
dì fɑnɡ biāo zhǔn
  • local standard
  1. 地方标准升部颁标准三酶的质量标准研究

    Study on the Quality Standard of Three Enzymes Improving From Local Standard to Ministerial Standard

  2. 文中列举了20个有机复混肥料厂建厂工程实例、有机复混肥料上海市地方标准,各种有机物料的化学分析数据。

    Then a list containing 20 plants , local standard of compound fertilizer in Shanghai and various analytic data of organic compound fertilizers are given .

  3. TDZ系列太阳能光伏户用直流电源青海省地方标准的编制

    Drawing up the norm of TDZ series home DC solar PV system in Qinghai Province

  4. 研制成功的食品包装用PVC新品种&WS-800S、WS-1300S的主要指标均处于国内同行业先进之列,并符合上海食品级包装材料的地方标准。

    Major norms of the title products , so prepared , have attained advanced domestic level , and have accorded with Shanghai local standards of food packaging use .

  5. 修正的Terzaghi理论公式和有限元法回归公式具有较高的可靠性和实用性,对制定相关的广西工程建设地方标准具有重要的参考价值。

    Terzaghi bearing-capacity modified equation and finite-element regression equation have good reliability and practicality , which will have an important reference value on preparing the local correlative standards of constructing work in Guangxi .

  6. d-1,每个处理周期的运行时间为20h,系统运行稳定,连续30d出水均能达到广东省地方标准《水污染物排放限值》(DB44/26-2001)第二时段二级标准。

    After 30 days operation , result showed that the system was relatively stable . The water quality of effluent could achieve the second discharge criteria of the provincial standard DB44 / 26-2001 .

  7. 采用系统分析法,组建了刺槐、油松、侧柏被害模型和飞播造林30d种子损失模型,并以国家及地方标准的最大允许损失指标偶联求得林区啮齿动物群落管理中的生态阈值模型。

    Injuring models of silver chain , Chinese pine and arborvitae and seed losing models of aero-afforestation in 30 d were constructed . The ecological threshold model for managing rodent community in artificial forest ecosystem was established by coupling the local and state permeable maximum losing indices .

  8. 宁波市大比例尺数字化测绘地方标准的研究

    Local Standards Research of NingBo Large Scale Digital Surveying and Mapping

  9. 贵州省饮用天然泉水地方标准的制定

    Establishment of the Regional Standard of Drinking Spring Water in Guizhou

  10. 关于山西省工程建设地方标准化工作的研究

    Study on the Local Standardization of Construction Engineering in Shanxi Province

  11. 制定成都市机动车污染排放的地方标准;

    Setting down local st and ards of vehicle emission in chengdu ;

  12. 公共建筑节能北京市地方标准的主要特点

    Points in a local design standard for energy efficiency of public buildings

  13. 美国高层建筑清洁工根据地方标准需要特殊的培训。

    American high-rise washers need specific training in regional standards .

  14. 关于广西地方标准防雷装置检测技术规范的要点分析

    Discussion on Guangxi Local Standards on the Detection of Lightning Protection Devices Technical Specifications

  15. 中国在职业安全卫生方面制定了国家标准、行业标准和地方标准。

    China has formulated national , trade and local standards on job safety and hygiene .

  16. 地方标准战略的实施不同于国家标准战略和企业标准战略。

    The implementation of regional standard stratagem differs from that of national and corporation standard .

  17. 南京市硫酸盐化速率地方标准的制定

    Drafting local air standard of oxidation rate form sulfur dioxide to sulphate for Nanjing urban area

  18. 关于信息技术地方标准

    The Information Technology Region Standards

  19. 本标准已列为地方标准(GB23/T901-2005)。

    This standard of water quality has already approached to place standard ( DB23 / T901-2005 ) .

  20. 为了遏制蓝藻的频繁爆发,太湖地区制定了更加严苛的地方标准。

    A stricter local discharging standard was made to prevent the frequent outbreak of cyanobacteria in Tai Lake .

  21. 地方标准作为标准中的一个重要层级在发展过程中的局限性日趋明显。

    The paper addressed the necessity to develope the local standards for donkey milk and milk powder production .

  22. 环境质量标准、污染物排放标准分为国家标准和地方标准。

    The environmental quality standards and pollutant discharge or emission standards are divided into state standards and local standards .

  23. 俄勒冈州卫生官员强行关闭了一名7岁女孩朱莉-墨菲的柠檬水小摊,因为她的小生意没达到地方标准。

    Mean Oregon health officials shut down 7-year-old Julie Murphy 's lemonade stand because it wasn 't up to code .

  24. 本文结合陕西省农业标准体系建设中的一些体会,就农业地方标准体系建设的一些共性问题进行了讨论。

    Combined with some practices in the building of agricultural standard system in Shanxi Province , the article analyzes several general problems .

  25. 二是安全优质生产的概念及标准,主要包括无公害、绿色、有机及上海市地方标准安全卫生优质四类;

    Secondly , conception and standard of safety and high quality production , mainly including pollution-free , green , organic and district standard of Shanghai ;

  26. 地方标准作为我国标准中的一个重要层级,对地方经济的发展有重要的作用。

    As one of important parts of the national standard , the local standards play an important role in the local economy development of China .

  27. 1988&1991年广西食品行业的产品评优工作中,我们在区标准计量局的支持下,运用数理统计制定了评优的方法,作为广西地方标准实施。

    During the period of 1988 to 1991 , we applied mathematical statistics to work out an appraising method for food products in Guang Xi .

  28. 郑还制订了新规定要求中国传统药物必须符合国家标准,而不是以前制订的地方标准。

    Zheng also established new requirements that traditional Chinese medicines had to fall in line with national , rather than previously established regional , standards .

  29. 经测试表明,苯含量均在0.2%以下,质量符合国家专业标准或地方标准。

    The measurement result showed that its quality is in accord with the standards of nation and locality , the content of benzene is < 0.2 % .

  30. 龙陵地区产的红色&黄色的这类玉石属于隐晶质石英质玉石,根据云南龙陵的地方标准确定其为玉髓,但是黄龙玉也有类似玛瑙条带状构造的结构特征。

    The red-yellow jade produced in Longling which species are cryptocrystalline quartz quality jade , according to the local standard of Yunnan Longling concluded that it was chalcedony .