost criteria as the discount factor goes to zero for our NDP optimization .

  11. 应用于食用油样品AFB1检测,方便快速,安全准确,测定全过程所需时间可以控制在30min左右,检测成本低于其他仪器方法。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    Aflatoxin B1 in the edible oil was detected fast and conveniently with high accurateness and security . The time of whole test process was consumed about 30 minutes . The cost of detection was lower than other instruments and methods .

  12. 发展和完善了医疗事业单位的成本费用核算方法。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    We can develop and improve the medical institution cost accounting .

  13. 因此非常适合于对成本敏感的系统设计。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    The above design procedure is suitable for those applications sensitive to cost .

  14. 递耗资产在西方会计中的核算在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    The Accounting of degressive Depletion Assets cost .

  15. 走向媒介文化研究在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    Towards the Culture of Media cost .

  16. 既无需耗费大量精力又节约了成本。

    Both cost savings , they do not need to spend a lot of energy .

  17. 减少农户参与退耕还林的货币性成本和非货币性成本;在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    Thirdly , monetary cost , together with non - monetary cost should be greatly reduced .

  18. 企业不论对外经营还是对内核算,成本控制是特别重要和必不可少的。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    Cost control is very important and absolutely necessarily no matter it concerns to external business or internal cost accounting .

  19. 用后处理和高成本是基质栽培的两大主要问题。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    The two main problems of substrate culture are the handling of waste caused by substrate mats and the high yearly cost .

  20. 总的疾病费用中,关节炎患者的门诊花费、门诊等候时间折合费用显著高于对照。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    In total disease expenditure that including arthritis related outpatient expenditure and time waiting cost for treatment were higher than control group significantly .

  21. 从环境质量成本的角度借鉴全面质量管理的思想,建立了质量环境成本模型。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    According to the system of TQM , this paper establishes the environmental quality cost model from the angle of the environmental quality cost .

  22. 由于生物杀虫剂的生产成本较高、田间不稳定性及抗虫谱窄等缺点,目前还远未能普遍使用。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    On the other hand , natural bio-insecticides haven 't got general application due to its high cost , field instability and narrow anti-insect spectrum .

  23. 编写出的控制程序在很多情况下结构和代码有很多相似的地方,无疑会消耗开发人员的时间和精力,增加项目成本。

    The programs written in this case are usually similar in structure and code . This will cost a lot of time and energy of the developers .

  24. 提出了研究复制问题中读、写比率以确定最优化通讯代价。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    The paper concentrates on the study of the optimal communications cost as a function of the ratio between the frequency of the read and write operations .

  25. 一般来说,当人们投入的精力,金钱或成本越多时,他们就越不会相信自己是错的。

    And in general , when people devote a lot of energy or money or expense to something , they are extraordinarily resistant to having it proven wrong .

  26. 特别是随着我国市场机制的完善和现代企业制度的建立,必将促使更多的企业运用作业成本法。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    Especially following the improvement of market mechanism and the form of the modern enterprise system , more and more enterprises begin to make use of operational cost method .

  27. 研究目的:通过对权利登记制成本负担及其影响因素的分析,为中国的登记立法提供建议。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    The purpose of this paper is to analyze title registration cost and its influential factors , and contribute to legislation proposals for establishing title registration system in China .

  28. 第五章:高校科研全成本计算法引入,全面阐述了全成本计算法的原理、特点和计算程序。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    Chapter Five is an introduction to the calculation methodology of total cost control , with in-depth discussion of the theories , characteristics and calculation process of total cost accounting .

  29. 食物、衣物、住所、工具等几乎所有都是要通过耕种、制作而来。在时间和精力上花的成本很高。

    Food , clothing , shelter , tools , and pretty much everything else had to be farmed or fabricated , at a very high cost in time and energy .

  30. 现行会计制度对固定资产的处理方法是:固定资产修理费用,计入当期成本、费用。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    An usual way one handles the fixed capital according to the present accounting system is that repairs cost on fixed capital is counted in the same period of cost and expenses .