
  1. 创新地方预算管理体制的和谐社会视角探析

    On Creating Local Budget Management System from the Perspective of Harmonious Society

  2. 论地方预算管理的改革与创新

    Discuss the Reform and Innovation of Local Budget Management

  3. 国家预算管理制度是一个统一完整的体系,在中央部门预算改革开始后,必须进一步实施地方预算管理制度的配套改革。

    As it is a whole and united system , the local budget management system must keep up with the reform of central government department budget .

  4. 当前,应对地方预算管理改革中的主要模式之一&标准周期预算管理制度进行分析探讨,并结合天津市此项改革的实际进行研究,为今后地方预算管理改革提供一个明确的思路。

    Now we should analyse and discuss one of major pattern in local budget management & standard period budget management system , and combination the Tianjin 's reality carries out research , offers a definite thinking for the future local budget management reform .

  5. 地方财政预算管理中的问题与对策

    Problems in Local Financial Budget Administration

  6. 地方国有资本经营预算管理改革。

    Reform of the Operational Budgeting Management of Local State-owned Assets .

  7. 地方政府投融资预算管理改革。

    Reform of the Budgeting Management of Investment and Financing by Local Governments .

  8. 提出了建立地方公共财政框架的建议,包括规范地方公共收入体系、优化地方财政支出、加强地方财政预算管理、完善地方财政经营管理水平。

    I give advise about how to set up local public financial system , including ruling local public revenue system , optimization local expenditure , strengthen local public budget control , improving public finance business administration level .