
fánɡ dì chǎn zhuǎn rànɡ
  • transfer of real property;assignment of real property
  1. 从我国城市房地产转让登记制度看我国承认物权行为的价值

    On the Significance of the Acknowledged Real Right Behavior in China

  2. 房地产转让中的法律问题研究

    Research on Legal Issues in the Assignment of Real Estate

  3. 对房地产转让的产生了负面影响;

    Forth , the system has negative effect on real estate exchange .

  4. 房地产转让应当遵循自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则。

    Real estate transfer shall follow the principle of voluntaries , fairness and honesty .

  5. 第二条本市国有土地范围内的房地产转让,适用本办法。

    The present Measures shall apply to the transfer of urban real estate on the state-owned land in the municipality .

  6. 房地产转让时,土地使用权出让合同载明的权利、义务随之转移。

    When real estate is transferred , the rights and obligations stated in the contract for granting the land-use right shall be transferred therewith .

  7. 房地产转让,应当签订书面转让合同,合同中应当载明土地使用权取得的方式。

    For the transfer of real estate , a written transfer contract shall be concluded in which the means of obtaining the land-use right shall be stated .

  8. 抵押房地产转让或者出租所得价款,应当向抵押权人提早清偿所担保的债权。

    Proceeds obtained from assignment or lease of the mortgaged real property shall be paid to the mortgagee ahead of the scheduled date to pay off the mortgage .

  9. 房地产转让、抵押时,房屋的所有权和该房屋占用范围内的土地使用权同时转让、抵押。

    In the transfer or mortgage of real estate , the ownership of the house and the land-use right to the house site shall be transferred or mortgaged therewith .

  10. 下列行为视同房地产转让:(1)以房地产作为出资与他人成立法人企业的;

    Following behavior inspects real estate of of the same branch of a family to make over : ( 1 ) serves as with estate contributive establish legal person company with other ;

  11. 本办法所称的房地产转让,是指房地产权利人将其依法拥有的房地产转移给他人的行为。

    The real estate transfer mentioned in these Procedures refers to the act of a real estate right owner of transferring the title of his or her legally owned real estate to other person ( s ) .

  12. 未经登记的房地产不得转让。

    The unregistered real estate shall not be transferred .

  13. 房地产发生转让、变更等情形,应当及时办理有关登记。

    Relevant Registration shall be timely made when the real estate is transferred or altered .

  14. 在立法中,确立明确的房地产公司股权转让的管理机构,严格监督房地产公司股权转让,实行股权转让申报制度,并对违法的股权转让行为实行公司人格否认制度。

    In legislation , to establish a transfer of real estate equity management agencies , and supervision of real estate share transfer , the implementation of share transfer reporting system , and the illegal transfer of the corporate equity Piercing .

  15. 房地产权利人转让房地产,应当向县级以上地方人民政府规定的部门如实申报成交价,不得瞒报或者作不实的申报。

    An obligee of real estate shall , in transfer of his real estate , truthfully report the transaction price to the Department designated by the local people 's government at or above the county level and shall not make a concealed or false report .

  16. 经批准转让以划拨方式取得土地使用权的房地产时,房地产转让双方均为纳税人。

    In case of acquiring the land use right to real estate by allocation upon approval , both parties to the transfer of real estate shall be the taxpayers .

  17. 本法所称房地产交易,包括房地产转让、房地产抵押和房屋租赁。

    " Real estate business " as the term is used in this Law includes real estate transfer , real estate mortgage and premises lease .