
  • real estate development;exploitation of real estate
  1. 他们正开展一场反对在这个地区进行房地产开发的运动。

    They are campaigning to save the area from building development .

  2. 他在20世纪80年代经营着一家房地产开发公司。

    He ran a property development business in the eighties .

  3. 房地产开发泡沫破灭后,联邦监管机构开始调查审计各家大型银行的资产负债表。

    When the development bubble burst , federal regulators started probing the balance sheets of the biggest banks .

  4. 数字电视、IPTV的发展对房地产开发项目的影响

    The Development of the Digital TV and IPTV Affects Item of Real Estate Exploitation

  5. 1997&2004年间,扣除土地购置费后的房地产开发投资的增量占GDP增量的比重达到11.6%,其中,2004年达到13%。房地产业健康持续发展对我国国民经济可持续发展具有深远的影响。

    Healthy and sustainable development of real estate imposes a prominent and far-reaching effect on sustainable development of national economy in China .

  6. Granger因果关系检验表明,GDP对房地产开发投资存在单向的显著可信的Granger因果关系;

    The Granger causality test shows that there is one-way remarkable Granger causality relationship from GDP to real estate development investment .

  7. 结合客户满意理论在房地产开发领域里应用方法的分析,得出了实施开发方案CSI调查和评价的方法,构建了完整和针对性强的CSI评价指标层次模型。

    Then analyses the application of Customer Satisfaction theory in Real Estate , and build an integrated CSI assessment Hierarchy Model .

  8. 再次用实证分析的方法揭示房地产开发投资与GDP增长的因果关系、房地产开发投资对GDP的贡献及贡献度。

    Again using the method of empirical analysis reveals the real estate development investment and the causal relationship between GDP growth , investment in real estate development and contribution to the GDP contribution .

  9. 本文通过引用相关数据研究w银行房地产开发贷款现状,提出其贷后管理工作存在借款人风险、项目风险和贷款管理风险。

    By studying the current situation of W Bank real estate development loans with relevant data , this article points out that there are borrower risk , project risk , and loans to manage risk .

  10. 本文选取了37家上市房地产开发企业的18个财务指标建立评价指标体系,对同一套数据分别采用判别分析法和Logistic回归模型进行估计。

    The paper selects 18 financial indicators of 37 listed real estate companies to establish the evaluation index system , and uses the same set of data to estimate discriminant analysis model and Logistic regression model .

  11. 不过,在上海上市的上海外高桥保税区开发股份有限公司(ShanghaiWaigaoqiaoFreeTradeZoneDevelopment)股票周一已连续第三日达到10%的涨停限制。据传外高桥是可能参与该项目的两家房地产开发公司之一。

    But Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Development , one of two real-estate developers rumoured to be likely to be involved in the project , jumped by the 10 per cent daily limit for a third day in Shanghai trading yesterday anyway .

  12. 然后重点探讨了房地产开发经营中的客户关系管理(第3章),强调CRM在房地产开发经营中的市场定位、施工建设、销售、物业管理等全过程中的应用;

    Then , in the third chapter , it analyses the application of the market orientation , the construction , the sales and the property management in the course of the real estate development and operation .

  13. 房地产开发企业应该借鉴SOHO现代城的成功运作,注重创新,培养核心竞争力,塑造自己的品牌。

    Other developers should make good use of experiences of SOHO Modern City , and pay attention to innovation , core competing power cultivation and brand construct .

  14. 论文研究结果对JG房地产开发公司及同类企业均有一定的实际参考意义。

    The findings of this paper has the certain actual reference significance to JG Real Estate Company and the similar enterprise .

  15. 成都市ABC房地产开发公司,作为一家多年来从事房地产开发经营的成都中小房地产本土企业,面临市场低迷、销售量价齐跌、资金压力加大等方面的困境。

    The Chengdu ABC real estate company , as a small and medium-sized real-estate enterprise who is focused on real estate items operation , is facing with sluggish market , sales and price down and the pressure on fund .

  16. 山东TY集团是山东省一家以房屋建筑施工为主,集房地产开发、建筑装饰装修、市政工程施工等多元化经营于一体的综合性建筑企业。

    Shandong TY Group is one of the construction enterprise in Shandong Dezhou which is involve in housing construction mainly , setting in real estate development , construction decoration , ground-based diversified construction business .

  17. 我国房地产开发企业品牌延伸策略研究

    Research on the Brand Expanding Tactics of Chinese Real Estate Corporations

  18. 威海经济技术开发区房地产开发总公司

    Weihai Economy and Technology Development Area Real Estate Development General Company

  19. 城市规划与房地产开发之间存在不同的思想内涵。

    Urban planning is different in contents from real estate development .

  20. 论北京房地产开发设计策划

    Statement on Designing and Programming of Real Estate Development in Beijing

  21. 负责房地产开发公司相关项目设计工作。

    Responsible for project design of the real estate development company .

  22. 房地产开发企业并未出现普遍的暴利行为;

    Sudden huge profit does not appear in the estate development .

  23. 全国的房地产开发速度也是相当快。

    The national property development speed is also quite quick .

  24. 房地产开发风险多级模糊综合评价

    The Fuzzy Multi-hierarchical Comprehensive Evaluation of Risk in Property Development

  25. 房地产开发差别化战略研究

    A study of the differentiation strategy for real estate development

  26. 房地产开发规划管理的动态监测

    Research on monitoring mechanism of real estate development planning regulation

  27. 基于平衡计分法的房地产开发企业绩效评价体系

    The assessing system for performances on the real-estate business based on balance-scorecard-method

  28. 城市房地产开发土地供应机制探讨

    Land supplying 's machanism of real estate development of city

  29. 多目标决策方法在房地产开发中应用

    The application of Multi-objective decision-making method in real estate development

  30. 所以,房地产开发企业的税收筹划尤为重要。

    Therefore , the property development enterprise 's tax-planning especially is important .