
dì qū zhuān lì
  • regional patent
  1. 进而概观我国台湾地区专利要件,并了解其进步性之概念、立法沿革,始对其了解更为具体明确。

    Then generally survey the basic factors of patentability of Taiwan patent laws and define the concept and evolution of the advanced nature .

  2. ⑵外商直接投资对中国技术创新的影响存在着明显的区域性特征,其中对东部地区专利申请量具有显著的促进作用,而对中西部地区的作用并不明显。

    There exist significantly regional characteristics of the influence on technology innovation of foreign direct investment , thereinto , it is significant for foreign direct investment to promote the number of application for patents in the east area , while insignificant for the middle and west areas .

  3. 目前,美、日、欧等地区的专利主管机关对商业方法专利的保护都持肯定态度,而在我国,对于商业方法专利保护的研究还不多。

    China has not acknowledged the business method patent yet .

  4. 去年两个公司表示他们会叫停在美国之外地区的专利之战。

    The companies said last year that they will call off their patent disputes going forward -- outside the United States .

  5. 通过这类检索,可以在每个国家或者地区的专利审批机构的网站上进行检索。

    Through this kind of retrievalby which , the retrieval can be carried out on websites of patent examination and approval authorities of all counties and regions .

  6. 随着信息技术、电子商务的发展,虽然世界各国对美、日、欧等专利大国和地区采用专利制度保护商业方法仍有很大争议,且这些国家内部对此也立场不一。

    With the development of information technology and electronic-commerce , developed countries and regions such as U.S.A , EU , Japan are attempting the patent protection of business method .

  7. 专利局认为,协调好各种努力能改善为发展欧亚地区国家专利局所提供的协助的有效性。

    The office believed that the coordination of efforts would improve the effectiveness of assistance given for the development of patent offices in countries in the region of Europe and asia .

  8. 第三部分介绍了其他国家和地区对专利权滥用的反垄断法规制的立法与实践经验,总结了对我国立法的几点启示。

    The third part introduces the experience of the other countries and regions in legislation and practices of antitrust regulation on patent abuse , summarizes some enlightenment on legislation of China .

  9. 空间滞后模型说明在其他条件不变的前提下,来自邻近地区的专利每增加1%,本地区专利产出平均增加约0.22%。

    Under the given conditions , spatial lag model shows that an average increase of 0.22 percent in a regional patent production caused by one percent increase in neighboring regional patent production .

  10. 辉瑞公司的万艾可专利已于五月在中国到期,公司在几个欧洲国家和其他地区的专利此前也已陆续到期,预计随着便宜替代品的推出,这个美国制药业巨头的利润将受到侵蚀。

    Pfizer 's patent on Viagra expired in China in May , following patent expirations in several European countries and elsewhere that are expected to undercut profits for the American pharmaceutical giant as cheaper alternatives are rolled out .

  11. 对外贸易经营者出口技术设备的,应就所涉技术领域检索进口方所在国家和地区的专利文献,避免侵犯第三方专利权。

    When foreign business operators export technologies or equipments , they shall retrieve the patent documents in the relevant technical fields of the country or region where the importer is located , so as to avoid infringing upon the patent right of any third part .

  12. 浅谈太原地区企业的专利工作

    Talking about the Patent Work of the Enterprises in Taiyuan Area

  13. 研究区域专利战略及其绩效评价对指导我国各地区科学开展专利战略具有重要的现实意义。

    It is very meaningful for each region of our country to do research on regional patent strategy and performance evaluation .

  14. 第四部分介绍了主要发达国家和地区人类基因专利保护的现状,主要是分析了美国、欧洲以及日本的现状。

    The fourth section describes the status of the major developed countries and regions in the human genome patent protection , including the United States , Europe and Japan .

  15. 这为发展中国家和地区利用国外专利申请的技术溢出提供了潜在的有利条件。

    Whether foreign patent application , as a channel of international technology diffusion , produces obvious spillover and how to make use of it to promote technology progress attract great attention .

  16. 专利数据研究证实,专利往往会刺激同地区产生其它专利;商业创新研究证实,创新高度集中在城市地区。

    Studies of patent data confirm that patents tend to spur other patents in the same region ; studies of commercial innovation confirm that it is highly concentrated in urban areas .

  17. 本文从计算机软件的概述出发,在对软件保护的必要性和软件专利保护的各种模式分析的基础上,对世界上几个国家和地区的软件专利保护状况和最新发展进行了研析。

    Starting from introducing computer software , this dissertation analyzes the situation and latest development of software patent protection in several countries and regions , on the basis of analyzing the necessity of software protection and different modes of software patent protection .

  18. 目前,大多数国家和地区在计算机软件专利的主题方面都要求软件与特定的硬件相结合,对计算机软件本身这一主题给予专利法保护并未取得共识。

    Currently , most countries and regions require the combination of specific hardware and software to be the subject area of computer software patents .

  19. 而且,另外一个要员还强调对中国的另一个深深的忧虑,中国是知识产权的真空地区,没有什么专利、许可证或者版权可言。

    Indeed , another key thinker emphasized deep fear of China , s vacuuming up of intellectual property around the world without regard to patent and copyright protections .

  20. 欧洲作为经济政治一体化程度最高的地区之一,其专利制度的区域性协调与统一一直走在世界的前列。

    From 19 century , as one of the highest district of political and economic integration , the harmonize and unification of regional patent system in Europe have always being the first-class in the world .

  21. 美国大力推进专利保护,日本、欧盟等国家和地区也积极调整专利政策,加强对商业方法的专利保护,而其保护力度与本国的经济利益相关。

    The United States promotes patent protection , Japan and the European Union and other countries and regions adjust the patent policy actively and strengthen the protection of business method patent . Their protection related to their economic benefits .