
  • 网络real estate law;property law;Real Property Law
  1. 硕士研究生主修民商房地产法专业。

    Graduate majoring in civil and commercial real estate law professionals .

  2. 这预示着中国的发展,房地产法是波浪式前进。

    This augurs well for the development of Chinese real estate law is a wave-like forward .

  3. 研究生期间主要学习经济法专题、城市建设与房地产法、资源保护法学、环境保护法学等。

    Graduate student period main study economic rules and regulations topic , urban construction and real estate law , resources conservation legal science , environmental protection law and so on .

  4. 而作为房地产法领域中基本原则的房地一体原则,无论是从理论界还是实务界看来,毫无疑问都应该适用于以房地产出资的交易方式。

    As a basic principle in real estate law , principle of integration of land and house surely shall be applied to contribution by real estate in the opinion of scholar as well as practitioner .

  5. 基于模糊数学的房地产市场法价格评估

    Real Estate Valuation with Market Approach Based on Fuzzy Mathematics

  6. 我国对转租一贯采限制主义,无论是《民法通则》,还是原《经济合同法》和《城市房地产管理法》均采此主义。

    Our country adopts restrictionism in General Rules of the Civil Law , the original Economic Contract Law and Urban Real Estate Management Law .

  7. 在我国,土地征用权的法律规定主要来自《宪法》、《土地管理法》和《城市房地产管理法》。

    In our country , legal right of land expropriation mainly comes from " The Constitution of the PRC "," The Law of Land Administration "," The Law of the PRC on Urban Real Estate Administration " .

  8. 从微观方面分析,上述三种相关法律文件均待完善:《中华人民共和国房地产管理法》对抵押问题的规定过于简单,法律空白地带过多;

    Speaking from the microscope aspect , above-mentioned three laws need perfect . The People 's Republic of China Real Estate Management Law is too simple on the real estate mortgage , and the law blank district is excessive .

  9. 建议国家制定《农村房地产管理法》,这样既可以促使农村宅基地和住宅的有序流转,又可以保护和合理利用珍贵的土地资源。

    It is proposed to formulate " National Regulations for the Country Real Estate Management ", which will not only guarantee to transfer the site of a house and the house in order , but also protect and make good use of our land resources .

  10. 基于BP神经网络的房地产市场比较法价格评估

    A Method of Real Estate Market Comparison Approach Appraisal Based on Neural Networks

  11. 将BP神经网络理论应用于房地产市场比较法价格评估,讨论了网络结构的设计、学习算法等问题;

    By applying the theory of neural networks into the Real Estate Market Comparison Approach Appraisal , this paper discuss the problems of designing and training of neural networks .

  12. 房地产评估收益法理论教学与研究

    Theoretical teaching and study of income method of real estate valuation

  13. 房地产估价成本法重构

    Reestablishment of Cost Approach in Real Estate Appraisal

  14. 房地产市场比较法评估支持系统设计与应用研究

    The Research of Market Comparison Approach Appraisal Support System Design and Application in Real Estate

  15. 在对房地产估价成本法的房地产价格构成、成本法参数确定原则进行分析之后,提出了成本法参数确定的方法,增强了成本法在房地产估价中的可操作性和实用性。

    Based on analysis of cost compositions of real estate productions and principle of parameter determination for cost approach in real estate appraisal , a method suitable for parameter determination is introduced .

  16. 《房地产经济促进法》调整国家运用经济杠杆调控房价时形成的法律关系,主要涉及税收、利率、信贷方面。

    Real estate economy promote law which regulated legal relations formed in the period of use of economic growth to regulate prices is to involved to the aspect of tax 、 rate 、 credit .

  17. 因此,在结合我国国情与国外先进的经验的基础上,本文试图对包含住房保障制度和税收体制两方面的房地产宏观调控法进行完善和建设。

    Therefore , combine the situation of our country and the foreign advanced experience , this article contains the housing security system and for the tax system both macro-control method to improve the real estate and construction .

  18. 从基本原理、图示法、数学推导三个侧面对房地产评估收益法进行了剖析,提出了资本化方法与折现方法的一致性;

    The income method of the real estate valuation is analysed from the three aspects of basic principle , graphic method , mathematical derivation . In this paper , the indentity of the capitalization method with the discounting method is proposed .

  19. 模糊数学在房地产评估市场比较法中的应用研究

    Research of Application of Fuzzy Mathematics in the Market Comparison Approach

  20. 房地产估价收益还原法中的折旧费探讨

    Analysis of Depreciation in the Real Estate Appraisal Using Income Capitalization Approach

  21. 房地产定价中市场法应用的中美比较

    Marketing Method Used in House Evaluation between China and America

  22. 具体分三种情况进行了阐述:一是新建房地产下成本估价法应注意的问题;

    Specificly expound these problems frome following three respect : First , The problems needing attention for newly develope real estate ;

  23. 最后结合我国国情,分析了目前我国房地产评估运用市场法存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出了相应的对策。

    And last it analyzes the problems of using market approach in the real estate appraisal in our country at present and gives the countermeasures .

  24. 本文首先对国内外房地产评估中市场法的应用概况、市场法研究的意义及研究内容和方法作了概述;

    The article firstly gives a summarizing of the applications of market approach on the native and the foreign countries , and the meanings , contents and approaches of market approach research .

  25. 从法律渊源来说,商品房预售合同制度属于房地产管理的经济法范畴,而不是出现在物权法范畴,因此,这一制度的行政管理意义远大于法律效力。

    It falls into the domain of economic law rather than the law of real rights . Therefore , the administrative management of this system far outstrips legal binding force .

  26. 在城市规划区范围内,以出让方式取得土地使用权进行房地产开发的闲置土地,依照《中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法》的有关规定办理。

    Idle land that is lying within the urban plan areas and whose use right has been leased for real estate development shall be handled according to the " Urban Property Administration Law of the People 's Republic of China " .

  27. 目前,规范房地产抵押的法律法规及规章主要有:《中华人民共和国房地产管理法》、《中华人民共和国担保法》以及建设部制定颁布的《房地产抵押管理办法》。

    Currently the laws and regulations about the real estate mortgage mainly have : The People 's Republic of China Real Estate Management Law , The People 's Republic of China Guarantee Law and The Real Estate Mortgage Management Method .

  28. 本文从房地产估价的客观性出发,利用灰色理论和模糊集的相关知识对提高房地产估价市场比较法的客观程度提出自己的研究成果。

    This thesis stands the point of improving the objectivity and precision of real estate appraisal . It does some research on the market comparison method by using grey theory and fuzzy set .