
  • 网络real estate transaction
  1. 对洗钱者十分重要的匿名和流动性这两个特征,在房地产交易中往往不存在,德杰律师事务所(Dechert)写道。

    Anonymity and liquidity , two characteristics important to money launderers , typically do not exist in real estate transactions , the Dechert law firm wrote .

  2. 时至今日,房地产交易几乎已经成了苏世民的第二天性。

    By now , real estate transactions were practically second nature to Mr. Schwarzman .

  3. 他为他们在几次非法房地产交易中作了掩护。

    He fronted for them in several illegal property deals .

  4. 美国律师协会(AmericanBarAssociation)表示,在房地产交易中,肯定应该对马尔金这样的政府官员给予更密切的关注,但该机构的指导方针是自愿执行的。

    The American Bar Association suggests that government officials like Mr. Malkin warrant enhanced scrutiny in real estate deals , but its guidelines are voluntary .

  5. VRML在房地产交易系统中的应用

    Application of VRML in Real Estate Transaction System

  6. 和其他类型的金融资产相比,房地产交易带来的洗钱风险相对较小,美国土地产权协会(AmericanLandTitleAssociation)在对监管规则提案的意见书中说。

    The money-laundering risks presented by real estate closings are relatively small , compared to other types of financial assets , the American Land Title Association said in comments on the proposed rules .

  7. rca称,第一季度,新兴市场的房地产交易宗数猛增43%。

    RCA says the number of transactions in emerging markets jumped 43 per cent in the first quarter .

  8. 2010年初,一位名叫刘特佐(JhoLow)的马来西亚年轻金融家开始在美国做起非常昂贵的房地产交易。

    In early 2010 , a young Malaysian financier named Jho Low began making some very expensive real estate deals in the United States .

  9. 一桩杠杆率极高、获得德意志银行(DeutscheBank)58亿美元贷款的房地产交易,使得麦克洛成为新闻人物,而麦克洛在几处重要房产【比如通用汽车大厦(GeneralMotorsBuilding)】中的股份,据称已经岌岌可危。

    A highly leveraged real estate transaction backed by a $ 5.8 billion loan from Deutsche Bank kept his name in the news , and his stake in several trophy properties , like the General Motors Building , were said to have been in jeopardy .

  10. 复星的首笔英国房地产交易是在2013年完成的,当时它买下了伦敦金融城的LloydsChambers大楼,同年复星还进军美国,买下纽约摩天大楼——大通曼哈顿广场一号(OneChaseManhattanPlaza)。

    Fosun 's debut UK property deal came in 2013 when it acquired Lloyds Chambers in the City of London , and it stepped into the US in the same year , buying 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza in New York .

  11. 有三位知情人士表示,文件中提到的员工是加思•彼得森(GarthPeterson),摩根士丹利在中国的顶尖房地产交易撮合者。他在去年圣诞节期间遭到解雇。

    Three people familiar with the matter said the employee referred to in the filing was Garth Peterson , Morgan Stanley 's top property deal-maker in China until he was fired around Christmas last year .

  12. 而根据房地产交易网站Zillow今天发布的报告,第二季度全美住宅价格中位数同比上涨了0.2%,达到14.93万美元,这是2007年以来首次出现年度上涨。

    This comes as home values nationwide rose 0.2 % year-over-year to a median $ 149,300 during the second quarter , the first annual increase since 2007 , real estate listing site zillow reported today .

  13. 同时在本文中,我们还以电子商务房地产交易系统为例,根据合同网络协议,应用OAP网设计了房地产交易中买方(买房方)和卖方(房地产开发商)模型。

    In this dissertation , we design the buyer ( people who want to buy house ) model and seller ( developer of real estate ) model of dealing in real estate in electronic commerce with OAP technology according to contract net protocol .

  14. 前述西方律所的报告显示,奥林巴斯总裁笹宏行(HiroyukiSasa)、董事长木本泰行(YasuyukiKimoto,已于去年退休)以及身在东京的另外两名董事,曾要求香港和深圳的下属推进这项房地产交易。

    At one point , the Olympus president , Hiroyuki Sasa ; chairman , Yasuyuki Kimoto , who retired last year ; and two other board members in Tokyo told subordinates in Hong Kong and Shenzhen to move forward with the real estate deal , according to the report by the Western law firm .

  15. 许多颇有争议的经济特区可能仅仅是房地产交易。

    Many of the SEZs mooted may simply be property deals .

  16. 房地产交易的本质是房地产产权的交易。

    The nature of real estate trade is real estate property trade .

  17. 他们通过一些子虚乌有的房地产交易赚了一大笔钱。

    They made a fortune through some sham property deal .

  18. 文件显示,奥林巴斯提议进行一项房地产交易。

    Olympus , the documents show , proposed a real estate transaction .

  19. 在房地产交易中,企业常常通过向银行贷款购置房产与地产。

    In real estate trade enterprises often make purchase by getting bank loans .

  20. 沈阳市房地产交易市场发展策略的研究

    Research of Shenyang Real Estate Trading Market Development Strategy

  21. 实际上,没有对房地产交易进行深入审查的要求。

    In fact , in-depth scrutiny of real estate deals is not required .

  22. 城市房地产交易过程中的利益冲突及立法保护

    On the Benefit Conflict and Legal Protection of the Urban Real Estate Transaction

  23. 二是完善房地产交易大厅功能。

    Second , the real estate business hall functions .

  24. 他正从事一些高价的房地产交易。

    Who was involved in high-priced commercial real estate .

  25. 房地产交易中的物权变动制度

    System of Real Right Change in Real Property

  26. 房地产交易中的委托&代理行为研究

    The Research of Entrust-Agency in Real Estate Transaction

  27. 房地产交易的诚信服务

    Service of faith in the real estate transaction

  28. 因而提高房地产交易的透明度成为我国发展的关键问题之一。

    So the issue on improving the transparency of real estate transactions becomes critical now .

  29. 美国房地产交易的诸多规则皆源自古老的英国普通法。

    Many transactional rules in real estate law come from the ancient English common law .

  30. 然而,在房地产交易中,房地产估价与房地产经纪之间存在很多问题。

    In the estate business , however , there are many problems between the two .