
  • 网络property market;real estate market;World's Most Overpriced Real Estate Markets
  1. 现在是对房地产市场投资的好时机。

    Now is a good time to invest in the property market .

  2. 该市的房地产市场已陷入极度低迷。

    The bottom had fallen out of the city 's property market .

  3. 他的经济实力可以撑过这次房地产市场萧条期。

    He can afford to sit out the property slump .

  4. 房地产市场摇摇欲坠。

    The property market is tottering .

  5. 近几年房地产市场扩容很快。

    The real estate market has expanded rapidly in recent years .

  6. 那哥几个在房地产市场捞了一笔钱。

    The brothers cleaned up a profit in the property market .

  7. 对房地产市场一时兴起、并不成功的介入

    A brief and unsuccessful flirtation with the property market

  8. 最后,尽管如今中国的房地产市场不存在泡沫,但中国一定不可能一直避免发展泡沫与经济循环。

    Finally , though there 's no real estate bubble right now , china is absolutely not immune to bubbles and economic cycles .

  9. 报道的作者指出,美国对改善基础设施的不作为不仅会影响房地产市场的健康发展,还会影响其国际竞争力。

    The report 's writers state that America 's failure to invest in infrastructure impacts not only the health of the real-estate market , but also our ability to remain globally competitive .

  10. 因为需要为单身女性提供单独的舒适住房,房地产市场的压力也大大增加。

    Single women are putting pressure on housing markets to provide homes which are comfortable for single women living alone .

  11. 繁荣发展但不稳定的国家的富人们会大量涌入“对冲城市”的房地产市场,从而催高房价。

    A hedge city is a place where wealthy people in booming but unstable2 societies pile into local real-estate markets , driving up values .

  12. 这两个楼层的消失显然是因为在中国人看来,某些数字代表霉运或与死亡有关。中国人在澳大利亚房地产市场已投资数十亿美元。

    The disappearance1 of the two floors is apparently2 because certain numbers are bad luck or have associations with death among Chinese , who are investing billions of dollars in the Australian property market .

  13. 中国加入WTO后房地产市场与国际市场接轨的答案

    The solution of Chinese real estate markets combining with international markets after joining the WTO

  14. 随着房地产市场进入买方市场时代,房地产营销中引入CS战略已成为必要。

    It is very necessary for estate marketing to introduce CS strategies in the times of estate market coming into buyer market .

  15. 利用时间序列分析对1992&2003年的北京房地产市场周期发展阶段进行判别研究,并将该判别结果作为训练样本,利用局部改进的标准BP人工神经网络构建了房地产周期识别模型。

    The time sequence analysis was used to distinguish the different development phases of the Beijing real estate market from 1992 to 2003 . A real estate market cycle identification model was developed by the distinguished results and an improved standard error back propagation artificial neural network .

  16. 通过我们对眉山市整个房地产市场现状、宏观环境等方面调查,对项目进行综合分析(PECT、POTER、SWOT分析),发现项目原规划定位存在严重失误。

    Through the investigation on the marker actuality and macroscopical environment of the whole real estate in MeiShan and the integrated analysis , including PECT , POTER and SWOT of the item , we have found out the original layout has serious misplay .

  17. 土地商品的特殊属性与地产市场

    On the Special Properties of Land and the Real Estate Market

  18. 房地产市场的划分及影响因素分析

    The partitioning of real estate market and its influencing factors analysis

  19. 房地产市场诚信经营的对策与建议

    The Countermeasures and Suggestions on Credit Operation in Real Estate Market

  20. 房地产市场土地供应时滞效应分析

    Research on Lag Effect of Land Supply in Real Estate Market

  21. 中国房地产市场发展的历史路径

    Historical Tunnel of the Development of the Chinese Real Estate Market

  22. 房地产市场中政府的责任与作用

    Role and the Responsibility of Government in the Market of Real Estate

  23. 合肥房地产市场现状与趋势

    Actuality and Arend of the Real Estate Market in Hefei

  24. 区域房地产市场分析框架及技术研究

    The Study on the Regional Real Estate Market Analysis Frame & Techniques

  25. 非对称信息下房地产市场博弈问题研究

    On the Game Problem in the Real Estate Market under Asymmetric Information

  26. 奥运会对房地产市场影响的研究

    Study on the impact of mega sporting events on real estate markets

  27. 基于灰色关联的房地产市场有效需求分析研究

    Effective Demand Analysis of Real-estate Market Based on Grey Relation

  28. 房地产市场有效性研究综述

    Review of the Efficiency of Real Estate Market in China

  29. 长春市房地产市场调查与分析

    The investigation and analysis of real estate market of Changchun

  30. 多伦多的房地产市场和房地产开发业

    The Real Estate Market and the Real Estate Development Industry in Toronto