
  • 网络Real estate costs;Cost of Real Estate;cost of real setate
  1. 广州地区设计阶段的房地产成本控制研究

    Study on Controlling Cost of Real Estate in the Phase of Design in Guangzhou

  2. 仰光市中心主要商业枢纽的房地产成本已经可以和曼谷比肩,而曼谷要比仰光发达得多。

    The cost of real estate in the center of the main business hub , Yangon , is on a par with that of Bangkok , which is far more developed .

  3. 汉森在其新著《远程办公革命》(Remote:OfficeNotRequired)中援引了“蓝色巨人”(BigBlue,IBM公司的绰号)发布的一份白皮书。这份白皮书预测称,远程办公已经为该公司节省了超过1亿美元的房地产成本。

    In a new book , Remote : Office Not Required , Hansson cites a white paper from Big Blue that estimates telecommuting has saved the company more than $ 100 million in real estate costs .

  4. 严格控制房地产成本以应对经济形势

    Strictly Control Real Estate Cost to Address the Challenges from Economic Situation

  5. 房价高企谁之过政府有责任测算房地产成本吗?

    Real high real estate cost estimates blame the government 's responsibility ?

  6. 房地产成本管理解决方案的研究与实现

    Real Estate Cost Management Solutions Research and Implementation

  7. 同时也把房地产成本管理推到了管理学科的前沿。

    Meanwhile , the cost management of the real estate was pushed to the front of discipline of managing too .

  8. 二十年来,很多公司已改用开放式的工作场所设计,取消专有办公室,以便降低房地产成本,同时促进同事间的协作。

    For two decades , companies have been shifting to open workspace designs and eliminating dedicated offices in a twin effort to reduce real estate costs and encourage collaboration between colleagues .

  9. 本文的房地产成本研究对于企业进一步精细化其成本管理,提高管控能力和水平,极具理论指导意义和实用价值。

    Analysis in costs of real estate in this article is of great theoretical and practical value for enterprises to do further refinement of cost management and improve the control capability .

  10. 主要从房地产成本风险分析、房地产开发筹资风险分析、金融风险与政策性风险分析三个方面对该项目进行了综合评述。

    Mainly from the real estate cost risk analysis , real estate development financing risk analysis , financial risk analysis and policy risk analysis carried out three aspects of the project reviewed .

  11. YH房地产项目成本优化与控制研究

    Research on Real Estate Project Cost Optimization and Control of YH

  12. 最后说明加强LX房地产项目成本管理的保障措施。

    Thereafter , the Safeguard measures to strengthen LX real estate project cost management are discussed .

  13. 我国房地产开发成本控制研究

    Study on the Cost Control of Our Country 's Real Estate Development

  14. 信息化在房地产项目成本控制中的应用

    Application of Information Technology in Real Estate Project Cost Control

  15. 房地产估价成本法重构

    Reestablishment of Cost Approach in Real Estate Appraisal

  16. 试论房地产项目成本目标的管理

    Management by cost object of real estate project

  17. 土地价格市场化提升了房地产市场成本;

    Rising cost because of land price marketization ;

  18. 有效控制房地产开发成本

    Effectively Controlling Developing Cost of Real Estate

  19. 价值链视角下的房地产企业成本控制策略研究

    Research on the Cost Control Strategy of Real Estate Enterprises Based on the Value Chain Perspective

  20. 在这样的背景下,房地产企业成本控制的战略意义甚至比规模扩张更为重要。

    In this background , the meaning of the real estate business cost control is even more important than expansion .

  21. 具体分三种情况进行了阐述:一是新建房地产下成本估价法应注意的问题;

    Specificly expound these problems frome following three respect : First , The problems needing attention for newly develope real estate ;

  22. 过于主观化在成本法中的表现在于房地产客观成本和建筑物成新度的确定。

    Cost approach puts up too subjectively by the confirmation of the objective-cost and the fresh degree of the subject property .

  23. 房地产企业成本控制是降低成本,提高经济效益的重要手段之一。

    Cost control of the real estate enterprise is one of the important means to reduce the cost and raise economic benefits .

  24. 然后简要介绍项目成本管理、供应链成本管理、目标成本管理等相关基础理论及房地产企业成本管理的特点。

    Then briefly described the project cost management , supply chain cost management , target cost management and other related costs of basic theory and real estate business management features .

  25. 在对房地产估价成本法的房地产价格构成、成本法参数确定原则进行分析之后,提出了成本法参数确定的方法,增强了成本法在房地产估价中的可操作性和实用性。

    Based on analysis of cost compositions of real estate productions and principle of parameter determination for cost approach in real estate appraisal , a method suitable for parameter determination is introduced .

  26. 南宁市作为准三线城市却被指出其房地产泡沫成本排名全国第三,侧面反映出房地产价格的虚高。

    Nanning city as an associate triplet has been pointed out that the real estate bubble ranked the third national , it reflects the real estate prices have been virtual high from the side .

  27. 受到多种因素的影响,房地产的成本在不断的上升,而购房者可支配的收入却并未增长或增幅有限,因此,房价就成为供需双方共同关注的焦点。

    Affected by a lot of factors , the cost of Real Estate is growing gradually , however , disposable income of income of customers is not in pace with that or grows limitedly .

  28. 房地产项目成本的发生与开发企业(或项目)的决策层、管理层、执行层的活动密切相关,因此房地产项目成本管理是全员的、全过程的管理。

    The generation of cost is related to the activity of policy makers , managers and executive persons . Thus the cost control of real estate project is a full staff and full process management .

  29. 文章应用解释结构模型,分析了影响房地产开发成本的五种主要因素,从成本角度剖析了房地产行业的实际利润水平。

    The paper uses the explanation structure model to analyse five main factors influencing the developing cost of real estate , and discusses the actual level of the profit in real estate industry from cost direction .

  30. 房地产企业成本管理作为企业经营管理的重要方面,在房地产企业努力提高经营管理的今天,越来越受到企业的重视。

    Cost management in real estate enterprise is an important aspect of business management , for which those enterprises have focused more and more attention . Real estate enterprises spare their efforts to improve the management today .